The Tao of Christ

Living in the Mind of God

June 12, 2021 Marshall Davis

We are living in the Mind of God. We are ideas in the Divine Mind. You might say that the universe is a dream or a day dream that God is having, or a brainstorm that God is having. Indian philosophy says this world is a dream being dreamt by the god Vishnu. The Bible sees creation as more intentional. It says that the act of creation is consciously deliberate. God intentionally spoke this world into existence. But it is still all originating from the Mind of God. Its source is the Mind of God.

We are not the time-bound physical beings that we mistake for ourselves. We are Being Itself. These physical forms are temporal manifestations of the Eternal. In essence we are the Source of all time-bound manifestations. We are the Mind of God. Abiding in the Mind of God is Awakening, Liberation, Enlightenment or Salvation. That is what it means by saying we are made in the image of God. The Changeless Eternal is our immortal Nature. Our mortal selves appear within that Divine Being. As Paul said, “In Him we live and move and have our Being.”