Western Pennsylvania Game Changers with Chris Hoke

Days for Girls

Chris Hoke, Lisa Mitchell, Reverend Karie Ann Charlton and Carrie Powell Season 1 Episode 7

This month, co-hosts Chris and Lisa are joined by special guests, Reverend Karie Ann Charlton of the Third Presbyterian Church in Shadyside, and her friend, Carrie Powell. Pastor Karie leads the Pittsburgh Chapter of Days for Girls International, a charitable organization that provides feminine hygiene kits and health education to women and girls who desperately need them. Pastor Karie explains the difficult situations faced by women and girls around the world and how education and hygiene kits can make a huge difference in their lives. She and Carrie Powell, a regular volunteer with Days for Girls, also share how much they love volunteering with Days for Girls and give us a glimpse into the camaraderie and friendship that exists among volunteers. Volunteer opportunities exist for both women and men, and sewing skills, while useful, are not required. Please consider volunteering at Days for Girls, it could be exactly what you need in your life!

For more information about volunteering at Days for Girls and a host of other organizations, visit https://www.justserve.org/ (type in your zip code to find service opportunities near you).