Hope City Church
At Hope City Church, we’re passionate about helping you live out your Christian faith with purpose. Recorded in Edmonton, Alberta, our podcast shares Bible-based teachings and practical messages to encourage you to love God, grow in Christ, and find true hope in everyday life. Whether you're seeking spiritual growth or looking for hope and encouragement, join us for meaningful conversations that inspire faith and provide real-life applications of the gospel.
Hope City Church
Faith that Submits | Ken McIntyre
Pastor Ken dives into James 4:13-17, urging us to submit our plans to God and embrace humility as we navigate life’s uncertainties. Learn how to align your decisions with God’s will and avoid the pitfalls of arrogant planning.
- James 4:13-17
- Matthew 6:34
- Psalm 144:3-4
- 1 Thessalonians 4:3
- Galatians 5:25
- Matthew 26:39
Show Notes:
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- Hey, this is Phil Kniesel, lead pastor at Hope City Church. Thanks for tuning into our podcast. My prayer is that this helps and encourages you, gives you some practical ways to live out your faith and ultimately fills you with hope. Enjoy the message.- So, here's the scenario. It's July 5th. This past summer, my weather app is telling me it's gonna be a high of 26 degrees, and it's the first week of my summer holidays and I have absolutely nothing on my calendar or to-do list. Doesn't that sound nice days wide open? Possibilities are endless, but I still have to make decisions, right? If you don't make decisions on how you're gonna spend your day, you're gonna waste a day. So I have to make some decisions. So here's what I decided. I'm gonna go for a run and I was gonna read my new book and then I was gonna take the kids that afternoon for some ice cream. So I step into the garage and I tie my shoes and I open the garage door. And as the garage door is opening, so are my plans for the day being thrown away into the trash.'cause on my driveway was not what was supposed to be there. My vehicle was gone. So what's That's strange. No. Did some somebody? No. So I checked my security camera and there it is. Some gentleman, I, I prayed over what I was gonna call him today in front of you.
Some gentleman at 3:00 AM stole my car. It's like the, the, the questions are piling up in, in, in my mind. Like, like who steals cars? I know that happens on movies, but like, who steals my, it's a Camry. Who's a 2012 Camry? Who's taking my car? What do I do? I mean, what do I do now that someone stole my car? Like, what do I do first now, it's never happened to me. How did they steal my car? Now? Did I leave my keys in the car overnight? Yes. . But is that my fault also? Yes. The point of the story is that not only was my car hijacked, but my day was hijacked as well. Needless to say, my kids did not get ice cream that day. I did not read that book. I did not go for that run. You know, the most normal, the most mundane, the most regular thing that we do every day is organize our life. We just plan our life. We just go about our business. We don't really leave it to fate. You know, we don't consult an eight ball, right? When we a magic eight ball, when we're deciding what to have for breakfast, we don't do that. You know, we don't leave it up to the universe. What time should I leave for work in the morning to get there on time? We don't leave it up to the universe. We just make a decision. Or maybe you did leave it to the universe and that's why you don't have a job anymore. , we don't do that. We make decisions. We make decisions about these small, mundane details, but the large ones as well, you know, what program am I gonna take in university? We don't cast locks for that. Who am I going to marry? We don't, you know, get out a quarter heads Julie, you know, tail Samantha. We don't do that. We just make decisions. It's the most normal thing in the world to plan our life according to our preferences, according to our goals, according to what we want. In fact, to those who don't organize their life, have marks that are, have lives that are marked by disorganization, right? Marked by chaos. And we of course don't want that for ourselves. So planning for your future, whether it's like immediate tomorrow or, or delayed sometime later, it's, it's just a normal thing to do. It's not a religious thing, it's not a Christian thing, it's just a thing, thing. It's a person thing. But here's at least one problem that all of us encounter when we make our plans. And it's this, you have no idea what tomorrow brings. You have no idea what happens when that garage door opens. You just don't know. You can't control how other people drive when you leave this place. And if you could, you would be the only one on the road and no one else would be allowed to drive. If you can control things, we can't control, you can't control every aspect of your health. No matter how hard you try, every aspect of your, of your loved one's health, no matter how hard you try, you can't control every aspect of your kid's life. No matter how hard you try. You can't control the economy. No, how hard you try. You can't control everything at your work. No matter how hard you try, you can't control other people's choices. There are countless things that we have zero control over that greatly affect our life. And this is the root of worry. You know, maybe you came in here not worried, and now you are worried because I've talked to you about all the reasons you should be worried about. Or maybe you just came in here filled with worry because you intuitively know this, how little control you have over things and worry is the desire to control that which you can't control. And so that leads us with a very real problem, which is this, the most normal reflexive thing in the world is to just make plans. Just live your life, organize things, but they can be dashed in the blink of an eye. So how do we face the future? How do we face the future? That's what we're gonna talk about today. We're in a series called Faith for Real Life, where we're looking through the book of James. And it's a great title for a series because if we're gonna have a faith, we want a faith that makes sense for real life, right? Faith on the ground that works. Not a faith that sort of lives up here and doesn't work that isn't useful. We want a faith that is useful. So today we're looking through James chapter four, verses 13 through 17. And James is showing us two different postures of facing the future. One posture that honors God and one posture that doesn't. And so this is what it says starting in verse 13. Now listen, you who say today or tomorrow, we'll go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money while you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a miss. That appears for a little while and then vanishes. Instead, you ought to say, if it is the Lord's will, we will live and do this or that. As it is, you boast in your arrogant schemes. All such boasting is evil. If anyone then knows the good they ought to do and doesn't do it, it is sin for them. Now James is directing his comments directly to business people, people who have to make decisions about travel so they can go and engage in commerce, right? To make a living. It's, it's so normal. If you have a business, it's so mundane. It's like, yeah, I have to make decisions that are going to, you know, prosper the business.'cause I gotta put food on the table for me, maybe my family. But he may as well have said, now listen, you who are planning on getting married someday, now you listen. Who are planning having a baby someday? Now you who are, are thinking about switching careers. You who are nearing retirement and, and, and choosing how you're gonna spend your time and spend your money. He's saying, listen, all of you who make any decisions about anything, listen up. So he's including all of us. And then he tells us something we've already established and we already know intuitively, he says this, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. You don't even know. Listen, tomorrow, we're all planning tomorrow to just be a Monday. We're all planning for tomorrow. Just be a regular day. But it might be the worst day of your life. It might be the best day of your life. That's the point. Who knows? You don't. You have so little knowledge, so little control. Jesus tells us something similar, but he also tells us the remedy to that. He says this in Matthew six, therefore, do not worry about tomorrow. For tomorrow we'll worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Isn't that true? So true. We can waste our lives living in the future. We can waste our lives living in the future. We become so future focused that we miss the most important years of our kids' life thinking that we can make it up later. I know there's some people in here who regret that we can waste our lives living in the future. That the relationships that are most vital and important to us are just inching apart day by day until it's too late. Because we're living so far in the future. We can, we can waste our lives living in the future. That the very blessings and gifts that God is giving you to enjoy today, they just go unseen. It's like you don't even see it. Uh, James doubles down on this idea, and he says this in the second half of verse 14. He goes, what is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. Now, I don't know why Hallmark hasn't put this on cards. This would be such a great thing to say to just, you know, if I got this card, I'd be, oh, thanks, . You know, James isn't trying to make us feel warm and fuzzy inside. He's not trying to make us feel good. He's giving us medicine. He's just confronting us with reality. Sometimes we don't like to think about it, right? We like to think that we have control about everything, but, but James is like, no, you don't. He's presenting us with reality, saying your life, it's a mist. It's a vapor, it's a smoke. Psalm 1 44 says this, Lord, what are human beings that you care for them, meaning, yeah, your life is short. It's a mist, but it matters. What are, what are human beings that you care for? Them mere morals, that mortals that you think of them, they are like a breath. Their days are like a fleeting shadow. I feel this more than ever. I remember being a new parent and having people come up to me and say things like, the days are long, but the years are short. . Oh wait, yeah, that's what they say. . And I would get so annoyed. I would get so annoyed when people say things like that because they'll say things like this, don't blink and they'll grow up. Don't blink. And it's like, read the room. I'm the most tired I've ever been in my entire life, and you're telling me if I blink, I can speed through this season. I'm just gonna blink my face off. . It's so annoying. But what's even more annoying is that now I'm the person who can't help but say those exact same things to other people because it's so true. You just can't help it. My my friend, uh, had a new baby girl a couple weeks ago and I was having a conversation with her, and in my head I was also having a conversation with myself saying, don't say it Ken. Don't say it, Ken, Ken, don't you dare say it. And then I just said, I just blurted out, Hey girl, I'm so fast, right? I just couldn't help it. That's true. James is confronting us. He's saying, listen, what is your life? It's like a mist. It's here and it's gone. It's short. Your life here is short, but it matters how you live it. James' words here, they convey urgency, not, not hopelessness. How do you live this midst of a life in light of you having such incredibly limited knowledge? Man, you don't even know what tomorrow's gonna bring. You dunno what 10 minutes from now brings you. How do you plan your life? If you don't know you, you have no choice. You, you have, you have no ability to see what's gonna happen tomorrow. How do you plan your life with such incredibly limited power? Your life is a mist in light of having such limited knowledge and such limited power. How are you supposed to live this mist of a life? James 15 tells us this. He says, instead, meaning, instead of facing the future with all of your limitations, it says, instead you ought to say this. If it is the Lord's will, we will live and do this or that. So James is telling us, basically, listen, planning your life, that's, that's not bad or good. It's how you plan your life. That's what matters. That's what he's getting at. As you face your future, you have two postures. One that can honor God and one that doesn't honor God. And the honoring position says this, if it is the Lord's will, we will live and do this or that. Which seems sort of funny. It's as if James is saying, Hey, listen, plan your life however you want, but make sure you cover your butt by saying this caveat. If it's the Lord's will, so I'm gonna open that business and I'm gonna retire however I want. If it's the Lord's will, it's like just kind of like of like a, a, a rabbit's foot. I'm just gonna say this and it's gonna get like a, like a get outta jail free card. Of course, that's not what James is saying. That's not his heart. It's not the lips or the words from our lips that matter. It's, it's the posture of our heart that matters. See, the difference between the two ways of facing the future is this one remembers God and one doesn't. One forgets God. Now, I was trying to think even this morning, is there hardly a worse thing than being forgotten? It's terrible. Maybe you came into this place today or you're watching online and you just came in and you just feel forgotten. Maybe even God has overlooked you. That's what you think. It hurts so much to feel forgotten. Maybe you know, you're a parent and your kid forgot to call you on your birthday and it hurts. Or maybe you're a kid and you just remember how often your parents forgot about you when you were little. And it hurts. It hurts so much to be forgotten. It's like you don't exist. You're unnoticed, you're overlooked. But to be seen is to be recognized. To be seen is to be treated as a person of, of substance. And James is saying, don't face the future. Don't plan and organize your life for getting God. Because when we fail to keep God at the beginning and the center of our plans, you got things backwards because you're treating God as if he is of no substance. He's the mist. He's the vapor, he's the smoke. He's the one of no consequence. And James says this in verse 16, as it is, meaning as it is with those who don't remember God as they face the future, he says, you boast in your arrogance schemes and all such boasting is evil. It's boastful because you don't know what the future holds, but you ignore the that person who holds the future, right? You go about your life thinking that in your limited knowledge and your limited power, you can plan well, but you've misjudged yourself because you can't, you don't have what it takes. So what is the alternative? How are you supposed to face the future? We have, uh, on our street, three or four homes that have children all the same ages as my three girls. It's amazing. It's great. Sometimes in the summer, the only way you know where your kid is, is where all the bikes have congregated on the front lawn. And without a doubt, this is what happens on, on a summer day when the kids are up playing multiple times a day. I'll look and I'll see one of my girls, their hair just bobbing as they're running towards me down the street and they burst through the front door out of breath. Dad, everyone's having a popsicle, can I have a Popsicle? Sure, sweetie, go on out. An hour later, middle one will come in and say, dad, dad, everyone's riding their bikes in the back alley. Can I go? Yeah, grab your helmet, have fun, be safe. You know, an hour later, dad can, can my friends come in and play Minecraft? Yeah, come on in. Let's play. Nine times outta 10. I say yes to my kids. In those scenarios, my wife is more like a six outta 10 in life. She's a 10 outta 10. But in this scenario, I'm saying yes, she's like a six outta 10. I'm more like a, I'm like my nine outta 10. I'm the yes guy. And I almost always say yes. And part of the reason is because they're my kids. They, they, they know their dad's heart. They know the family rules. They're rarely gonna ask something in that scenario that I'm gonna say no to. But of course they do. So sometimes I will say no. Sometimes I'll say no because what they're asking for is unwise. Sometimes it's unsafe. Sometimes I have plans for my kids that they don't know about. We gotta, we gotta be somewhere else. This is sort of a picture of what James is saying. Remembering God as you move through life is like a kid busting through the door in a summer day asking dad, Hey, this is what I got on. What do you think? Heavenly Father, here's my budget. Here it is. Will you take a look at it? I made it. I think it's good, but I want you to take a look at it. I want your eyes on this thing. Does this honor you the way I've planned for the month way I've planned for the year? Does this budget honor you? Even your calendar? Heavenly Father, here's my calendar. I made it. I think it's good, but I want your eyes on it. Do I have your blessing? Because this is gonna dictate my life. This is gonna dictate how I spend my evenings and my weekends and my days. God, do I have your, do I have your blessing? Can you take a look at this? God, I have this idea for a business, or I have this idea for work and, and I think it's a good thing and I've talked about it with my spouse and I've talked about it with my parents, and I think it's a good thing. But I want your eyes on this. Do I have your blessing? That's what it's like. And you know what? In life you're gonna get a whole lot of yeses from God. If you have committed your life to Jesus Christ, he is your personal savior, then you know the father's heart. You know the family rules. So generally speaking, you're not gonna ask for silly things. Generally speaking, sometimes, yeah. So sometimes you're gonna get no, because what you ask for is not wise, it's not safe. Sometimes God has something better for you. You asking for this, but God has something much better if you just wait. Sometimes God has somewhere else for you to be. And so you're gonna get some nos sometimes. So you're gonna get some yeses, lots of yeses. You're gonna get some nos. But sometimes, sometimes you're not gonna hear anything. You're gonna bust through that front door and ask your dad, and it's gonna be like radio silence. You know, he's there, but he's not saying anything. And that could be paralyzing. How do you face the future when God is silent? Imagine me asking my wife or my wife asking me, excuse me, honey, can you help me clean the house? It's a disaster. And I say, babe, if it's the Lord's will , I will, I will clean the house. So I toil for hours in prayer. Our, she's vacuuming all around me, and I'm just, I'm praying, Lord, she's dusting. I'm crying, tears. Lord, I can't hear from you, . It's like, no, grab a vacuum, right? Get to work. Oftentimes we'll use God's will as an excuse for inaction, and we're paralyzed waiting for an answer. Um, here's what you need to understand. God has given you clear revelation of his will in his word. God has given you exact moral and ethical clarity in his word. There's no guesswork. This is called His revealed. Will you know what it is? 99.9% of your day in every interaction that you face, in every situation that you encounter, you know God's will for your life. You do. Should I give to the poor? Should I forgive? Should I tell the truth? Should I be lazy? Should I cheat on my taxes? Should I live a sexually pure life? Should I honor my spouse? Should I treat my kids with respect? You know, you, you know the answers to these questions. You know how to live your life pleasing to the Lord. You have that. This is what the Bible tells us in verse Thessalonians four, verse three. It says, it is God's will, that you should be sanctified. That is God's will for your life, that you should be sanctified, meaning that, that you would be made holy. When it comes to God's will, we often only ever think about that 0.1%, right? Those major life decisions. Who should I marry? What career should I take? Right? Where should I live? Right? Those are the things that we think about when God's will. But understand, you already know 99.9% of God's will for your life. Now, do we take those big decisions to the Lord? Of course we do. God cares about those things. We need to take them to the Lord. But here's what you have to understand, that God cares way more about your character than he does about what career you choose. He does. God cares way more about your holiness than what house do you buy. He does listen, if you choose the, the, the right career, but you're a jerk. You've missed it. If you, you know, find the right city or house to live in, but you're not growing and not not showing fruits of the spirit, you're lacking love, joy, and peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, self-control. If you're missing those things, like you missed it, you missed out on 99.9% of God's will for your life. God's word is God's will. And god's will is that you would be holy. However, of course, there are these big decisions, these things that we want to honor the Lord with. We don't wanna forget 'em as we face the future. They're big. It means they're life choices. They're gonna affect a lot of things. They're gonna affect your future in a big way. And we bring 'em to the Lord. And, and when you don't provide clarity, it's like, like, like what are you supposed to do? God, should I take this job in this new city? You know, God, how am I supposed to really spend these, these last final years I've been working my whole life and now what do I do? And you don't hear anything. How do you face the future when God is silent? I served at a wonderful church in Calgary for 10 years before I came up to Edmonton in 2015. I loved that church. It was, it was, it was great. And I received an opportunity to interview for, uh, a role at our district head office here in Edmonton working for youth pastors. And I did not want to move to, I did not wanna move to Edmonton, and my wife did not wanna move to Edmonton. Uh, but we both felt that maybe I should just take the interview. And then I, after the interview, I thought to myself, oh no, I think the Lord wants me to move to Edmonton. And he was like, Lord, please tell Kim I don't want to have this conversation. Please tell Kim. I remember, I remember being in a hotel room, Edmonton, and on the phone with my wife, and she said, Ken, I think we're supposed to move to Edmonton. I was like, thank you Lord, on many levels. Thank you for the clarity on that . That was crystal clear direction of a very specific kind of life choice. I was thankful for that. Well, in that role, I met a ton because I was working with churches. I met a ton of great leaders, a ton of great pastors from around the province. And I thought to myself, and I prayed often, God, I would love, I would love to work for one of two people who I could just learn from, download from. Those two people were someone named, uh, pastor Gary Taitinger, who used to be the lead pastor at this church. And the other person, you might know him, um, Phil Kniesel. Uh, I'd love to work for the one of those two people. And wouldn't you know it Pastor Gary Tinger, he gets voted in to be the district superintendent, which means he was my boss. And I was like, this is wonderful. Thank you Lord. You, you answered my prayer. I just felt like the kindness of God was over my life. But before I worked for PA, with, for, for Pastor Gary, for one day, pastor Phil asked about, come on staff here and be, uh, one of the pastors here on staff. And God, the nerve answered both my prayers, but I was actually paralyzed. I was stressed out at this. I didn't know what to do. Both of them seemed like viable options. Both the things I, I felt like I could have exercised gifts and could've enjoyed, and it would've been good for my family. I I didn't really know what to do. And so I prayed. Of course, I prayed nothing. I talked to Kim. Nothing, prayed more, nothing. It was just like I was, I was paralyzed. I just was lost. I didn't know what to do. So I was out for lunch with a mentor and I was telling him my situation and he just looked at me and he said something I'll never forget. He goes, Ken, I think God trusts you to make a decision. I think God trusts you to choose. It's like, oh, I never thought that my heavenly Father trusted me. I thought it kind of only ever went one way. I never really considered that. So I committed my decision to the Lord, and, and I made a call and decided to come here and I'm glad I did. Don't live paralyzed. If you have a choice in front of you today that you have brought to the Lord in prayer, that you have brought to Christian friends and Christian mentors, and this just unclear, here's my advice to you, committed to the Lord, make a decision and just get on with things. Just move on. Stop living paralyzed. Don't use God's will as an excuse for inaction committed to the Lord. Make a decision. Open. Live it. You know, open handedly and, and just move on. Don't live paralyzed. So many people live in fear of missing out on God's leading God's will for their life. And maybe that's you today. So let me encourage you. It's what the Apostle Paul says in Galatians five. It says, since we live by the spirit, let us keep in step with the spirit. You know, my kids are getting too old to hold their dad's hand in public. They grow up so fast. And sometimes though, my 7-year-old will kind of unwillingly just grab my hand. Let's say I'm walking through the mall and she'll just grab my hand and I love it. And we're going and she doesn't really realize that I'm leading her. She's not in charge in this scenario. She's like 20 pounds, right? I'm in charge in this scenario. And so we're going, and if I turn right, I don't announce going right. I just kind of move and she moves with me. If I wanna see something, I slow down. If I wanna speed up to move around something, it speed up. And she's kind of just lockstep with me hand in hand. You know, we could walk around for an hour, an hour and a half. She doesn't even realize that, that I've been leading her the whole time. Let me encourage you. Many of you are smack dab in the middle of God's will. You are. And you're tormenting yourself. You're tormenting yourself wondering, am I in God's will? Listen, God has been leading you without you even realizing it. If you are concerned, if you are worried about honoring the Lord with the decisions in your life, you are living the posture that James is talking about, God is leading you. I wanna encourage you, continue to make those decisions of submitting them before the Lord. Keep lockstep with the spirit. Keep walking in his will. Stop doubting yourself. Now, I don't wanna give you false encouragement or false hope for anyone here today because maybe you have made your plans and there are your plans, and God has really had nothing to do with them. But you're asking God now to bless your plans that you made without him. And you're asking him to do that kind of counterly. That's presumptuous. That's the arrogance that James is talking about. That's facing the future for getting God. And so you've organized aspects of your life without referencing God, it being your budget, that being your work or your business, that being your calendar. So what does it look like to stop your, stop and ask your heavenly Father, God, would you give me direction with my budget? Would you give me direction to my finances? God, I need your will for my calendar. This is, this is a big deal. God, would you, would you help me with my, with my marriage? Is there an area of your life that you are totally in control of, not God you haven't submitted to him? If so, here's how to fix this. We have one who has gone before us who has modeled the way a forerunner Jesus Christ, the son of God, he who eternally coexist with the Father, God from God, light from light, begotten, not made. The one who is, who was and is to come. The one who has made all things and, and, and in Him all things hold together. This very Jesus. He, before he was arrested and put on trial and crucified, he submitted his plans to the heavenly Father. See God's will, God's sovereign will, that his revealed will, his sovereign will, which is his will that can never be thwarted by anyone or anything. His sovereign will was that Jesus would go to the Christ, that Jesus would go to the cross to die in my place and die in your place. His sovereign will was that the weight of your sin and the weight of my sin, the weight of the entire world replaced on Jesus, his sovereign will, that Jesus would die. And in so break the, the penalty and and the pain that, that, that sin has over our life, which is separation from God, his sovereign will, that Jesus would rise from the grave three days later defeating death in sin and offering us new life for those who believe that was his sovereign will. This is what Jesus prayed moments before all of that. He goes, this, my father, Matthew 26, my Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me, yet not as I will, but as you will. Jesus is our Lord. He's our Savior and he is our example. Can you take a look at your life? Take inventory, every aspect of it, and could you look at it all and pray, God, your will be done, not mine. That's how we face the future. Let's pray. God, I thank you for your word, which is your will that shows to us not only who you are and how we can know you in Christ, but it reveals to us with such clarity how we are to live in this world, in your world that you have made, it has shown us with great clarity how we ought to treat one another, how we ought to conduct our finances, how we ought to plan our life. You've given us clarity. So God, I thank you for that Holy Spirit. Would you fill our hearts and our minds with such a love for you that we would submit every area of our life to you, leaving nothing hidden, giving you control. And Lord, would you impress upon our hearts and knew that you are trustworthy, you are a good heavenly Father who wants good things for us. And so God, we would be able to trust you with those hard parts, those that money or our calendar, our business with our relationships, God, that we would be people who fully put our trust in God, that there wouldn't be an asterisk beside that there wouldn't be anything that we're hiding from you, but that we can face the future in full submission to the will of God. Lord, if there are people here today who have big decisions in front of them and they have been living in a paralyzed state, God, that you're just bring freedom into their heart to make a decision as they committed to you, Lord, did you bless them? Lord, do you encourage those who have given their life to you and submitted their life to you in all things, but they're just worried, Lord, about being in your will? Lord, there'll just be peace that you bring into their heart that you're pleased with them. Your Father who loves them, Lord, for those who have made their plans without reference to you, holy Spirit, I pray that you just convict not to bring guilt and shame, but to draw them closer to you, that they can realign their life and their plans with what you want. If the Lord wills, we will live and we'll do this and we'll do that. So thank you, Lord. But I pray for those in this place today who do not have a relationship with Jesus Christ. I pray Holy Spirit, that you would impress upon their heart to give their life to you, to turn from their sin and realize their way isn't working, but they can trust the one who has unlimited knowledge and unlimited power. For we do not know what tomorrow holds. We are only amids. But Lord, you hold tomorrow in your hands and so would everyone, Lord, in this place turn to you and live a life after Jesus Christ. So we pray this in the wonderful name of your Son. Amen. If you're here today and you do not have a relationship with Jesus, but you want to begin one, you wanna see what that's like, we would love to pray with you and help you do that. We're gonna have some prayer team up to the front, left hand side. If you can't do that today, if you have to leave, uh, there's a QR code in your seat back, or if you're online on the screen, that can help you take that next step as you look at your life, as you look at your leak, as you go home today, you know you can ask the Lord, God hears it all. Here's everything I am. Would your will be done? Not mine. Thank you of being in church today. See you later.