Banana Data Podcast

Being an Ethical Data Scientist, Federated Learning in Healthcare, and Dropping the “Best Model” Approach

May 09, 2019 Dataiku Season 1 Episode 1

Welcome to the Banana Data Podcast! For our inaugural episode, our hosts Triveni and Will challenge the idea that the “best model is the most efficient,” the current ethical gaps of data collection, and how methods like federated learning can help keep private user data, well, private.

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 Learn more about the articles referenced in this episode below:

 One Model to Rule Them All - by Christoph Molnar (bentoML)

 These Ads Think They Know You by Stuart A. Thompson  (NYTimes)

 A Little-Known A.I. Method Can Train on Your Health Data Without Threatening Your Privacy by MIT Technology Review (MIT Technology Review)

 Radical Markets: Uprooting Capitalism and Democracy for a Just Society by Eric A. Posner & E. Glen Weyl (Princeton Press)

 Are We In Control of Our Own Decisions? By Dan Ariely (TED)