CSA Security Update

How to Engage with Cloud Customers

July 27, 2020 John DiMaria; Assurance Investigatory Fellow

As a cloud service provider (CSP) customer engagement is crucial. 

It impacts customer loyalty, which directly impacts the bottom line. The potential cost of incompetent customer engagement should be concerning to CSPs.

The lines between cloud providers and cloud consumers keep getting fuzzier every day. 

What are the main challenges of cloud computing that users face?

What is the growing paradigm shift in what users will expect from CSP’s moving forward as a minimum requirement?

 What are the top 3 or 4 risks of cloud computing they should be aware of on their end?

Get answers to these questions and more as we interview Jennifer "Jen" Chermoshnyuk; Security and Trust Engineer for GitHub and shed some light on this critical subject matter.

