
The Astrology In the Cosmic Kalendar & Why You Need It

Mark Lerner Season 1 Episode 58

It is Friday August 14, 2020 and after offering The Astrology of the Biden-Harris Ticket: Parts 1 & 2, we now present The Astrology In the Cosmic Kalendar and Why You Need It. This new podcast provides the history of how the Cosmic Kalendar came into being 39 years ago in 1981 and was originally the center-piece of my Welcome to Planet Earth astrology newsletter-newspaper-magazine for 20 years from 1981 to 2000. The Astrology Cosmic Kalendar is now an App and a collage image of the front covers of Welcome to Planet Earth is provided as an image on our website. Overall, this is the 58th podcast offered to the public since May 2019.

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