Brave New Girls - Well Beings, Well Planet

Whatever your shape, size or identity, you deserve clothes that fit you, with designer Bok Goodall

February 02, 2021 Lou Hamilton Season 3 Episode 5

This week's guest is Bok Goodall, fashion illustrator, award-winning lingerie designer, brand builder, innovator, campaigner and named Intima Media Group's inaugural Artist of The Year in 2019. Both creative & business minded she co-founded the lingerie brand Ms A London, which is designed and developed for Transgender women, and is part her My Size campaign for visibility & inclusivity in fashion.

Host & artist Lou Hamilton and Bok discuss the knock-backs she's faced in trying to get funding to create a fashion sizing system that allows for Transgender body shapes, but how, because she refuses to give up on a concept that she believes is a basic human right, her perseverance is paying off.

In this way this Woman of Courage brings us her Story from the Edge.

You can find out more about Bok's campaign on 

and you can follow her brand on Instagram @ms_a_london

Join our tribe and follow us on instagram @bravenewyoutribe and Lou @brave_newgirl CLUBHOUSE: @Louhamilton

Thanks to Podstar - the Podcast PR Agency for producing, & sourcing guests for the series

Music is licensed from Melody Loops

Support the show

Lou is the founder of Brave New Girl Media, author & wellbeing coach helping leaders be healthier, happier & more productively impactful.

INSPIRATION: Brave New Girls podcast- Well Beings, Well Planet.

SUPPORT: LOU'S LIFE LAB wellbeing coaching programme and our holistic, healthy, heart-led eco-retreats

GROWTH: articles to help you grow in life & work

Podcast planning workbook
Podcast Guesting course

Get in contact to book a 30 minute discovery call with Lou.

Books by Lou Hamilton:

  • Dare to Share- International bestselling guide to podcast guesting
  • FEAR LESS- coaching guide to living more bravely
  • Brave New Girl- How to be Fearless
  • Co-author: Women Excelling Everywhere #1 International Best-seller

Paintings by Lou @LouHamiltonart