Speaking Of... Conversations on Voice, Speech, and Identity with Ryan O'Shea

What is a "woman's voice"? with Lisa Ermel

July 17, 2019 Ryan O'Shea Season 1 Episode 8

On this episode of Speaking Of… I’m joined by my wonderful friend, actress and writer, Lisa Ermel.

Lisa’s initial question was “What is a woman’s voice?” We quickly discovered that another way of asking her question is “When am I managing how I sound because I’m trying to manage how I’m perceived?”

This was a really important conversation that has relevance to anyone who has ever found themselves adjusting the sound of their voice in order to fit some ideal of how they *think* they should be. We talk about some of the reasons why womxn, in particular, might change the sound of their voices, and how this is likely limiting their power.

You can find complete show notes and links to everything we’ve mentioned in the episode on https://www.voiceandspeechwithryan.com/podcast.