Best Next Step with Cass McCrory

In Business Archive: In Business Podcast - a new name and a bit of one on one time with Cass McCrory

January 03, 2022 Cass McCrory Season 1 Episode 142

In Business Podcast - a new name and a bit of one on one time with Cass McCrory

A season for second chances:

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friends. I am so excited. New shell opening. New name new year. Everybody's welcome. I'm excited because today is about. Evolution and kind of what's new, not just for the podcast, but for me, and maybe even for you too. When I started this podcast, 141 episodes ago. I was at a place of craving authenticity and realness. I had just had Elliot my third human and I needed connection. I needed some proof, honestly, that I could live what I desired out of this life. And I sought that proof by interviewing women that I admired, that I knew. I knew of. And that all went into creating the podcast that I called real women in business. And it gave me a really safe container to have those conversations. And I'm so grateful for that. It was, and it will always be the opposite of reality TV, which is what I was tired of. I was tired of. Fake or phony or one sided. Heavily polished with a filter. Thank you very much. About a year ago, the phrase real women. In our podcast name. Started to feel wrong. And I wasn't sure what to do about that. If I'm honest. And I am. I still am not Sharpie permanent marker. Kind of sure. And I'm choosing to see that as a gift in life right now. That we get to evolve. We get to change our mind. We get to change our mind again, sometimes. Because while everything feels very permanent. There are very few things that are really once and for all decisions. And. In the end, it was a decision that I needed to make. I asked a lot of people, what they thought. And in looking back at that, me asking for all of those different opinions was really just a stall tactic. It didn't help me move forward. It just helped me not make a decision for longer. I think, I think sometimes we just idle and I know that was the case for me. I was afraid to make the wrong decision. And I wasn't sure of what the right decision was. And I thought to myself, well, you'll know when, you know. And because I didn't know. I just. Didn't make a choice. And. It was causing feelings of. Reluctance to share. Because it didn't feel quite right as it was. And I didn't know what it needed to be. So I had my last meeting of 2021 on Monday, December 20th. And I set an intention. Over the next two weeks to gain some clarity on what was. Next for the podcast. If I should keep going, if I should rename it, like everything was on the table. And I said that I wanted it to happen in the flow east. Most EAs build value aligned way. And then I did a whole lot of nothing. Honestly, I did very little and it was so nourishing and it was so nurturing. I had not. Really put a point to. How tired I was. You know, 2020 was hard. For everyone. And different ways. And it was hard for me and our family too. Although we were really lucky to not lose somebody. But it doesn't diminish the hardness that we did face in that window. And so when 2021 happened and it's flowing into being, and things are busier and picking up. And businesses good and opportunities are flowing. And. Then we happen to find our dream house and we move and our kids have to change schools. And. The house needs a lot of updates and you have all of these things that happen. All good things, some hard things. I was tired. I was really tired. And so I read some holiday novels. I can highly recommend a season for a second chances by Jenny Bayless. So good. Not at all tied to Christmas. So if you are interested in some. Winter shore aside. Goodness. This is definitely a must read. For a dose of joy. I went for a few walks. I played a lot of games. I took a break from social media. I shoveled outside in the snow. And the snow kind of book-ended our vacation, which was. Lovely and unexpected. And it felt like two fresh starts. And it was really lovely. I also shoveled in the snow storm, the metaphorical snow storm of being in a home with four children, two adults, two dogs, and two cats. Uh, we hosted a lot. It was really, it was. It was such a value aligning time in how I nurtured myself. And on the 30th. Uh, December. I was like, oh wow. I had said that I wanted to use some of this brain space and clarity to make some decisions. So I decided that I was going to trust in the fact that I already had everything I needed. That was part of it. I needed to trust that I already had everything that I needed because I do. And so I went to the catalog of domains that I have already purchased because Hmm. And I hope that I'm not alone in this, but I have a good idea. I Google it and I buy the domain. That's the order of operations. It is the process. Idea. Google domain. So I have a lot of domains, a lot of them. So I wrote all of the domains out that are mine on individual index cards. And I started to play around with them and just organize them in different ways. And first it was quick. It was which ones do I want to release? releasing them makes that domain a possibility for somebody else's whisper of an idea. So that felt really good. I released everything that I didn't really feel. Called to. And then I identified which ones do I want to build on? And in that pile of domains I saw in business and I thought, Hmm. That's nice. I'm dropping the part of the name that no longer fit perfectly. Because. Real women. In business started to create this connotation. Show isn't just for women. I have featured women and people that identify as women. And. In my own learning. I'm seeing that. That definition. It's not important. The human experience of realness. Is the thing that was drawing me in and why I wanted to have. Conversations. And. The human being that was sharing the wisdom. They could identify as anything. They like. I would come to that conversation. Seeking. Learning and. Connection. And that nodding feeling that you get when you're listening to podcasts and you're like, oh yes, what that person said. I feel that that resonated for me. So. I got to drop the part that was feeling heavy. And like it identified with something that wasn't quite right. The podcast is now named in business with Cass McCrory, and you can find everything on in business And I'm really excited about what this opens up in terms of potential for 2022. We're going to hear from some amazing humans. And a lot of them will still be women because I really want to know what women are doing in the world. And some of them will be people that identify as women. And some of them are going to be men. We held a lot of potential and Tony 22. And we get to live it. We get to. And I just am always in awe of the fact that we have this. While the magical experience of all being here at the same time. So I am so excited to welcome you. And take a fresh breath. Into this space. Welcome. I am so excited to share our first handful of episodes with you right off the bat, because. What's better than just jumping right into conversation. Go deep or go home friends. Here we go.