SPOT Radio

Modular cleanrooms create flexibility for medical device manufacturing and packaging lines.

Charlie Webb, Bruce Anthenat Season 2 Episode 5

Listen in as we speak again with Bruce Anthenat founder and president of AWS Bio-Pharma Technologies. Bruce speaks on how the process of modular cleanrooms are specked out and delivered. We will also hear about emerging technology from AWS Bio-Pharma Technologies that will allow for the conversion of office space into a cleanroom.  

Guest  Description:

Bruce Anthenat earned his BS degree from the College of Engineering and Technology of Southern Illinois University.  He has also obtained the status of Certified Plant Engineer as recognized by the Association of Facilities Engineers (AFE). He is Past-President of AFE Chapter 126 and has made several presentations on a variety of topics to various professional organizations including AFE, ISPE, and the PDA.

Bruce has over 40 years of experience in facilities and process engineering, and management with the last 30+ years in pharmaceutical engineering and manufacturing management for a variety of well-known injectable drug manufacturers.  In February of 2000 he received the Engineer of the Year award from his peers in AFE Chapter 126. He has been a past member of the Board of Directors for the International Society of Lyophilization, a member of PDA Glass Handling Task Force, project manager, and lead technical authority for a number of new and renovated pharmaceutical manufacturing facilities.

He is the primary patent holder of US Patent# 831667 [a method and apparatus for high-velocity electromagnetic sealing of containers (primarily for Parenteral vials and cartridges].  Mr. Anthenat entered into the entrepreneurial world by founding AWS Bio-Pharma Technologies in 2005, where he continues to provide leadership to this growing company.  He is a proven leader, with a keen sense of observation and analytical skills, which provides him with the knowledge to administer and inspire others while developing a genuine understanding of their point of view. His vision includes helping others achieve very memorable accomplishments in his related areas of expertise.
