SPOT Radio

Our expanding reach and mission, welcome to season three of SPOT Radio.

Charlie Webb Season 3 Episode 1

On this episode of SPOT radio, Charlie Webb talks about expanding the show to cover topics deeper within medical device manufacturing as well as discussions surrounding challenges in the sterile processing departments at hospitals and clinics. As SPOT radio podcast expands the scope of the show packaging engineers will gain valuable insight into all aspects that affect their mission to deliver medical devices safe and sterile to the point of care. Welcome to season three.

Host Description:

Charlie Webb is the founder and President of Van der Stahl Scientific; He also hosts SPOT Radio (sterile packaging on track) 

Charlie earn his BS degree in Management at the University of Redlands and completed the medical device development program at the Andersen graduate school of management at UCLA. Charlie is a “lifetime” certified packaging professional “CPPL” certified through the institute of packaging professionals as well as a “Six Sigma Master Black Belt”. As a member of a scientific review board, he co-developed micro-surgical devices that broke away from the conservative innovation models. Charlie has been in sterile device packaging for 25 years and has been involved in numerous FDA and ISO audits as a regulatory advisor.

He is also a certified internal auditor and is the Quality Manager for Van der Stähl Scientific’s demanding ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation. Charlie is a member of the IOPP Medical Device Packaging Technical Committee, and the ASTM F02 technical committee and has multiple granted and pending patents on medical device packaging machinery and pouch testing systems.

His current patent-pending technologies include a medical device tray sealer that will integrate pouch testing within the packaging machine to provide 100% real-time seal testing. Also, in development is the HTIP system (human tissue isolation pouch) this disposable system is designed to help avoid packaging machine contamination. The seal-through HTIP system isolates the donor tissue during the packaging process to help thwart cross-contamination between donor events. This system will help prevent machine contamination and increases packaging machine component life cycles, saving money while managing infection risks to donor recipients.

His company was also recently awarded a federal contract as a medical device packaging machine provider for the VA Hospital group and his laboratory client list includes NASA and the CDC (center for disease control). He continues to grow his company’s new product development program with the aim of reaching more users of their equipment in order to better manage healthcare packaging failures.
