The Divine Feminist

We're in this together: Individualism, the collective and supporting us all to shine

Ceryn Rowntree Season 4 Episode 61

We live in a world of such division, where we are continually encouraged to focus on the differences between us and how those separate us from one another.

But though that focus has led us and our societies deep into a place of division, that is not to say that our differences should be ignored, forgotten, or glossed over.

After all, it is our differences that make us beautiful, powerful even. so how do we unpack the divisions from the differences and support ourselves and our world to move forward?

Join Ceryn as she discusses exactly this. 

Episode notes 

  • If you'd like to learn more about The Divine Feminist and the topics Ceryn speaks about on today's episode, check out The Divine Feminist book. Click here to learn more and order your copy today.
  • Some of the resources Ceryn mentions are:
  • Ceryn mentions Project Earthwork, which she is involved with in support of our planet. Visit the Project Earthwork website at, or check out recordings of the latest meditation events on YouTube.
  • If the journey of your own alignment and expansion is something you want to lean into more deeply, then head over to The Divine Feminist Community for support and guidance. The community is open to members now, featuring exclusive content to deepen your journeys with this and all future episodes of the podcast. To learn more, or to join us today visit
  • And remember, to keep up with the latest from Ceryn and all things Divine Feminist, follow @divine.feminist on Instagram.
  • Music is Start Again by Alex Beroza, copyright Alex(2014), sourced through YouTube and available to hear in full here