The Divine Feminist

Pleasure: Reclaiming our Divine birthright

Ceryn Rowntree Season 5 Episode 67

When it comes to these thirteen keys to self-connection and alignment, pleasure is perhaps the one that has had the most myths built around it by patriarchy. 

Yet to reclaim pleasure on our own terms is to reclaim our power, and so much more besides. 

So what does that involve? And how do we work out what the word even means for us? 

Join Ceryn to dive into the idea of pleasure; the myths and lies we've been sold about it, how its reclamation can benefit us, and where we begin on our own journey back to that concept. 

Episode notes 

  • Are you ready to dive more deeply into your own journey of self-reconnection and sacred balance? There are many ways you can do that, all of which can be found at The Divine Feminist website.
  • Meanwhile within this week's episode, Ceryn mentions three things, specifically:
  • To keep up with the latest from Ceryn and all things Divine Feminist, follow @divine.feminist on Instagram.
  • Music is Start Again by Alex Beroza, copyright Alex(2014), sourced through YouTube and available to hear in full here
  • Finally, if you enjoy The Divine Feminist and would like to buy Ceryn a Ko-fi, you can do that here.