The Divine Feminist

Allowing: Standing firm and embracing flow

Ceryn Rowntree Season 5 Episode 68

It sounds like a contradiction doesn't it? Yet as we journey with allowing, the eighth key to self-reconnection and sacred balance, that's exactly where we find ourselves. 

We live in a world of action, shoulds and to-do lists; one that will tell us that doing is the only way to be.

But of course we know that's not the case, that the true sense of being is much more flowing; is something that leaves room for rest, for magic, and for someone else to take the reins. 

The key to getting there? Allowing. Allowing ourselves to both take control over what is right for us, and relinquish control over what the next steps look like.

Join Ceryn as she dives into exactly what this means, for us and our world.

Episode notes 

  • Are you ready to dive more deeply into your own journey of self-reconnection and sacred balance? There are many ways you can do that, all of which can be found on Ceryn's website.
  • Within this week's episode, Ceryn mentions two sets of workshops she is running, specifically:
  • To keep up with the latest from Ceryn and all things Divine Feminist, follow @divine.feminist on Instagram.
  • Music is Start Again by Alex Beroza, copyright Alex(2014), sourced through YouTube and available to hear in full here
  • Finally, if you enjoy The Divine Feminist and would like to buy Ceryn a Ko-fi, you can do that here.