The Divine Feminist

Opening to the possibility of beauty

December 20, 2022 Ceryn Rowntree Season 5 Episode 71

As we move onto the twelfth of our thirteen keys for self connection and sacred balance, Ceryn invites you to journey with the ideas of outcome and possibility.

We live in a world that so often wants us to focus on outcomes; definitive outcomes that can be objectively glasses as "good" or "successful". And there are definitely times when such a clear focus is useful or even necessary.

But how often does that mindset rob us of possibility, and of all that can unfold if we allow ourselves to step into the unknown.

What is the key to moving into that place of possibility? Ceryn calls it beauty, but not the type of beauty we're used to hearing or reading about.

After all, this isn't about checking off boxes on a societally defined list of what makes us acceptable. Instead is it about aligning ourselves with a true sense of beauty; one that involves awe, wonder, and is in the closest place imaginable if only we allow ourselves to open to it. 

Episode Notes