The Divine Feminist

Rest: Stepping out of the acting to move into being

Ceryn Rowntree Season 2 Episode 30

At the start of each episode I ask "how are you? How are you really?"

This week with my hand on my own heart the answer came through plain and simple: "Exhausted." I'd like to tell you I listened first time around, but as you'll hear, that wasn't quite the case.

Let's talk about why that is; about why so many of us have a problem with stopping, pausing and giving ourselves the permission to take a break.

And meanwhile listen as I share my story - and the stories of so many of those I've worked with - about moving from that place of constant action into the golden feeling of resting, of pausing, of simply being.

Episode notes 

  • Within this mini episode Ceryn speaks about the fantastic Nap Ministry. Check them out on Instagram
  • Music is Start again, copyright Alex (2014), sourced through YouTube and available to hear in full here
  • If you'd like to know more about working with Ceryn, and about Soul-Led Therapy, her approach to talking therapies, click here. Or click here to learn about Soul Support, her approach to mentoring and support for soul seekers and workers.
  • And remember, to keep up with the latest from Ceryn and the podcast follow @divine.feminist on Instagram