The Divine Feminist

Fear: Befriending our gatekeepers and bringing them along for the ride

October 07, 2020 Ceryn Rowntree Season 2 Episode 31

The world likes to tell us our fears are bad.
 It likes to tell us they're unnecessary and evil and more than likely need to be vanquished like some sort of beasts that are actively working to keep us from our full potential. But what if that's not the case?
 Lately I've come to believe that our fears have been given a pretty bad rap; that in fact maybe they're the gatekeepers of our potential - the voices that can signpost us towards our true fulfillment.
 And what's more, I've come to believe that the key to removing ourselves and moving forwards on the road to our dreams isn't in hiding from or fighting our fears, but in befriending them and moving forwards together - bringing those gatekeepers along for the ride.
 Listen to this week's episode for more on this, and the four questions you can ask to befriend your fears.
 Episode notes 

  • Ceryn has written about the subject of fear for Thrive Global. To read this article and stay up with others she publishes there, click here.
  • Music is Start again, copyright Alex (2014), sourced through YouTube and available to hear in full here
  • If you'd like to know more about working with Ceryn, and about Soul-Led Therapy, her approach to talking therapies, click here. Or click here to learn about Soul Support, her approach to mentoring and support for soul seekers and workers.
  • And remember, to keep up with the latest from Ceryn and the podcast follow @divine.feminist on Instagram