The Divine Feminist

Coming back to nature: Getting Earthed and reconnecting with the planet

Ceryn Rowntree

As we continue to move through the Earth energies of Taurus season Ceryn jumps straight into this week's episode and invites you to come back to nature by getting Earthed and connecting with the planet.

Take a deep dive on the subject of why and how our connection to Earth and the building blocks of nature is so important - and so perfectly natural - to all of us.

In a slightly shorter episode than usual (while she puts the finishing touches to the Divine Feminist book due out this Autumn!) Ceryn invites you to reconnect with nature on your own terms and offers up the beautiful words of poet Mary Oliver as inspiration for your journey.

Join us again in two weeks time when the book will be finished, meaning that some form of order will return to the Divine Feminist, birthing of our community will be in its final stages and we will be floating with the airy energies of Gemini season!

Episode notes 

  • With the Divine Feminist community imminent, be sure to sign up for the Divine Feminist newsletter to hear updates on the  community and other upcoming projects! Visit to sign up now. And head over to
  • In this episode, Ceryn mentions Mental Health Awareness Week. You can read more about that campaign here.
  • Ceryn also quotes Ecopsychologist Bill Plotkin, read more about his work at the Animas Valley Institute.
  • The poem read at the end of this week's episode is Mindful by Mary Oliver.
  • And remember, to keep up with the latest from Ceryn and the podcast follow @divine.feminist on Instagram.
  • Music is Start again, copyright Alex (2014), sourced through YouTube and available to hear in full here.