The Divine Feminist

Reflecting on us: Seeing and being who we are in the world without muddying the waters

Ceryn Rowntree Season 3 Episode 43

In this first episode of Cancer season, we reflect upon one of the qualities of water, specifically its ability to show our reflection in its fullness.

Within this episode, Ceryn invites you to reflect upon yourself, considering who you are and how you are in the world. Together we will then sort through the stories, burdens and beliefs we may carry within and about ourselves in order to see ourselves differently - with the clarity of crystal clear water.

This episode begins with a number of updates, not least about the launch of the Divine Feminist Community, which you can join today to gain additional insights to support your own journey of Divine Feminism. 

Episode notes 

  • In this episode, Ceryn shares some of the latest updates from the Divine Feminist, including news about the Divine Feminist Community! To learn more, or to join the community today visit
  • While talking about self-reflection, this episode mentions the Johari window. You can read more about that theory and its implications for personal development here.
  • Elsewhere, Ceryn also mentioned her two new 1:1 offerings, which are:
  • And remember, to keep up with the latest from Ceryn and the podcast follow @divine.feminist on Instagram.
  • Music is Start again, copyright Alex (2014), sourced through YouTube and available to hear in full here as