The Divine Feminist

Thinking big, rising up and looking for more: Considering life outside of the walls

July 06, 2021 Ceryn Rowntree Season 3 Episode 44

What if the world was always meant to be more than we've been told?

More than that, what if each and every one of us was always able to be more than we've been told?

Our societies are often all-too-keen to give us the blueprint of how we could be, of what is possible for us if only we buy and achieve the "right" things, act and look the "right" way and follow the well-beaten path to happiness and success.

But what if that path was only ever meant to take us part of the way?

From the Garden of Eden to the cage of consumerism, Ceryn talks about the ways in which our ways is keeping us small - even when it promises us expansion.

From the demonisation of the first woman and our own patron Goddess Lilith to the imposter syndrome that might just be trying to connect us with our own fullness, this episode invites us to think bigger, rise up and look for more as we consider life outside of the walls of what we've been told is paradise.

Episode notes 

  • The Divine Feminist Community is now live and open to members, featuring exclusive content to deepen your journeys with this and all future episodes of the podcast. To learn more, or to join the community today visit
  • And remember, to keep up with the latest from Ceryn and all things Divine Feminist, including the forthcoming book of the same name, follow @divine.feminist on Instagram.
  • Music is Start again, copyright Alex (2014), sourced through YouTube and available to hear in full here.