Mosaic Lincoln

EVANGELISM (WK 2): "The Story of Good News"

September 19, 2019 Mosaic Lincoln

0:00-13:05: Interview with Liana McCain about Young Life at Lincoln High.

13:05-46:53: The Story of Good News

-Acts 3:11-21
-Acts 10:34-43

Mosaic Gathering Prayer: September 15, 2019

Lord, we come to You today from many places. Some of us come from places of brokenness and hurt, some from places of overflowing gratitude, and others of us come from places somewhere in-between extremes.

Whatever place we’ve inhabited this week, we recognize the power of Your story at work in our lives. We gather here to partake in this one enduring story and to take up Your good news for ourselves and our neighbors.

God, give us Your good news - fresh - this morning. 

In the hustle and bustle of our daily routines, in our too-often- stagnant mindsets, we have the tendency to overlook the power of Your story in our lives.

We seek life where life cannot be found. We stumble. We blunder. We fail. By all definitions, we are imperfect. In our brokenness, we turn to You. 

God, You make beauty of our messes. 

At the core of our lives, Your story is at play. In our comings and goings, You are present. We thank You for inviting us to live our humanity purposefully. It is not always easy, yet in Your goodness alone, we find true life.

God, You are good. 

You have been writing Your story forever. To the people of Israel, You announced peace through Jesus. In Judea, You spread the news of Jesus’ baptism and Your miraculous workings in His life.

You fulfilled Your story in Christ’s death and resurrection. Even in this present age, Your good news spreads. Your story is the best story ever told. Your gospel is the best news the world has known. 

God, may we know the power and beauty of Your story at work in our lives. Amen.