Mosaic Lincoln

COLOSSIANS (WK 1): "The Treasure Holding All Things Together"

Mosaic Lincoln

Colossians 1:1-20, 28-2:3

What does the letter want to convey?
A reality enveloped in Jesus the Christ is a reality saturated in liberation and love.

"We need to know that God can not help because he is the God who was, is, and is to come. God does not have to help us in the ways we think we need him to help because the help he can offer is exceedingly better. We are asking for finite helps. He offers the infinite. In this life, then, as it can be known now, we can learn to live with God knowing that he is the God who was, is, and is to come, and therefore a God who can not help. We can learn a Spirit-led helplessness, to embrace futility without in any way refusing responsibility to do good or lessening our efforts to obey God. There is powerlessness in the blood. Wonder-working powerlessness."    -Chris Green
