Mosaic Lincoln

COLOSSIANS (WK 2): "Our Walk in Christ"

Mosaic Lincoln

Colossians 2:6-19

Mosaic Gathering Prayer: October 13, 2019

Gracious God,
For the morning dawn, which promises new life;
And for your love, which knows our name,
We give you thanks.

For a place to belong—for this place to belong—
And for grace that is always bigger than we deserve,
We give you thanks.

For the promise of justice that will roll down like a mighty stream
And light that shines in the darkness,
We give you thanks.

We have so much to thank you for, gracious God, so in gratitude, we offer you these gifts. May they help cultivate your promised day here.
May we help cultivate your promised day here

In this world some walk with arrogance. Some walk proud. Some walk angry. Some walk defeated. Some walk alone.

Teach us to walk in Jesus, rooted and built up in his love.

So as we come to you today in prayer, we ask once more for your help.
Cultivate in us a persistent energy for justice.

Cultivate in us a resilient determination to show grace.
Cultivate in us the heart to claim one another—even when we come from different places, people, religions, political opinions, or beliefs.  Cultivate in us the sunrise.

And when we fall short, when we keep your light to ourselves, when we find ourselves caught in the monsoon of our own doubt, when we choose ourselves over belonging to others, forgive us. 

Find us in the rain. Find us in the dark. Find us in the seas of our hurt and suffering and speak poetry to us. We are convinced that with just one taste of your love, we will be artists and dreamers, believers and optimists, once again. 

God of grace, you deserve our very best.

Thank you so much for accepting our best, worst, and everything in between. 

In deep gratitude we pray, Amen.