Mosaic Lincoln

FAITH EXPRESSED IN LOVE (WK 6): "Highway Hypnosis"

Mosaic Lincoln

1 Timothy 6:6-19

Mosaic Gathering Prayer: February 23, 2020

Every generation has found its home in you, God our provider,
and we discover that every moment
spent in your holy presence lasts beyond all imaginable time.
You watch over us in the night,
protecting and leading, encouraging us to trust
and to take courage in following your Son’s teachings.

Full of wisdom, Creator of grace,
you humbled yourself that we might learn
to love those who have been swept aside
by a world caught up in its own selfish affairs.
Witnesses to God’s mercy, we are called to act in
ways of love and of peace to all we meet in this life.

Thank you for giving us your Son, Jesus, and for his life.

Continue to be the dwelling place of our bodies,
our minds, our hearts and our souls.
Oh God, you have made us to be free,
But we crave the cheap comforts of our chains.
You have made us to serve others,
But we have eyes only for ourselves.
You have made us to love,
But we are inflamed with lust.
You provide that we may be generous,
But we greedily hoard as if your well will run dry.
You forgive time and again,
But we hold fast to the sins of others.
You offer light for our path,
But we insist on making our own way.
You are the God who saves.

Lord, save us from ourselves.
In your great mercy, restore and heal us,
and grant us your pace.
In the name of the Father,
and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.