Mosaic Lincoln

HOW TO BE WISE (WK 1): "Proverbs - Do Good Get Good"

April 17, 2018 Mosaic Lincoln
Mosaic Lincoln
HOW TO BE WISE (WK 1): "Proverbs - Do Good Get Good"
Show Notes
What is wisdom? When we think of the wisest person we know many of us wouldn't consider that person the richest, most intelligent, or most successful people we know. Then what is this elusive attritube? Why is it worth pursuing? How do we get it? The book of Proverbs describes wisdom as a skill we can attain. Like a craftsman learning a trade we can learn to be wise regardless of our circumstances. Proverbs also decribes wiisdom as being threaded into the fabric of the universe. Something we can tap into and use to create a good life. Mostly Proverbs puts up a mirror to our life and allows us to self reflect. Where are we wise and where are we foolish? Are you up for doing some challenging inner work with us as we explore this first book of wisdom?