The Movie Cellar

L is for Little Shop of Horrors, LOTR trilogy or Lost Boys

Chris, George and Dan Season 2 Episode 12

Welcome to another installment in the #UPickEm season of the show! This week we're doing the letter L, and we've got our first contender for a series this season. We've got the darkly comedic musical starring Rick Morranis, Little Shop of Horrors, the 80s brat pack vampire horror comedy good time, The Lost Boys, or the really heavy hitter this week, the first series presented as an option this season, the epic Lord of the Rings trilogy. If Lord of the Rings wins, we'll be watching Fellowship of the Ring, and then we'll cover the next two films in the series over the next two weeks. We're joined by the always lovely, always hilarious and always a fan favorite among the Cellar Dwellers, Stephanie Louise! This episode is light on preamble and heavy on actual movie content! At the end of the episode we talk about #TrashBash2021 and other #VHS4T1D happenings! Hope you enjoy!

Huge praise to the gods of the show: The Alita Army and Jack Thorne for their generous donations to help end Type One Diabetes, and most greatest praise is reserved for the one and only god of gods, with a whopping $10,000 donation, Zach Whittier!!!!