The Movie Cellar

Bonus: Surviving Maine with Becca and Tony!

Chris, George and Dan

Surviving Maine is sadly over, but that doesn't mean the coverage has to stop! We're back with another awesome episode discussing the show, everything that happened between our last episode covering it and the end of the season, who won, who was on jury, and all the other crazy shit that went down in the Maine woods that fateful weekend! We're joined again by the always wonderful, Becca, but this week we also have another awesome guest, someone new to the Cellar Dweller family, a dude who was in the final three, Bang Bang, Pop Pop, aka KidShacky, aka Taco Tony!!! Tony is the man, he was one of our favorites on the show, and when he said that he would come on the show to talk with us, we jumped at the chance, so enjoy this fun little bonus episode wrapping up the stellar season of Surviving Maine, get cooking tips from Tony, have some laughs and maybe shed a couple tears with us, it's a real whirlwind of an episode! And after, make sure to check out Tony's Youtube page, it's absolute gold, all of it, but here's my persona favorite, trying the KFC Cheetos Chicken Sandwich! you can also watch Tony and Becca, and a bunch of other cool peeps on Surviving Maine Season Two right on the Youtubes!

Huge praise to the gods of the show: The Alita Army and Jack Thorne for their generous donations to help end Type One Diabetes, and most greatest praise is reserved for the one and only god of gods, with a whopping $10,000 donation, Zach Whittier!!!!