The Movie Cellar

#GMITD: Writing Comics with Jon

Chris, George and Dan

Have you always wanted to write your own comic? Do you have an awesome story you have always wanted to put down on paper? Did you draw superheroes as a kid but gave it up as an adult? Well, we're joined by someone who has actually published comics to talk about how to get in the door of comics creation! From practical advice on how to lay out panels, to resources to check out for improving storytelling and drawing, to great advice on how to overcome the fears of failure and the need for perfection, tons of great stuff! Plus, Jon tells us about his and Ben's awesome new book, Space Oddities 2, which you can back right now on Kickstarted!

Check out Jon and Ben on their podcast Geeksploration The Podcast
And back Space Oddities 2 on Kickstarter!

Huge praise to the gods of the show: The Alita Army and Jack Thorne for their generous donations to help end Type One Diabetes, and most greatest praise is reserved for the one and only god of gods, with a whopping $10,000 donation, Zach Whittier!!!!