The Movie Cellar

Merry Cagemas: Survey Says!

January 03, 2022 Chris, George and Dan

A little extra bonus gift for your #Cagemas season, we put together a 10 question survey and asked our friends to answer it, hope you enjoy!

1. First Nic Cage movie you remember seeing?
2. Favorite early Nic Cage?
3. Favorite recent Nic Cage?
4. Favorite overall Nic Cage?
5. If Nic Cage replaced one actor in LOTR, what character should he play?
6. Should they bring Nic Cage as Ghostrider into the MCU?
7. What is better National Treasure or The Mummy?
8. Over/Under Nic Cage has made 112 films (has he made more or less?)
9. Guess the highest RT score on a Nic Cage lead film? Bonus points for guessing the film as well.
10. Guess the lowest RT score on a Nic Cage lead film? Bonus points for guessing the film.

On Second Watch
The Reel Thing
The Struggling Artist
Big Zach!

Huge praise to the gods of the show: The Alita Army and Jack Thorne for their generous donations to help end Type One Diabetes, and most greatest praise is reserved for the one and only god of gods, with a whopping $10,000 donation, Zach Whittier!!!!