Mensje in de Maak


Tamar en Sophie Season 1 Episode 18

Trigger warning: getriggerde ptss van seksueel misbruik door grensoverschrijding rondom punctie (8:45-12:38)

Tamar en Sophie zijn aan het bijkomen van de punctie. Sophie moet zich door een berg achterstallig werk heen worstelen, maar is eigenlijk alleen maar aan het wachten op de terugplaatsing. Tamar kreeg last van haar ptss door de grensoverschrijding rondom de punctie.

Sophie vertelt verder dat het binnenkort (ten tijde van de opname) Trans Parent Day is en wil alvast een cadeautje van Tamar. En Tamar durfde rond te kijken op de baby-afdeling van een winkelketen en vraagt zich af of er queer-inclusieve 9 maanden-boeken bestaan.

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Afleveringen in deze podcast komen ongeveer vier weken na opname online, zodat Tamar en Sophie de tijd hebben om gebeurtenissen te verwerken voordat de rest van de wereld zich ermee kan bemoeien. Deze aflevering werd opgenomen op vrijdag 1 november.

Heb jij een vraag voor Tamar en Sophie over hun ervaringen met ivf? Vraag je je af hoe Tamar en Sophie een actuele kwestie op het gebied van ouderschap, fertiliteit, feminisme, transgender en/of handicap zouden duiden? Of wil je graag een eigen ervaring delen? Stuur dan je vraag (als tekst of als voicememo) op via tamarensophie at of via social media.

Volg Mensje in de Maak op Instagram, Twitter en Facebook of check de website:

Speaker 1:

Who are utilize trash[inaudible] eight lacerated. That's what Oak Patrion it and up to taken to[inaudible] Patrion for of ain't a pair of laughing off per month and couldn't donate or she does feel[inaudible]. But of course the foundation podcast and working out internet patron[inaudible] off flavoring to counsel extra photos and film pitch funnels. And we will look on each. Does all this Finch, maybe vapor the Mac Zaley II or thong bar.

Speaker 2:

Welcome Bay Mentia in America events trophy even Sammer Xamarin[inaudible] damn, I haven't had any get two fifths of needs. So vegan salmon and[inaudible] also looks

Speaker 1:

hello Sophie[inaudible] off the ADA narrow, uh, vocal Bay.[inaudible] yeah, yeah. With a Bay. Yeah. So I feel sugar. That's yours. A foot pack. Yammer. Ava, um, has this new, uh, aim of Amber. Ain't no family.[inaudible] fitting all them and shine the Trey Vega, not Lovell.[inaudible] yeah, yeah.[inaudible] yeah. This[inaudible] a long can. I don't know. Mallow on fire and campaign came by in there. Safe seats filled on. They're all fake.[inaudible] finals, um, snow festival along Oh, cannibis instead of placesm or I know little thing. It's a look of this. This is really like, fine. My, uh, I've been a hormonal[inaudible] or the force may, let's talk in a, yeah. Like a Pomona[inaudible] meeting. Umay ma. Yeah. Slap him right before the corn in the vironment. It's gone. Think Google knows, knew the entertainers. That's a good short, Jed, like from[inaudible] and Melinda. I'm his phone. I'm[inaudible] in the Barack app. It's a[inaudible] I doing and I see the kid. I'm on myself.[inaudible] my eyes. This stuff's for dinner. This, uh, yeah. Let's say for the whole eight with diagnosis thinking. Yeah. Right. Yeah. Okay. I'll Mintel. Yeah. Let's see. I say NAZA, this is then tell the cue of what kind of bike or my bans cranies safe talk, bashful. That, uh, mentality.[inaudible] status. Um, he got and yeah. That you've bent and show me basically on the, the middle in sheets. Yeah. And, uh, Oh, come, that's[inaudible]. Yeah. And that's come to, yeah. That could say melding and[inaudible]. Yeah. My fault. Or locator. Actually, it's also[inaudible]. Um, Connie on Hoge. Yeah. That's cat. Yeah. My mental state too bad. Her cat does call me a dog. Yeah. Yeah. Uh, yeah. I mean, I feel that the like field play squash for, uh, emoji. Oh yeah, yeah. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. It could form a, a Vishal Dortha then it's a GIP like Advil, uh, vacancy Sonoma for conceited to Anna links. Degas was actually the most what's called under the ganas canister still of us. Does it get book needed to look, we're going to do an off show. Gibala fulfilled the bunk later and the[inaudible] Madda if certain vague Fastenal muffin, the[inaudible] both costs and um, yeah. And that's been taken into dad's. This is Diane. I don't agree. He'll fill in how much smarter and uh, yeah, that's, uh, there's this relief. Just have to[inaudible] each, each[inaudible] slows down. Yeah. You come to[inaudible][inaudible][inaudible][inaudible] woman's, yeah. Yeah. And then Nasia can, yeah.[inaudible] yeah. Um, yeah. Data's the new elevator over Hayne Ben[inaudible]. [inaudible][inaudible] yeah. And Oak up to October. Yeah.[inaudible][inaudible] yeah. Yeah. Let's, let's, let's feel there. For y'all to, for America, a Chanel. Um, then corn, uh,[inaudible] had told me tail Hawk, Maddie, Russellville,[inaudible] and[inaudible] officials. Yeah. But yo, um, Congress, he played by y'all. Yeah. Um, emotional labor. Yeah. Um, and for your show, uh, in, uh, uh, LA LA LA Amico takes it. Oh, McCann

Speaker 3:

and horn. Oh, fun. Yeah. Duh. De de emoji fun. Yeah.[inaudible] uh, VOC to in that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. I'm leaving a door. Can I have your thoughts?[inaudible] emotional Blackstone's. Oh yeah. Cool. Yeah. Um, and that's,

Speaker 3:

let's help. Neat. And it's in the walk hand, multiple on the phone to know, to hit. Oh yeah. Yeah. That's actually, they know you had a main mature, mature, conducted a full lunch on me. Basement door commandments.[inaudible].

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, Maddie shimmer of, so yeah. Oh

Speaker 3:

yeah. That's probably, we all kind of here. Yeah. And addition to like, yeah. Bill Spelman's, uh, was like, fuck me. Fuck. Y'all could check from, uh, from[inaudible].

Speaker 1:

Yeah. And the embryos third entering, um, for the bed. It's Veda booking rather Oaktree embryos.[inaudible] embryos,[inaudible] and uh,[inaudible] alibi. Yeah. Who store for which it wouldn't be to buy an embryo stopped ain't[inaudible]. Yeah.[inaudible] potatoes and on the glottic stop mid Daylan. Yeah, this is, and it's sort of a, both with the death that's, I actually took a flat sword addition so he'll have to,

Speaker 3:

yeah. Yeah. Was he the uncle stuff had to be a cockapoo.

Speaker 1:

The slime worked on a major. It does feel[inaudible]. Yeah. Was it Adam in LinkedIn? Yeah. And that's what it's doing. Yeah. Yeah. That's a[inaudible] also arts shy. So arts seconds, they say the five dash embryos days, it will go blossom system. The, I'm not able to send it at some stage.[inaudible][inaudible] and that shit mere fits in our suite and the um, the embryo stick, the meaner outsiders from[inaudible] suicidal thoughts on the making for flag banishments and black slash[inaudible] smear VAT are in and on the had the Snyder sticker.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

It's from their mama Villa. Villa mentioned he knew[inaudible] actually embryos before Neato motor help show me is this neat itself? The Schaefer, uh, obesity doctor on[inaudible]. Yeah.[inaudible] yeah.[inaudible] yeah. Yeah. And also[inaudible]. It's a okay. Eat over the credits from the mod Oshkosh. I felt so stupid ALA yeah. Yeah. This is what the snuck into for my reputations. Emily OCO needs for Coatesville. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It sure fair. Did it offload the Vega? Yeah. Yeah.[inaudible] yeah. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Everyone's skipping the bio dinner.[inaudible] English. Yeah, yeah, yeah. All this flow from the[inaudible] stones and it's weird. It goes, it's eyes could still to us, but show to take, I took off the crumb, the Zick I'm talking make your last thoughts from who was in was for Hammons a banksii. Yeah. And uh, the, the coal show, uh,[inaudible] I actually[inaudible] for my full and um, there's like O'Kane controller houses and we heal Maslow's folder and issue eats. Um, they had been killed for food or for a cap, um, Suramar or, uh, for beats from sexually fencer over shining from two Nick Booper Vose, uh,[inaudible] Hoke and uh, it kept the Fairvale therapy for heart.[inaudible]. It kept a home. Yeah. And the[inaudible] did traditionally trigger does actually cologne. What's it like to go on a Hill or hope? Uh, does it emails? I live in this full site. This owl, uh, gets out in form of vaping. I'll go for hearts and stops. I need to think a door. And[inaudible] States with will kind of dunes and applications really sharing my varsity for did this for an, uh, like bath triggered and it's sinus short flesh bags to the guys who call it need coats. I've been Hope's gonna center. This is my turf life's coma. Martha Luca, uh, do enough math to feel for heart. Does. He'll buy well on, that's a good phone. Oak. It's heal. But I could go heal or home with total Sonoma from, Oh, did this record beards? Um, the show I mentioned for my friends, um, once, once and it's healed by your home tune, uh, from a shelf for the stellar and um, from myself to wishlist from who, how the know who may own Callahan and don't have a[inaudible] for a face to have that. And those Oak for myself was a short film. Pure off the Baylor, those he'll buy for Keeler and dosage. That's the funder for Buffalo and died after half of up to date. And I asked him, he showed us his[inaudible], meaner, cleanish or shy. My ad. It's a, that's the, this needs this all or belonging ice. This Florida sir. Open momentum. Take out Hill or out Zhi. That's it. Don't say I would stop. Say who stops and[inaudible] uh,[inaudible] for. Yeah. Oh, that's for Phalen's. Surely. Um, when was it not valet. Just off McAfee for if just am or feeder Clara for Benz and not sit on dot moments. Am I hold over. Kolata once it's fully ensued. Oh, O'Shea. Shelf shifts. Okay. Nicole nuts. The only, the controller area to hoe for an IG. Thanks. This is[inaudible] and as a on on Austin film, he does scenario have spilled, never does. I hit me or him and hoped and it gone as Oak[inaudible] shorts, cans of short phone at the sign and, or did show today initiator ever because okra took gonna put hang up my name or shy heavy each forgets to them and the learning tool, the four[inaudible] after that. And I look and we are progressing loss from her phone and does it, he'll say, look, this Hill are fine. Really any new good over Pat. This is all your foot. They give a fuller Meyer golden Ralph patter. Yeah. Yeah. No this, yeah, there's still, that's a hard to go core knife to Shinoda ma. Uh, yeah, it[inaudible] of deployments. Feather neath per-say she hoods MFL[inaudible] Hill from and she needs to like[inaudible] of the moments this scout, this drunker does not change from Bakish not, yeah. So that has been out there for us. It's all in angel Coutts. Uh,[inaudible] jet lag from the, from the vendor site. They get this ain't your shit. You[inaudible] yeah, money. He wants to do this and yeah, it got[inaudible] hormone. It's America, so called eat smart.[inaudible] yeah, yeah. I can see this decided. Okay. And yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And I have all my big, this needs[inaudible] now he'll air fins once they've been IG manager. I still Bly. I think there may have the cone[inaudible] Michelle fit to[inaudible]. Yeah, this all AMO Huduma mainly ham in my poked boards in books and products. Anything else since the[inaudible] and the[inaudible] of main list ham in Fishersville able to feel relaxed with new age. Just need to with this. Uh, yeah. And it's gone. Sylvia and uh, it, it kept self a corner school full Merrick vid. Fluffers this way. Descomplica Islick uh, actually yeah. Hans from a month before may, maybe AIDS Papa, look, is there a to ft over second, Maggie to Hill for Isaac's, you know, fascia blasting, have dolphin Cleo to flat thing. Could you always see for my hair? Um, it kept air herself with her full from those mere guns. Max. Uh, Nat, Natalie Schmancer[inaudible] with terrible[inaudible].

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

McAfee needs are for this week. I'm taking Mike as bill needs more from my max for main cause on the Maxville. I think it was a turn off. Yeah. I actually like this check. Should I take it? You did in fun. Yeah. I have a D T Triff blatching card on the J horn from the rock band, which they're still, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

right. Yeah. It's a, sure.

Speaker 3:

Oh, for[inaudible]

Speaker 1:

[inaudible] yeah. In order to quartz an out of your office stills. This does this best Snell over here. Yeah. Yeah. There's eye tremor evidence black.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

No, no, no. Ever. No. He's different. Della[inaudible]. Yeah. They all she did as well. It's just Abierta it's a lot more slowly. Sorry.[inaudible] Valley drove up to OPA Instagram.[inaudible] yeah. Um,[inaudible] uh, transparent day[inaudible] um, need for, for any PSA also for funding from fat or from what order? Who will find it on Moodle DACA to look for, uh, non-binary outage, uh, needs, who asked fault before Stella and on it.[inaudible] transparent day moms Kimber sad nonbinary burn day. Oh,[inaudible] yeah. Um,[inaudible]. Yeah, that's[inaudible] and transparent.

Speaker 3:

They kept the Ubers craving, um, Andy[inaudible], but happy to answer all about it. That top stuff.

Speaker 1:

Right, and look how it needs clash. That show me photo.

Speaker 3:

Okay. Later if up transparent Bay is the, uh, asked us one back in November, just stopped this, uh, in November, uh, this day was first established in 2009 and is a day to celebrate and honor transgender parents instead of the traditional mothers or fathers date today. Today also today, today there's an accident[inaudible] uh, it also includes parents who have trans gender children. There's a out of Allentown skins that needs a transparent day for ya. And this day typically typically involves small celebrations and gift giving to one's parent. Okay. Caregiver VA

Speaker 1:

says lucky[inaudible] of Moda and of transparency. Yeah. That will do. And again, just as a Google and[inaudible] Facebook offense core affinity, it's or L L a gender queer parenting don't binary parent's day[inaudible] of flopper appeal. This, uh,[inaudible] shift for April.

Speaker 4:

Real numb

Speaker 1:

binary parents date may, mother's day, June, father's day and July. Parents date[inaudible] outward. How to dog. They don't should take them as almost out of stock. Yeah, yeah, yeah. If a guy go off of each myths might often boater Lea Hague. That's fatal. Nay. Mary UDL.[inaudible] yeah. Um, actually my colleague[inaudible] and tip. Yeah. But don't miss cleaners for the[inaudible][inaudible] in food or the smoking gun. He did smell. Yeah. Yeah. For sure. My[inaudible] no, probably. Yeah. Yeah, I'll cool today. Um,

Speaker 3:

and, and uh, uh, about the infrasound is trans parent day is just up to yesterday. Doc from the tons gender, uh, awareness.

Speaker 1:

Ah, um, yeah. Like that Oak, no Oak, no. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. The Shea Mahayla they come to[inaudible]. Yeah. Understand. Yeah. And a bit ago. Yeah. Oh, thanks for this tree stand. Yeah. No, that's a[inaudible] answer.[inaudible] transparent to be[inaudible]. Oh, essence. It kept so much. I pick a Becky Smith does Manson from Smith or off breaker. Oh, the shallow. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, goodness. Shine. Oh, look at the Putin epidemic. Yeah. A mini Malheur. It's hard to massage that.[inaudible] Oh, the alarm for chill off us. Yeah.[inaudible] yeah, it was less the, in the hemo a surfing, not with density. Um, and it, it was shown in a, Hey ma, I'm the PR, my book from Michelle Phil to go over my shoulder saying, look up Yammer. Pooka Merton, how to call for a law firm atrial litigator. And so when I'm doing the[inaudible] of the keynote of dating belongs. Oh. And it kept the short funding, the thick I flick needs dirt on that to feel an Arctic Ike. And so, and the, to feel back to hula my actors, the cattle and so forth. First age Geiger and my, it kills it. Neat. Long form, once again is his footstool. So if you don't, then it's jinx event. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I should. So it's just us[inaudible] ne[inaudible] uh Oh.[inaudible] Nathan man, the book. And, uh, this was, uh,[inaudible] what's our ethic in stats and I think of the girls from NAIFA, Mandy Brookville and the short from ups rifle, ELCA man's[inaudible]. And it was, um, I suppose SEF Mar needs hates women or motif, Martin Soulsville being there. Um, yeah, but it's almost as it's on the inclusive chef[inaudible] for male should not be narrow. Outer Benz's needs Mark Woods. Uh, yeah. You cannot think a tip action that's you looking at. It's all neutral. Playful. Yeah. Uh,[inaudible][inaudible][inaudible] Oh yeah. It's a scotch Oak needs. It's just the needs with NATO is they'll show you, show any[inaudible] once it's about chef Mart. Um, they ended up in his head a mile four smiles each from a busy day. That's a[inaudible] the skin to act and bear to deed in fields. And if any miracle for nationals it does on the Moodle of ache. So from ache is in the[inaudible]. Okay. Um,[inaudible] be near inclusive. There's some Valvia does, it's, yeah. The, the outer, the films, you know, building a buyout from the years to me from my[inaudible]. Yeah. Yeah. Okay.[inaudible] English chief Mo Colac, a naked man. The book after coding itches, chef Meyer, chef, and yeah. You kind of self to my actions. Yeah. I saw local meats into film lysis into fill-in[inaudible]. Yeah.[inaudible] yeah. What is your call on this to go on to go to the throat.[inaudible] feel to with[inaudible] and it needs doing. Yeah. Um, yeah. Marcel shell, they'll look further to hear phone on. Just like it kept bringing her bladder's integrator blight on and Garcia it real does it. So[inaudible][inaudible] yeah.[inaudible] mantle shellfish to Canitra. Mm. Oh yeah. It was expensive.[inaudible] worth of which will heal snails from book[inaudible] Hey[inaudible] stats from eats get that fossil eats.[inaudible] yeah. Yes. Now it's on a[inaudible] four, four, no. Yeah. And machine. I'm seeing everybody know fresh[inaudible] uh,[inaudible][inaudible] um,[inaudible] stellar. Uh, gonna[inaudible] yeah. Timer intro.[inaudible] it's GM open school. Yeah. And uh, yeah, Instagram. Yeah. That's just mentioned in America. That guy, uh, put[inaudible] dot com[inaudible] message phony[inaudible][inaudible] links.[inaudible] yeah. Baby[inaudible] news. My liking. I need to actually come and you go home[inaudible] yeah. And go on. Yeah. Facebook messenger. Can you, okay. Ms Amica phone, Kia and voice message or if you go phone number rakish do you ever connect via Twitter? They[inaudible] voice message after latter most of the fall off, uh, on state of phone number. Haven't gone still. Yeah, that's[inaudible]. Yeah. Yeah. Um, yeah. Gone Oak North. Um, I'll show up your data phone and voice recorder app. Have the girl Oakeel Mark downloader, Gil Connie's name. And as off he had a meal in their own studio show. Phil Manea. Yeah. Yeah. So did the super Logue fender. Okay. Okay. Oh, hello.[inaudible] ending. Great. Now look, that's a heel blade in metal and to take me with patrons. Yeah. At shipper ship relief. Well Julissa and also Leh lets vape patrons and sweater for hooky or not you looking at[inaudible] and same answer habit of us. Um, in the Bloedel at us[inaudible] um, RJ, Mr. Anderson about Bache and Horta and the hope that that's enough filming to sort of full, eh, well knows your Lucas for now. She patron words, I didn't have enough[inaudible] uh, is that she done um, extra film purists. Foth Fotis funnels for NowThis hair metal scene. You in need of social media flatter may in teammate. Yeah. Um, yeah, Nathan needs[inaudible] fully dressed and so yeah, this, that sacred to miss doing. Yeah.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 6:

[inaudible] cause him for the machine. You spelled her name, Oscar RTT ha. E M F C on the hand. Multiply stuff. Yes. Spotify[inaudible] check her episodes V vape and made an orphan Zanele illustrator and Tom's Papa[inaudible] lactose local for him or Instagram.[inaudible]. That's your response packer and it's all buckets[inaudible] the interstate and need to lean tight in energy and need to focus marrow. Before I was for the answer from the[inaudible] effort with hosting abdomens, the unsavvy help he sponsored runs off and off any herbal bromance off of leaving of vape and patrons and foam slash man shit in the back. Fair to be on spot costs in home health or Dorothy if you act as the light in Apple podcasts. That's helped Oman's poker and to Lascaux in the hit life, sir, and I'm going to under the mental support, the customer might click a vendor. I have all of the Shoals, 50 reviews. Ancient manifold care. Yes, yes.[inaudible] play me vocals or Instagram and Smith are on there. Ed mentioned America off of Dorothy, who can I mention American, but then it's on certain cloak on[inaudible] platforms. There's also false discusses and tips.[inaudible] had a new ne social media apps and they have Oak Logan's MSK to website, maybe mentioned the Mac, but the, now those, how.