Vietnam Podcast: Culture, Community & Conversations

If Vietnam Was a Person, How Would You Describe Them? | Season 9 Compilation

A Vietnam Podcast Season 9 Episode 29

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Mischa Smith:

My name's Misha Smith. And I'm your guest host for today? my guest today is Mr. Kevin Lee. If Vietnam was a person how would you describe this person

Kevin Lee:

Oh if Vietnam was a person Vietnam would be

Mischa Smith:

young And if uncle okay

Kevin Lee:

Yeah Who likes to drink a lot Yeah Who likes to party but

Mischa Smith:

not a bum work hard Play hard Yep

Kevin Lee:

Work hard and play hard The fun uncle who's single

Mischa Smith:

the fun Uncle's single I fucking love it Cap Yeah So yeah just And he he was a bit of an entrepreneur He started his own fashion brand called Yeah So all the Sam drivers like sitting on the street at the end waiting for a remarked me and he's like dude everyone here's working for themselves Yeah And And that's that's Vietnam for me Like that's second It's just people fucking

Kevin Lee:

The hustle in in Vietnam in Saigon in OI the

Mischa Smith:

Yep real knows Real All right

Paul Villanova:

I am Paul Villanova and I will be your guest host my guest national team captain business owner and entrepreneur Justin Young if Vietnam was

Justin Young:

that's a good question I mean I'd describe a person that's cheap cuz everyone here is really really friendly everyone smiles at you no matter

Paul Villanova:

Yeah I I would agree with that That's good


Matt Tran All right Matt what one reason would you use to persuade

Matt Tran:

If Vietnam was a person I would just describe 'em as a resilient day we know how to like drink We know how to have fun We know how to listen to

Niall Mackay:

So make What one reason would you use to persuade someone

Myke Nguyen:

go a young business person that just launched our startup

Niall Mackay:

that That's all of you now That's very common here

Myke Nguyen:

opportunity there's so much opportunity Yeah There's so right And so many things that can go wrong And as a startup you have

Niall Mackay:

alone Selena what one reason would you use to

Selena Luong:


Niall Mackay:

If Vietnam was a person how would you describe them

Selena Luong:

Traditional but hot Yeah literally hot

Niall Mackay:

one reason would you use to persuade somebody to

Tam Nguyen:

I think that if I describe Vietnam let's just say ho city SA let's

Niall Mackay:

different And I I do make this mistake cuz I've only really lived but I really just mean Saigon cuz I've got no other real frame of reference

Tam Nguyen:

It's probably a Not so all around 20 ish age she would have a lot overall we are a big city We have all the things we need to grow but we don't mistakes For example if you just go out and asking other people if we can sit are are quite shy yet but talking back 10 years back not that many people speak

Niall Mackay:

See I love this question mostly because I love the answers cuz answer And even in six years I remember getting healed six years ago and not many Vietnamese or to get my translate app out And then they just speak to me and like for 10 years mark keys Ryan So Ryan what one reason would you use to

Flattened If VN:

If Vietnam was a person how would you describe them alright rice How are you too smart Yeah And also I would say they're honest very honest Vietnamese and which strange I thought they'd be talking a lot behind my back lot of people on Facebook blogs will say like oh man they're always talking understand it They're really not talking about you They're just talking about

Track 1:
