Vietnam Podcast: Culture, Community & Conversations

Life in Quarantine: Adrie Mackay and Anastasia Sokyrka - S3 E2

Niall Mackay Season 3 Episode 2

Adrie, and roommate Anastasia, discuss what life in quarantine is like with host and fellow quarantee Niall.

Anastasia, originally from the Ukraine, has lived in Saigon for 5 years working in sales for a major hotel chain.

Her company sent her on an ill-fated dream trip to Australia for work on March 15th, 3 days after the pandemic was declared. As a result most of her business meetings went online and were then cancelled leaving her no reason to be in Australia and as borders closed every reason to get back to Vietnam as soon as possible. 

Flying on the same flight from Sydney as Niall and Adrie she found herself on the same problem at the Vietnamese border of being moment away from being sent back to Australia, a country she has no ties to. Before luckily being allowed in at midnight and sent to quarantine with a group of foreigners who'd never met before. There she paired up with Niall and Adrie, wanting to be with the only other female in the group.

Listen to more details about her story and what life has been like in quarantine for the three new friends. 

Theme music composed by Lewis Wright.
Main Cover Art designed by Niall Mackay and Le Nguyen.
Episode art designed by Niall Mackay.

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spk_0:   0:01
All right. Welcome to the second episode of the special quarantine season off seven million banks. We have a special guest here today. She's all the way from Ukraine. She flew in from Osteria, especially to join us in quarantine. We're gonna welcome anesthesia. So? So so go. So anesthesia is in quarantine with me and Adrian. We have got very lucky. Somehow there's only three of us in this room. Don't tell you. I think I don't think we're the only people on way talk to some people. Maybe some people think that foreigners get treated differently. We have not seen that to be the case because we know other foreigners that are in the room of, like, 56 and seven. We've not been treated any differently of anything we seem to get forgotten about. We get less stuff than there. Anyone else. But I think that's just by accident. Not by design. In the room is quite a big room. We all socially distance from each other within the room. We basically just cardinals all the time. At the moment, we moved a little bit closer, so we have a meter away from each other. But we actually all have face masks on at the moment, so we are trying to be a safe as possible. Um So if you listen to the last episode we made, we told you all about Adri, my drama getting from New Zealand back to Vietnam on then anesthesia. Before we tell everyone what life's like in quarantine joining give a brief explanation of why did you How did you end up in quarantine?

spk_1:   1:38
Yes, sure, everyone. So money is Anastacia. The short name is nice toe in Ukrainian. Wait, I didn't get now for five years already. I have been in Australia for Business Tree Center, my company. I work in the hospitality industry. Due to the closing, the borders and situation getting more tough. I was coming back urgently to Vietnam. Same as the guys. I have a temporary resident card labor contract and rent apartment for two years. So suppose that I should arrive normally smoothly, however, things when differently. We end it here for weeks. Today they number nine. So I'm Ukrainian, but, um,

spk_0:   2:26
to give it, just give it a little bit of background as we explain. So where did you get to Australia? What were your thoughts being sent on a business trip at that time, considering you know what was going on in the world?

spk_1:   2:38
Yes. So I sent my company. We have Company Ridge incident. See me? So in the worst case scenario, I knew that I would be covered by a company in Australia. I was there closing catch with the head of facing Hanoi, checking whether I should go before my tree. And I got confirmation. Yes, you go. And then when I was in Sydney and situation get more and more wory, I check in with them daily basis. What should I do? Should I come back? I should know. They asked me to stay, Stay. If there is a war situation, you prolong there for two weeks more than you come back. And then when I knew that the flight to be canceling and Australia's locking down the borders for six months, I request emergency returning a company check and confirm that I can come back. So when I was comin to Australia on a business trip, I was excited because it was the first time in Sydney trip of my dream. But at the same moment, I knew that situation may went wrong. However, I had people covered both in company and my friends, so I kind of had no choice. But I wa ce like excited

spk_0:   3:56
award today. What date did you fly to a street?

spk_1:   3:59
I arrive 15. It was Sunday morning and I flew back

spk_0:   4:07
only five days. And how long was the trip meant to be?

spk_1:   4:10
Two weeks.

spk_0:   4:11
I don't explain. What did you say to me about all your meetings and everything that you had plans?

spk_2:   4:15
Yes, we have a

spk_1:   4:16
schedule for two weeks meeting potential partners, travel agencies and a schedule quite busy. However, day by day, Australia tryingto help people understand the guarantee is important. So we have many meetings. Your schedule from offline tow line. I've had to cancel traveling instant in Australia after my bone and first. So we moved all the schedule lying calls. But even that cause suddenly started to be considered because my partners, they were not sure whether they have a job next day and a massive busy. We used the consternation off the packages and everything. What we are dealing with their work. So basically there was nothing to do is a business so I was headed to stay in Australia's as long as I can. Kevin the company back up. But I understand that residents in Vietnam I had a stain. That's really I need to find a way to legalize myself there. It's so more painful. I think they're in Vietnam. So I had a scenario 50 50 that I will my aunt in the guarantee, but as a check with the company this that you should be fine because you resident and you have working for me.

spk_0:   5:36
So when you exactly back your company, you thought there's a 50% chance that you get to go home.

spk_1:   5:41
My my own my own

spk_0:   5:43

spk_1:   5:44
I it wasn't my company was my own feeling that I can get 17 50% 50% and in one hour before fly. I already knew

spk_0:   5:54
way were about 90% for a couple of days. If I were like, we were okay with that, um, so I traveled pretty quickly that way. First met you kind of deducing is that they will go marshal double to the immigration desk As soon as we went to the quarantine or we went to the health check on. I saw that you had a form Do you want explain about your medical form is well, similar toe experience.

spk_1:   6:23
So I knew that I need to fly from Sydney night night before I was unable to make amendment off my original ticket because it was fully booked already. So I had to buy you flowers just because originally supposed. And it was night already all hospitals and clinics closed, so I couldn't get it to check What is the medical certificate? Because I saw their request about medical certificates. So I have no choice. I had to go to the airport in the morning. I ran a little bit earlier. Waas actually Good. Good decision because I couldn't check in on the flight. I was rejected. They said that you have a medical certificate and luckily airport They have medical centers have been sent there. I visit the doctor, pay for the $90 on I asked him, Saved my life because I basically need to come back somewhere. I can come back to Crane my borders close. I need two convicted, you know. I can't say no. So he was very calm. I think it was the first person asking

spk_0:   7:30
something like

spk_1:   7:31
that. He asked me a question. How long you been here? Have you feel any fever? Could be contacting anyone. I checked my temperature. Check my nose So just visually. And then he might write me the letter that I have no symptoms. I haven't been in contact for two weeks with anyone. And I think to fly. Basically, certificate stated. I fly. I asked if I can get tested for Khurana. Briareos. They say no one in the country was trying to make it for you. You're never being in the contact. You don't have a scene, Tom. So you can request even if you pay money. I don't think that I was enough. Always see, just five days ago. So it's criteria maybe say no. You need to have a fever and other things. So nobody get now in Australia will give you the Kobe past. So what do I get? Many girls difficult to fly went to check in desk again. They confirm me that I should be fine. The guys at the check in counter. They also not sure because your name is regulation. Pretty confusing there, like 20 pages so faultless in this case and five minutes they were trying to find whether they're my certificate is okay. No, because if not stated anywhere that I need to talk over Test is really found out. When we arrived in the forest that Ellen's get from Vietnam Authority, they find to check me, check me for medical certificate. So that is also minus and points to the government in this situation because basically, right, 10 people, right, foreign us on that flight and originally wanted to be sent back brother lines chicken. So they put us in the risk. I think somebody needs to cover the cost of sending us back.

spk_0:   9:19
Yeah, I didn't understand at that point when way mentioned in the last time we saw that the boarding passes ticket have been printed, right? And I was like, How, like, who's paying for this Because of the way paying for, like, just about to get packed my phone to a please fighting. What? What this just highlight is there. These are just l story, and your story is just two stories worldwide of people just being trapped. Situation's changing, like you just mentioned you couldn't fly back to Ukraine were from different countries we did. So many people in the world should have very similar stories where they were traveling or in a different country. I don't know if we mentioned, but obviously we talked about that. We went to New Zealand for a wedding. We had family that go trapped in NewZealand for a bit. There's still be a family that still can't track their for want of a better one who live in the studio. But not at the moment. They're just staying in New Zealand. So, um, I know some people say we should have expected this or why did you travel? Because we did a a M. And we've had some feedback as well from people. And I think just nobody really expected this to happen this quickly, right?

spk_2:   10:28
Yeah. I mean, it's also unprecedented, like that's the word you keep. You keep using that like there's nothing to refer to on the scale. And like this year speed at which things have changed in the loss two weeks, two weeks,

spk_0:   10:43
because we were talking way lived through salt and we lived through, but like that is not even comparable to what happened right now. So we're gonna go back to this story. We're gonna give you an update on what life is like in corn team. We're not gonna give you a day by day blow because every day is the same. Uh, not really much to tell them. And we can't tell what was three days of five days ago. I said something to someone who's like, Oh, yeah, this happened two days ago when he was like, That was this morning, but we left off. We go bust to quarantine, we met on a stadium, or we can bump into your immigration, really start talking to you yet, and then you take it from there. So we go with Mustapha, got lost, which was just absolutely comical on. Then we go into the quarantine facilities, will you? What happened next? Was it Well,

spk_2:   11:36
yeah. So our bus was just one of a handful of buses that have left the airport around the same time. Um, all coming to the university dorms. We pulled up when, when our buster finally found the right place to go, we pulled up to one of the dorm buildings on it. Must have been by this point one or two in the morning, but it's how we actually got here. We pretty much just sat on the bus, waiting for some further direction as to what to do on as the buses in front of us were offloading and getting disinfected and checking in and stuff, the building eventually filled up, so we all were told to go back on the bus. I'm on the bus, moved round thio another building, at which point they started to offload us. It was a little bit confusing. No one really knew what to do apart from. Get off the bus and get your bag. There

spk_0:   12:31
was nobody. I think we may be mentioned. I don't mention. It's just that even since we've been here, there's been nobody like that in charge. As far as we can tell, there's nobody like there's no contact person, there's no even when you look about nobody looks like they're in charge.

spk_2:   12:44
There's no one with a clipboard, Yeah, walking around, directing

spk_0:   12:48
you to do. And so some of the clipboard in a hive is best. They would be the highest ranking person here for we go out people. Maybe I'll just stop walking around with it. People who start asking me places they So we go ushered into the building.

spk_2:   13:04
Yeah, it was a little bit I wouldn't see completely disorganized. But it was clear that as we had read in the media that the the buildings had only very recently been cleared out. It was a bit there. They're quite dirty. Were given a piece of paper to fill out was all in Vietnamese. So luckily, some of the Vietnamese people that traveled could speak English and could translate for us. It was a horse. Yeah, we got our bags disinfected, which was just like a combination of probably diluted bleach. Some people's clothes were instantly ruined. Um, and then, yeah, there was a few people in the kind of has Matt suits that were directing us, telling us where to go in terms of like what rooms to go into. Originally, there was 1/4 person, but they kept putting us into rooms that only had three beds. So he eventually got separated. And I don't know what became of him.

spk_0:   14:07
We've seen him since, so it's all really chaotic, because again, no one's telling us what to do. I have to say the what amazed me was everyone was just so I don't know. It would be like that in the UK or America you create. But everyone just was judo. Go on with the floor like this is what we have to do. We have one women on a bus who is the definition of a safe, entitled, obnoxious lady who will demand, almost like demanding to speak to the manager. And she was like, I have to expedite this. Why we're reaching. It's four in the morning and I had to try and talk to her and be like Lady, this like, we'll all be in quarantine. I don't think she expected to be quarantined, so she was kind of advice. My Here, it's like you're gonna be here for two weeks. So she stormed off. We've never seen a sense. I don't know. She either managed to get shipped out. Hotel. She's just hiding under our beds. Hope she's found here. She's fine, but she's learned the lesson to be obnoxious. But then we write. So eventually the three of us got shipped into the room. Anesthesia. Tell us what was the room like when we first arrived

spk_1:   15:18
first any of the time because I have everything found. So we're on the bus. We sue in the effort at 1 a.m. When we get our first crossing way, were on the bus at 1:50 a.m. Going to somewhere we haven't told any undress for praising the enemy Is that one of the enemy's after the driver? Because they didn't tell us that 3:50 a.m. Saying outside our first building that being inside because we're waiting fool. So what? 3:50 a.m. We were still nor inside the room and the picture that I take with the room with my bag inside here was 5:40 a.m. I didn't

spk_0:   16:06
feel that way because I slept on the plane on the way over. I don't remember feeling like tiled all. I just remember this waiting, but anyway, we go in the room eventually, five for years.

spk_1:   16:24
Some pictures off the current facility is Korean because accordion in the nation with the first school band and requested to be guaranteeing it was maybe two weeks before happening. So they're already social media complaining and showing conditions where government for the people who arrived from Korea So you were We could expect it. So I was a bit shocked, but I was preparing for the worst. I mean, when they told us that it will be done,

spk_0:   17:00
I thought there's gonna be a uni dorm. So yes, I think

spk_1:   17:07
your friend is an article from local media decision Government. The picture that day was like dorms mattress. Okay, kid. In Korean three few weeks ago, and then we'll be entering the building on the first floor. What is it? Because it's And then when we took us upstairs and I saw the first open door, I said exactly the same picture as I saw it. An army camp, Same birds. Say, kids, if we can say that with their military printed Okay. What is it? A bomb? My trist. Exactly. Same. So I was ready. I lost hope by that time already. No, no, I just wanted to be sure that I stay here no clearer. Forget about it. Too desperate for it. Same as me. And I followed them as it was when one female except me, and called him boss ladies. So I just realized for my survival and

spk_0:   18:22
full of honor, and

spk_1:   18:26
she attached to the way we show a few rooms. I think the guy who was escorting us, he couldn't speak English. So he shows fumes. I think we way stayed in one for a few minutes. I think you called us back in the same room. Have one guy. I think he's Japanese for us. Then they were trying to put us in one room because I think they started because together we may be two couples. Then when they realise that there's only one Mary couple and I'm just a lonely soul on I ask that guy, Can you stay with them? And I like you? I don't know his name. He gave up and he think he was here People. But he could stay. Absolutely. But he took him away. And the guy, the court, this court in us, I think he didn't. I couldn't understand. We are while the three of us, he asked if you're married. So you say you were married and then I asked him, What can we say together and that he was looking like what? And then I asked guys, you okay? Stays, you say Yes. I don't know if you mean it. But you say Yeah, thing. Then the guy was confused. I was confused and he just left us. Three of what's on. I think that was like just before we get

spk_0:   19:56
Yeah. So there's nobody with 10 people. You mentioned a moment and I don't think there's anyone. 10 I think not here in this facility, I think maybe Moose six. We got really lucky. I think just through the confusion, maybe because meaning you're married? I don't know. First couple of nights we had held that they were trying to add more people to other rooms. And we got really scared because for one, we clean the place. We were mentioned self isolating in different corners of the room and staying away from each other. We didn't want some. Strange is coming in that we didn't know where they come from. We didn't know which flight being on Bob. We plus a couple of them have been scared. But when we came in so we go givin a mosquito in that we've given a camel blanket, a strong man And that was it. No, no, no. No masks. So nothing.

spk_1:   20:44
I don't remember. I

spk_0:   20:48
think there was water already here. So we got this leak because we had to think about this 0.6 in the morning and really pretty much put our stuff down in the past. I don't remember what time you woke up. Carriages. Dad, the anesthesia has had hung company asking for seals. Reports on then why she don't got any new clients. So she's sitting in quarantine on the whole world is closed down, especially to travel. Yes, there's basically to travel. So that was the first night first d. We were able to arrange some care packages. Thankfully, with so many people, were just like from anesthesia. Is one from our friends Just messaging, like, what do you need? What can we get you? At that point, you could get stuff delivered by getting people to know information like there was no upon me. I've read and being told that you're meant to be appointed a translator. There's only about we. That's what someone told me here. In other facilities, foreigners get appointed, not like an individual translator. But there's a translator available for foreigners so that we think there may be a most 15 to 20 foreigners in this whole facility. and the probably a few 1000 people here. So there's not many office, but we've just been told like nothing from day one, like zero information. So we just kind of figure out ourselves. We heal second hand reports so that Dusty No one told you about deliveries, but we knew we could get them. So luckily, an STD. What except a couple of packages with friends said number go. Cleaning supplies was the first thing we go. Everyone wanting to sell it. Send his alcohol on booze, which we were just about We didn't really need to establish We still doing needed no really drink. And then what they want. We go down to cleaning. We don't need to go through day by day, right? But we give the place like a deep clean. If you follow me off, you know me and you see my Facebook. You saw that clean the fans. The fans were kicked. Don't look like they've never been cleaned. Think that Thio police. So the students evacuated. All moved out of here the night before, but we don't think they were moved out of every room because this room was so dusty like Graham all over. It didn't seem that anyone had been living here for months. So that was the first day was just getting rid of Graham and Dark before we really get down to cleaning. Or that first day, we got the pit with pillows, and that was the biggest thing I got to be struggling with. Yeah, I say we go to snacks and wave power outlets. We need you. And then since then, Shal edgy tailors and we don't need to go through day by game of what's life like in quarantine.

spk_2:   23:31
It's very broad. General question. Yeah, I mean, the days actually go by surprisingly quickly. It's a lot of, well, 1st 1st of all, we wake up in the morning. The first couple days were a little bit less routine because the meals kind of came at random times. But since probably Day three, the males have consistently come at about 6 30 in the morning. We get breakfast, you get a big knock on the door. Lunch comes about 11 30 dinner comes about 4 30 Basically, it's like What do we do to fill in the time in between the meal way clean, quite often, at least every other day. After our big, massive clean, we spend a lot of time on their phones way All have, like, four G and the WiFi, sometimes sometimes good. But, um yeah, without Internet

spk_0:   24:35
public. Okay, those first couple of these, I think the three of us were just communicating with the outside world. We don't really communicate with each other because we was communicating with friends and family around the world up there, people on figuring things out. So that was That was a bit weird, I think. Almost. And then I remember on the second was that the second day, I had a massive my one and only down time. I started talking to some family on the phone and started to appreciate the seriousness of the situation. Know that we finally got back to you. Now go into quarantine then Everything else in the outside world started really playing on my mind. Obviously. Job secure. A world economy. Everything just got on top of me. So I had a don't woman on then I consent to use. Did your anesthesia. You will Pretty much the same, right? I could tell the anesthesia. She just dropped it. He was buying, which was also Are you a positive? You didn't have that.

spk_2:   25:32
I think like I said to you earlier today, I'm a bit numb. It's Day nine. If we go back to the routine like every day, a significant portion of the day is spent reading news and updates, and that's pretty depressing. But, I mean, we're here, we're safe. We're relatively comfortable. It's really just about getting through this and everyone around the world having their own things to get through. So I don't think we're in a special situation. It's a unique situation, for sure, and it's very surreal every every bit of it. Kind of like if I pinch myself when I wake up, it seems like we're living. I wouldn't call it a nightmare, but it's just it's completely again unprecedented. It's very strange, but I think the only way to get through it's just to keep to keep going, like you can't really be anything other than kind of positive.

spk_0:   26:27
Here's what I had that remember, Don't movement. The anesthesia did as well, Then we came back up to me. We'd like checking on each other. We kind of like right. How's everyone doing? We just really lucky. Like you said, WAY said. Yes, Even if we didn't want, we didn't. We were located. Yes, you could share with us. We have locked down. Always the three of us, like you can probably hear from a conversation. We going really well with anesthesia way, all kind of like know when to shut up into your own thing and just steer our food's off color or read or whatever. Watch a movie. And another thing. You sit and have a laugh. If you follow any of us and social media, probably maybe looks like having a battle Italian that we actually, because we only post the fun stuff. So we have done some random fun things. We made up a bowling alley. I want a border with things like that. But the majority of the dean that's loathe majority of the day. We pretty much just hearing force on playing words with friends are complete.

spk_2:   27:26
I mean, don't they have been like cockroach moments? Very dramatic cockroach movement way. I'm not complaining, but we have to hand wash our clothes. In the first couple days, you didn't have a basin to do it and

spk_0:   27:40
or the shovel doesn't work was no pressure for the showerhead. So it comes out the attack, which is at your knees but doesn't come out the showerhead. So we have to do the old school. I went to get a scoop delivered in a bucket, So yeah, I mean, even though we sure that we have fun without completing and it's not a nightmare, the reality is we also got a wooden Bennett. We don't have a proper shower after hand. Washing clothes were terrified. That was cool it on every surface. Anesthesia is fussier than the rest, so she got noodles delivered on the first day. Of all, the anesthesia is surviving on noodles. It's race for every meal, which is actually, I'm okay with that. Race is pretty good, but it's repetitive.

spk_2:   28:23
There's no air concepts like just pretty much sweating all the time.

spk_0:   28:27
Yeah, and we go meaning and you will try and go for a walk 23 times a day just to stretch our legs. And that's where it becomes the most surreal point because does have quite a lot of people walking by everyone. Most people on social distancing from each other. No one talks to each other. We're in this university dorm. It's not prison, but we can't leave. Yes, so I think or Oh, well, no completing, but we're looking forward to mattress. The thing is, I don't know what you guys for. Me. I'm not getting to the point. I'm gonna be skilled to leave because there's gonna be so another whole set of circumstances to do with

spk_1:   29:09
yesterday. So everything is closed. It may also the down point in frustration. Regan, been policy of the Vietnam local government saying that if there is confirmed case in your residence apartment, the whole building can be locked down or even all residents center guarantees. So they're thinking about always something seemed like game making me really very strange. I was like you to prepare some food in my fridge before that. Frustrated because I was assuming Pacific GTO I will be current in a home for 40 days. So I'm not worried that I come back home now and survive. Having everything is closed forever. One week we still must stay here. God knows what Change situation is really unpredictable. And you can't trust anything.

spk_0:   30:10
Well, people, situation is amazing. We look anesthesia, got some delivered on the first day and then leave. Then they brought something. Get in the beginning, we got given nothing we didn't get any cleaning supplies were to use of Old Ma. Luckily, as it's, it's some stuff cleaning supplies sent from anesthesiology work, which you went to the hospitality and the scent like hospitality, agree cleaning with which was good after a few days way. So we knew and told us we just saw, like, buckets and mocked downstairs. And we can get some of these. Um,

spk_1:   30:45
you made me understand language.

spk_0:   30:48

spk_1:   30:49
treated something normal. But Kevin now's elation, elation information into.

spk_2:   30:57
Also, You have no information like you have a group. Charlie's out of

spk_1:   31:04
foreigners and we have. The name is they're wanting us if anything happening. But is no have any better treatment, even most traveling because of language area? We not complain, really, all of us leaving Vietnam for a long time. So we a little bit funny earlier, with the culture on people's mindset here so that people will come on the first day, I think because they all knew they would come to here. It was not shocked for most of them and even if it was shock for them, they are fine toe accept because the system and education and everything in there today life is basically do what you're told to do. So we live in different. But we are here for a long time. So we are not complaining. We accept the situation just from the moment we have accepted to yet now it was like enough to inside a country not sent back to ST.

spk_0:   32:03
And so just so you know, it's not the majority from a weekend see off the other inmates. Thea Other people that are here are Vietnamese students from overseas who obviously trying to get back as soon as he can as the rules were changing. And you're gonna walk the boulders to even read me citizens. That's from a weekend, see, is the majority of them people here, even students. Let's young people, as we said, maybe 24 hours at most. Yeah, so right. I think we've covered the whole let's finish off with some questions we're gonna do first. Alright. Anesthesia. And what's the first thing you want to drink when you leave quarantine

spk_2:   32:49
to drink? Yeah, literally. Anything with it. I'll take a nice coffee. I'll take a tiger with I take water with ice. I'll take like a fresh juice with ice. I don't care. Just put some ice in it. I

spk_0:   33:01
think I do the same. And not a nice coffee the way. Luckily, we have a lot of coffee here. No, get sicker coffee. But I just want something else. We Are we drinking only water or coffee or vitamin C? So you have you seen just anything iced then? After that, I wanted a city job. I just want a cool, frosty draft beer. And she's like, all the balls are close. They are Get That's all right. All right. I understand. It was the first meal that you're gonna you want to eat when you get He's

spk_1:   33:35
a vegetable fruit. Something fresh, not cooked to steam. So boiled good, fresh, cold vegetables. So

spk_0:   33:47
All right.

spk_2:   33:49
Yeah, this is gonna sound boring, but like I say, I don't want a salad with fresh rock, crispy vegetables and lettuce. Just beautiful salad. Be amusing

spk_0:   34:01
on some rice. I'm not sick yet, but maybe in a few days, we'll have to do something different. I can I want the same I want because I really don't want Fred. Fred's the moves I want cool to me was I was like,

spk_2:   34:15
You have a

spk_0:   34:18
group Chicken wrapped with grace. Don't do that. B o t o Get hungry? No. Was that New York beagle? I know what's gonna be the first thing you do when you get home.

spk_1:   34:42
I shall call. What? And Sleeping mattress?

spk_0:   34:49
Yeah, I'm gonna feel it. This may be similar, but we'll go around Enemy A. J

spk_2:   34:54
uh, hopefully get smothered with slobber from my biscuit, my puppy dog. And then after that, put on a load of laundry and then take a shower.

spk_0:   35:06
Yeah, probably. Seamus. Any other questions you wanna ask? Can you guys think of any questions that simply through you go?

spk_2:   35:15
Um, yeah. Okay. So despite the stuff that we've received, which has been amazing and I 1st 2 days before they banned deliveries,

spk_0:   35:25
we didn't see that. So the band deliveries after two days because I think mainly lots of these overseas being me student parents went crazy and setting them like, Well, we've seen pictures of said mini fridge, ease a C unit people like the 1st 2 days that deliveries just went crazy.

spk_2:   35:45
Yeah. Then the local media got wind of it, and it was a shit show. They should have. They should have shut it down. So rightly so. Yeah. Luckily, we got essentials. But if there was anything else the rolling over the next five feet, five days, would you

spk_0:   36:04
wait? You know, yesterday they came and knocked on up the war. Really nice. We're doing like presents. And they were going on given everyone a bag of fresh, cold fruit which restricted Lee didn't eat right away. Then it wasn't cold anymore. Which really, um I actually don't know if I would meet a mattress. Well, yeah, we could still get delivery. Would have got asked for someone to send a mattress here. The biggest thing on the stevia.

spk_1:   36:35
Yeah, I like companies and, you know, kind of block it from. So I would ask only for fresh fruit, because I feel that we don't get in a nutritious from food we get

spk_0:   36:48
from Wait, right.

spk_1:   36:51
Very sweet. So teams ready? Don't nutritious inside. I will get some vitamins. That is from because then I was blessed with vegetables and fruits and natural vitamins. It's just a shame that we can get it. And you take this Superman from the vitamin C, which make no support system. Yes, I would say with some fresh, bright Amis,

spk_0:   37:19
and you didn't answer.

spk_2:   37:20
So I had the unfortunate luck that my headphones broke on day two or three, and my flip flops broke on a day like four. So I don't need flip flops. I think I've heard that, but had to be pretty good. That's like, uh, entitled way.

spk_0:   37:37
So we've got Bill Necessities is anything and I think we've got to mention is where we work out. Every couple of whale meat you walk along on. We've done some room work out as well. We're trying to stay fit was trying to be healthy. I think we're almost week, so that's good. All right. And as it is to add anyone,

spk_1:   37:56
least five. Or do things that you can take from this

spk_0:   37:59
five. All right, when your friend is number one, um, struggling. Really. Five things positive of this. I mean, there's just nothing you

spk_2:   38:21
collected. Your

spk_0:   38:22
collective five is a lot to think on your own.

spk_2:   38:26
Well, I think Whittle has been echoed through social, social media. The volunteers and people who work here don't know volunteers were paid or what, but they're just incredible. If I had to be in their position doing that job, it would be not fun. Um, but I think the appreciation and as you can see everyone around the world, is appreciating the people that are on the front line, helping but like the deep appreciation being this experience, if we were just in our apartment so we wouldn't see this firsthand, Um, and they come to our room with a smile on the face and give us the food like they're just so just so nice and

spk_0:   39:04
they have a mask on. But we think it looks like

spk_2:   39:06
they're rising with, but yeah, I think the appreciation of the people who are on the front line, I know we're not like at the hospital or anything, but it's really, really nice to see.

spk_0:   39:18
I think it's, well, the Vietnamese people, because I just think, I mean, maybe I'm wrong, but I feel like if this was in the U. T, it would be like Lord of the Flies be roaming gangs going around like stealing your toilet paper and your food. I think I don't think people would handle it as well. But I may be wrong. Maybe I'm making a wrong assumption. But I feel like I think it means people are amazing that it's like, OK, this is the situation we do with it. I'm not seeing anyone. You don't often TV newspeople lose the temple. I don't see anyone getting angry raising the voice. Nobody looks like this is a problem. Everyone just deals with nothing. Just testament to Vietnam and also to the Vietnamese authorities that they have done this, and they it seems like they've lost it down with Infection of Vietnam. Meeting today was 193. I think I read

spk_2:   40:06
this morning 9319 but a 79.

spk_0:   40:11
All right, We're in the high 100 regardless, so that's still pretty amazing. All right, we got three things easy.

spk_1:   40:18
My thing is, it's good chance to take it easy, so you don't have to accept the lacks. Patience is we're not the owners of this world and even the owner of our lives right now, so we just need to learn how to accept and behave in the way what is good for everyone. I don't make any complain. Travel Also upset yourself first stress yours your family, people who take care about you. So I want not complain My ship, our situation. I am to my family, my mom first awful, not hard come because it's much more people many people out us in the worst condition. So we must be lucky that we here we're safe. We they care about us as much as they can for the country. We're here on dhe. As I mentioned, ifyou Ukraine and similar situation, they were not much better condition off training the people maybe even worse. But it will be my my shit. So familiar isn't so just handling something different way. It's also good for life experiences. You need life experience. You get right up to making your friends appreciate the people around you trying their best. I heard that most of them are hunters not paid, and they put themselves in the risk and they're still smiling. And you know they don't run away. That every called about you. They still come to you every single day, few times a day. Hello. Remember our meal preferences. And we have a vegetarian so no more deeply than people that believe in the country. He's very, very good because he's so busy with work and just, you know, day to day life. Same to attach a game to local people, to understand their beautiful hearts and first eyes, also very positive and the most important scene. We're lucky to get that medical certificates from the 19 everyone

spk_0:   42:29
it's that one over test so far hope to get another one. Apparently, we get certificate at the end of a clean bill of health, which organ free. I'm gonna hang around my neck, people. Yeah, and just some of the cannon common questions I've had from some friends can have asked, Like many soldiers here is a military prison, Or is it like it's like it's not like that at all. We haven't even really seen any soldiers, some people in a Korean uniform, but they don't seem like soldiers like teenagers, people blue uniform. The blue PPG outfits, they're almost like visual seem like soldiers, either. There's no one going about guns that's gonna ask that question is my friendly Well, not like physically get in. There's no like, if we will have to jump the fence and go, we probably could, but probably not gonna get very far. Get you know, it's not like there's a guard at the door with a gun. It everyone just knows what they have to be. Oh, wait, Thio just again. Common questions for nose and local. Nothing we get treated to see from this facility anyway, it doesn't seem to be treated differently. We get fed for your time. Today we get water. We have total people wear WiFi toe. If anyone does have any questions, you know where to go. The seven million banks Facebook page. You can send us a message there will be happy to answer any questions because we don't have anything else,

spk_2:   44:01
especially in the next five days Way

spk_0:   44:03
got five days left, so I think that's finished. I hope you enjoyed that. I'm gonna try and maybe if I could get the technology to do another episode of maybe gonna try you on the phone with somebody and hopefully we'll get to more perspectives on how life is right now around the world or Vietnam from someone because everyone right now, I think we mentioned having our own unique experience. This'll is unprecedented. No one knows what the hell is going on. But I think I've said it before. We get through it together. So thanks for listening. Stay saving the finish off. Hey!