Vietnam Podcast: Culture, Community & Conversations

Overseas Student in Quarantine; Mizuka Yasuda | S3 E3

March 30, 2020 Niall Mackay Season 3 Episode 3

After realising we were in the same quarantine facility online Mizuka reached out and connected with our WhatsApp group and Adrie on Instagram where they were following each others Stories from opposite buildings. 

After chatting for several days online Niall and Adrie finally met Mizuka in person, at a distance, on one of our walks.

Born and raised in Saigon, with her parents still living here, Mizuka made the difficult decision to return to Vietnam from her final year of studies in the U.S. to be with her parents before she was locked out of Vietnam. Or her parents were locked out of the U.S.

Her story is one of many similar yet unique stories around the world about how the rapid escalation of Covid-19 affected people. 

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spk_1:   0:15
Hello, Mazzuca. Hello. How are you?

spk_0:   0:19
Um all right. Just another day in the quarantine facilities. 10.

spk_1:   0:25
So, uh, for everyone living come to the third F pursued off the special quarantine feeding, which is technically season three year of seven million light as you've listened to previous ever swords and you're coming back Thank you. If you're a new listener, welcome to the shore. You can go back, get previous episodes on seven million baby dot com or Spotify iTunes All the police is you get your podcasts and you can also get updates on the Facebook page, which is seven million Bates. So I'm new Mukai and host, As always on today I have a special guest who is also a fellow quarantine e more in me on and and so just give a bit of a background. Well, first of all like thank you very much for joining us. We have Mazzuca. Yes, Sudha?

spk_0:   1:17
I think

spk_1:   1:17
so. Mazzuca. Actually, this is Ah, maybe the first time I've ever for my wife and I. We both were saying yesterday it's the first time we've ever connected with someone online and then met them in the real world. So what happened was if you've seen the Facebook page for seven million base when we first got here, we went on to read it and we did an e m e, which is an ask me anything on dhe. Um, that that was that kind of blew up a bit. We got lots of responses and then actually a few messages from like, friends and the road in the world would be like, Did you get doing a M? We just saw it. And then what happened was masuka was one of those people that read e m e on was like, Wait a minute, That sounds familiar. So she sent me a direct message thing you're in quarantine in so and so And I was like, Yeah, that does. He's like, I'm here is well on so through that she then connected with my wife on Instagram. My wife uses instagram. I don't I don't really use that. And we added help to We've gotta quarantine what? That group with a whole bunch of people is their world trying to keep each other informed and helping each other. Um and then after that was What about what we've been here for nine days. I think that was how long ago It said a week ago. Maybe.

spk_0:   2:34
Mmm yep. Is the beautiful guys came in? Yeah.

spk_1:   2:39
And we connected. I think about a deal to after we got here. And they're finally Last night when we were out for our evening stroll, we finally encountered each other at a distant with masks on. But we were able to finally meet each other. So thank you for being on the show, Musica.

spk_0:   2:57
Thank you. Thank you for inviting me.

spk_1:   3:00
And this is also the first ever time I've done for an interview. So we're using escape. So we'll see how this goes. Hopefully it works and hopefully this sound quality will be good for anyone listening. So, Mazzuca, tell us. Tell me. Unit, tell everyone a little bit of a background. Basically. How did you end up in quarantine? Who are you? Where do you come from? And how did you end up here?

spk_0:   3:20
So my Nance Mazzuca Sudha? Um I'm half Japanese. Hot feeding me is So I was born in Richmond City, was my parents and we live here. Um, I've been in the United States for school as a study abroad kept it, Um, on until recently, I was in Rochester, New York, Um, home of Kodak, which I don't know if anyone knows, but yeah, um, I was there for a couple while. Well, I was there for because my third year on and we were approaching our spring break. So this is going to be a just a, um, Put it there. That this was from a university students perspective. I don't know how many like students you've interviewed. So yeah, just, uh, hopefully my naivete could be passed off, but, um, yeah, so we were going into spring break on dhe, um, we were in America and, well, I was in America. And, you know, I heard about Corona around December on dhe. I knew my parents were in Vietnam, and we haven't really talked much about much about it, so I don't think it was affecting it heavily. Although towards March we start hearing a lot more happening. Um, my parents live on one of the major commercial roads, and they started telling me that a lot of the businesses were starting to close down that this was going to be something a lot more serious. And I think that's when I really take or hit for me knowing that this is a very serious concern. This was before W H. O announced that it would be a pandemic. Um, yeah, and we were going into brake on, and I had planned to go to Japan with a partner of mine, Um, in the second week of March, and we had already planned this for your six months ahead, and we're super excited and didn't really think it would affect our trip. But then we started seeing things being canceled online for places that we were going to go to in Japan. Um, refunds and whatever, and we start getting anxious. My parents started telling me not to go. Um, and it was really difficult because, um, both of us were really excited, and we had put in a quite a bit money towards those, you know, a students. But then, um you know, the more we thought about it, it was it seemed more logical for us to not go to Japan, considering what was going down. Even the Princess diamond. I'm in Princess Cruise ship and all of that. So we cancel our trip and we ended up going to Montreal just where the short break for a week. Um, we went through in Montreal and Quebec City, and honestly, it was probably the better choice that we took that just because we didn't have to worry as much about potential travel bans between Japan and Japan and the US because at this point, from the students perspective, I was getting e mails from our international Student Service is at our college, seeing that they would highly advise us not to go to Japan and parts of year up, this was probably for they release tthe e, um, trouble banned from Europe between America and Europe. And so things were just escalating while we were on the strip in Canada. This

spk_1:   7:02
was around then, March 5th. Is that right?

spk_0:   7:05
Yeah. Travel. There was much to cooperate. Yeah, I think. Yeah, this was within first week of March or second week of March. We're watching the news roll in as it was, just, you know, just increasing in this immense like speed. Every the news was different every day. They had new information, and it just started looking a lot more real, especially in the Western. Um, And so by the time I came back, I started also receiving e mails or my university saying that okay. School be extended for a week. We're going to figure out how things are going to go. It might be just temporary. Don't worry about it. Two days later, we had another email saying, OK, we're going to be, um, shutting down temporarily. If you are students who live on campus, you may come back, but try avoid being on campus. Um, and then it a day or two later, again, we received another email saying, Okay, you guys have to leave by april 5th. Please get rid of all your things. We're closing the university location for the entirety of the semester,

spk_1:   8:22
but we even leave you.

spk_0:   8:25
No, we couldn't leave our stuff there. Um, they said they're going to What is it? They are moving everything online, and so we'll have all line Class is moving forward. Um, so we were actually thankful that, at least for my school that we got a week break extension of our spring break because without that time, I think it would have been a lot crazier. Were also given so much more time. And it's not even April fist notes and moves things out of our dormitories, um, and living quarters. So that was good. I heard that there were a lot of other friends of mine in a bigger city schools, and they were only given a three d notice, you know, from their first year. Hell of we're closing everything. Everything shutting down. We will be online. Move out right now, please. And it was crazy. Um, I

spk_1:   9:16
love her. You go in e mails saying, don't worry about it. And in two days early, So it's pretty much like you should worry about it. No.

spk_0:   9:22
Yeah. No, it didn't feel right for sure. Um, and round about this time we came back from Canada. We want by car, but we went back in from the Canadian border. Um, and I was actually stopped at the border. And I am not an American national. My partner is. So I started getting nervous whether it was to do with my visa, or is it a travel ban that we didn't hear of? That may have changed in the last hours, so But it was just a small mishap, so thankfully was okay, We the we got back, though. And at that point my partner works for, um, a I t company. That's pretty global. Um, they're the CEO of that company. Actually sent out a company wide email saying that please work from home, moving forward and have food stocked up or, you know, at least 45 days, you know, a month to two months. Um and, you know, we didn't really think much of it until that. Eat. Well, I already start feeling worried, but my partner really like shifted gear after having received that email and something. You know, I think this might be serious. Um, and his reasoning was thought the CEO is on quite a few boards, executive boards with President Trump and sew him. Having said something like that may mean that this is something that's a lot more serious. And so we hopped into the car and started our self quarantine. I had a whole extra week of break at this point. Um, and my school wasn't completely shut down yet, but I Yeah, but we got onto the car and went for a quick grocery run, and this was the first time my parents message me saying, Maybe I should consider going home, and I typically don't go home as much. Um, I only since I have been studying abroad. I only go home once a year on, and it's only for short periods of time, like three weeks during winter break. So this would have been out of the ordinary. I do so, you know, save a bit of money. Um, try to use my resources in the US, but this was starting to feel a lot more real. And I think there's certainly an element of denial, you know, me being with my partner of feeling that it's probably a lot safer to stay in one place instead of going to airports as well. Um, but we still went out to the grocery store, and it was really interesting because this waas on Lee the start of the toilet paper outbreak. If the U. S people get yeah, we went to Whole Foods, which is slightly nicer of ah place. Um, at this point, we were in Rhode Island, which is a state right below Massachusetts, sort of neighboring New York. That's a live. Oh, you did. Where were

spk_1:   12:35
you? Uh, mostly can a weak field Narragansett area. Okay. Probably still get a lot of good friends in a road island if anyone's listening. Hello.

spk_0:   12:46
Like I love Providence. Providence is probably my most favorite city so far. Yeah, but yeah. So he went to whole Foods there, and you know that there's a lot of nice, um, privilege folk around there, and there's a lot of people who uses at whole foods and is really interesting just seeing how crazy things were. They weren't limiting the amount of people who could go into supermarkets. Yeah, or the number of people who could go to supermarkets. Um, so we walked in and there were so many people. This was probably the first wave of, um, people were working career people at the grocery store trying to court on stuff, probably because their company also sent out a company wide email, much like a CEO of my partner. Um, yeah, we it was really funny and went to the meat aisle, and the package meets. And the only things that were remaining was $20 veal, you know, Fassi gaining, or Cornish hens that were really, really small, huh? There's this woman.

spk_1:   13:57
You're gonna have a boozy quarantine.

spk_0:   14:00
Yeah, for sure. And there's this woman just looking between the two, and she picks up the tiny little package Cornish hand with her fingers and just kind of makes a face a comical Oh, yeah, And then we walked along a bit more into the produce section and, you know, there's a new old couple and the woman is yelling at the man saying, What do you mean? There's no more asparagus or whatever they were talking about? And there's a woman on the phone. Um, actually, there was low potatoes. That's what it was she was saying, which means there's no potatoes and there were no potatoes. For some reason, I guess it's one of the produce that lost longer. So they were exported all up. Um, then, you know, some people are on the phone. They're talking, saying, Yeah, the organic asparagus are all gap IMEs are tough and a comical and kind of ridiculous. It it's what we saw, you know? Um, so yeah, but we were able to heart quite a bit. And it was a month and 1/2 and at this point, I I was talking to my partner, and we were saying, Yeah, you know what? I should probably stay here with you. Limit the amount of travel for me where you're here safe. We have the stuff, we have the goods. So it should be fine on. I can just continue my education. Um, with my laptop, it's all online. But it just started escalating. My parents got more desperate, and they're saying Okay, you know what? There's a lot more trouble bands happening. He went there. Probably come home sooner. Don't know what

spk_1:   15:48
it was that around the remember,

spk_0:   15:50
um, I could pull up my phone. This was the weekend. The second weekend of march. So probably between Yeah, it all like, shifted from 13 14 15 16. Yeah,

spk_1:   16:08
it was about it. The same for Rosa when things really started changing quickly.

spk_0:   16:14
Yeah. Um, my parents were saying that I had Thio come home. Well, first it was Maybe you should consider going home, and then Oh, maybe you should contact the school and ask The administration would happen with my visa status with my education. Had I left, um, my father started saying things like As if I might not even go back to school for a whole nother year. And honestly, I don't know what's expect, but that is one of the, you know, more serious scenarios that we could consider it. So I wasn't sure about that. And I had to ask what it was a weekend. So I had an excuse to say, You know what? I still have to ask the school, but it's gonna take a while. But from one dates another, it was constantly Well, this is happening, and that is happening. We have this new information. I have my own information. But where are they reading their information? I mean, to some extent, you you know, you have those parents or family members who read all sorts of things online, uncertain of it, being fact checked or whatever. And, you know, that's not just them. But it could also be in me and other my peers, um, you know, just pretty much reading the article titles and not really reading the rest of article. Sometimes, yeah, short information's been a short Yeah, sure. Attention span. That's the Gen Z problem, I suppose. Oh, yeah. It was really nerve racking and I think I knew my parents were right. But I was trying to reason Why would have been better, that I stayed in one place and my partner and I kept saying that Well, we kept rating saying that like, it's not affecting young people. Only the sex older people and, you know, to

spk_1:   18:06
leave. Everyone spoke through those stages. Yeah, I know. In the beginning, where I think and I've seen some funny videos about everything goes through denial. In the beginning, I got just the flu. I mean, I know I've gone through this, you know? Is it that big? Do you? You know, and then it doesn't affect something. I'm going to be okay, cause I'm young. But you know what? Start to understand. The full picture is not about us being young or what? No. It's about protecting the people who are vulnerable. But I mean, in the beginning, Yeah, you don't. You definitely don't think about that.

spk_0:   18:35
Yeah. No, no, I was I think, um I think it's the fact that we chose not to go to two Panelists are first turning point of this serious. And then we really limited everything you know, washed our hands made sure every time, even from Montreal, we start doing that and no hoarding the food and everything. But eventually it just built up. And, um, I still had some things I needed to bring with me to in order to do my work online. So I had to return to campus regardless. And I ended up saying that, you know, I had to go back Monday morning. So I did. Um I need a book to train immediately, and I decide to go to the train and set of goals and airport just because I felt that it could be safer. My train ride would be 10 hours or nine hours. Um, but generally sit in the same place on dhe. It's relatively clean. And I wouldn't really move anywhere, so yeah, and there wouldn't be as much contact with other people for sure. Um so I chose. I opted for the train even though my parents told me I should have flown. Well, they actually don't know. I took a train. They just knew that I went back. But I still that was me trying to take measures thinking. But that's the right decision to do um, But I went back up and on the wall train ride. No, I had to go back and forth, and my parents were adamant that I go home. But that morning, she my mom, um, message saying maybe you should stay. And, you know, I'm getting Tauron left and right throughout this entire weekend. Um, and eventually, you know, I bought the tickets. It was a one way trip. I don't know what I was gonna come back. Um, I My visa is actually gonna run out soon, so technically, it's okay. It's a good thing that I can leave and maybe renew my visa. Um, but yeah. So I bought the train. Oh, I bought the ticket for that Thursday, so I was coming back Monday, packing everything. That's when we That's also the date that I received the e mail, saying that we should move everything off campus and that campus would be closed. So yeah, I bought my tickets without for two fly Thursday morning. I would arrive Monday night, pack everything Tuesday Wednesday, and then be back. So you think

spk_1:   21:10
Oh, yeah. And I mean, just just incredible listeningto all that empathizing with, you know, the back and forth and the being tall on decisions. And so ultimately, was it that with the fact that you appearance were worried then that you were worried that you may be locked out of Vietnam for a considerable period and then stranded in America or what What were the reasons you're thinking of staying in the States? Like what? What was the ultimate decision? I guess. And the fact is involved in that.

spk_0:   21:36
So I mean, I knew how serious things were going to be, but I understood that if I was still in the United States, my partner had offered. But I could stay with, um I could just stay and work and study developing other things, maybe still apply for internships on dhe. I could still be there. You know, um, I have decent health insurance because I, um, automatically enrolled into Prince once I am a student. So it wasn't going to be as bad. However, my parents started feeling that there weren't as measures. Um, set infrastructure is set into place in America as there were in Vietnam. You know, with these court quarantine facilities, there's plenty of mass. There's a lot of initiative And, you know, this quarantine facility is free and they're doing tests. So at this point, you know, I thought that it was fair that I should go home. The only thing was that if I left, I don't know if I could come back in. I also followed on the train ride I tried to search for, um the I reached out to the national agency that works with offices that work with international students in America. Um, and they released a statement saying that they would not try to revoke our visas in this moment because it is difficult for everyone, although they highly recommend. Like, they were saying that it might not be likely that if they left the country and needed to renew their visas that they could get the visa renewed because a lot of embassies aren't going to close our probably closing. Um, it might not be open for quite some time, so that was definitely over some thought because it's a visa and I need a tow. Get me back into the U. S. To finish my last year. My studies. Um, so I

spk_1:   23:40
got one more year lift.

spk_0:   23:42
Yeah, I have a year left, you know, and you know, food and everything is fine. I would still have my resources, and at least I would be in the same time. Zone has Salom, my peers, my professors. Um another resource is that I would like to use, but I would be slightly cut off of that if I came back to Vietnam. However, at the same time, you know, my parents were worried that well, what if I can't even go back home? But I wasn't thinking that it would last until December, you know, at least the most. I feel that those would have lost it with its until October, and I would come home December regardless. So I think it it would have died down. Done. I don't really return to Vietnam in the summer. So and feel much of ah, a moment of stress there. Although my parents were saying that Well, what if think of where? What is it you think of? The worst case possible is that I get caught and I die or something like that. And if my parents can't come into the U. S because of travel bands or something happens to my parents and I can't go home. Then what? I think that really wrong with me. Yeah, but it

spk_1:   25:02
wasn't easy. I mean, that's that's really was casing. Are you?

spk_0:   25:05
Yeah. Yeah, but But that's why I was saying that it's not affecting young people, you know, um and I was just trying to say that me going through, you know, flying from the US to Vietnam, I go through three major international airports. So isn't that posing more of a risk? Like, What does you know? That's not the ideal is pretty much where I was coming from. At that point, it's just I sure I I would try. I would like to return. I think that would be better with that reason. But what am I going to get exposed to? And what if I bring that back to my parents? You know, there's guilt,

spk_1:   25:48
because that's where we I think we talked about this one when I recorded our episode, you know? But on the other flight back, we will just terrified we gloves. Only way. I think I mentioned we had a little calmer way. We just stayed in because we didn't want to get the disease and then bring it back. You know what it's like, but we have to get home. So, yeah, it's pretty terrifying at that point. And especially if you're coming back appearance. So you made the decision you got on the flight on the Thursday, which was the day before we got back. What are you expecting them to come back to?

spk_0:   26:23
So, um, I just knew that I was going to come back on Dhe. They will. I don't know how, but I knew I was going to be at a facility, Some quarantine center. Um, I didn't really do much research upon that, because the moment I arrived back in Rochester to clear everything and put things away and no, try to organize all of that, pack up my life over the hair, figure out storage and bring it there and, you know, pack everything to go home. It was I didn't really look at them. Use them. I didn't really read much there. I didn't know of the updates. Um, I was just going toe. Let it happen as it does. You know, it's no point worrying because the outcome is still the same. Um, I can be a bit of a realist like that, which kind of helps ho. But I just knew I was going to be in quarantine center, but we just got on the flight and that was a lot, but is actually interesting. Um, from the Rochester airport to Newark Airport in New Jersey. Um, Mark, my flight was United Airlines, and no one was wearing masks, maybe myself, And, like, one or two other people, but good flight attendant cabin crew, nothing at all. They acted fairly normal. The flight was pretty empty, but was okay. We all had some kind of distance. And then my second flight from Newark to study the airport was also United Airlines. Um, and there were a lot of Japanese Kevin crew members, and they were all wear their masks. And in comparison to the American cabin crew member in my section at least, the American Caucasian woman, um, was wearing a mask herself. It was not the same as the Japanese cabin crew members, but she was wearing a mosque, and there was one male American cabin crew member and he he didn't really wear a mask, and he seemed just as he would be. You know, all relax and very welcoming and smiling. Um, but on that flight, once we got seated, the Japanese Kevin crew members actually tried toe separate our seats because it was still a fairly open, open flight. So she moved some of us saying that we should all sit far apart from each other, which is actually kind of great that they did that. I think it's a good way toe. No, Take that into their own hands. It wasn't really said on the P A system, but she would say, if you are next to each other, sit one person aside or you over there. There's some seats over there. Please move over there and you know all of that. So,

spk_1:   29:09
yeah. You didn't know that one hour flight?

spk_0:   29:12
Yeah. And love we arrived in Japan, and there is so much more masks. Newark Airport started showing some other mosques too, and, ah, lot of the entertainment and lounges. We're closed at Newark Airport at the Japanese airport. And Nandita there were actually still some lounge is open. A few stores were open, but masks we wear for sure a lot more people. Um and I was on the all Nippon Airway flight and actually on the P A system. They said they had added something else, which was, You know, if you were coughing or sneezing, please don't let that splash around next to you and please contain it. Oh, which was was really planning to hear, especially when spoken in Japanese. It wasn't really said in English, low in their translation, but, um, I thought it was interesting thing, but they added, Lucky

spk_1:   30:08
for you sell this human, you can speak Vietnamese, Japanese and English.

spk_0:   30:11
Yeah, it's like a 10

spk_1:   30:14
day and airport when they're giving giving out warnings and Japanese

spk_0:   30:20
Oh, yeah. So we got back and at this point high, really. I think it was just great toe not be connected to the Internet for a good moment in the air just because all the I would all that it would do for me to read more news is just to let me understand. But it really doesn't help with how I feel about the situation. What is going to happen? I just know I'm going to be in quarantine. But my parents did message a few times here and there is a okay. It looks like you'll be quarantined for 10 days and that by the time I arrive, someone, something one of them said Okay, so I see that apparently you can pay your way to be at a hotel quarantine facility or you're just gonna get put into some court quarantine facility? I don't know. Ask about it. Did

spk_1:   31:13
you? So did you. Your appearance aren't used European said that to you before you go here or land that.

spk_0:   31:21
Yeah, um,

spk_1:   31:23
because we stand after when we already got here, that apartment hotel was an option, but it was too late by that point. And also, I think we we read somewhere it was gonna be like, $100 a day, which, when you if you're gonna be a full 14 day, that's Ah. Pretty huge. Expect.

spk_0:   31:40
Oh, yeah, I know for sure. Actually, my parents said that it would like my mom said, if it's just $20 a day, that's the most that she would go. You're right. Yeah, but my dad said it would be fine, but in the end, I didn't really have the chance even ask about it. I was just equally is confused, and it was late. I just rather go through the motions. How bad can it be? You know, paid or not paid. So, um, I'm not too picky. So my parents,

spk_1:   32:11
you arrived at the airport, and then we want you near the similar experience a Zaza part of the drama of nearly being sent back on a flight because you're you have a Vietnamese passport, right? Do

spk_0:   32:22
I do? Thankfully? Yeah. Actually, that would have affected me of the Japanese airport had I not show my Vietnamese passport. Um, because that the Japanese airport once we As soon as we landed, we were told that we should go to a transfer counter and connecting flight counter toe. Make sure that we have all the visas and everything, because I'm sure they were trying to keep up with different countries laws on helping make sure that they can take certain guests from different nationalities to the next country that they need to go to. So, um, so it was It was interesting. I never really had to do that. What? I have done a connection before and nutty, but I did. And then once we're trying to board up the gate, there were a lot of people getting stopped and told todo had toe getting told that they couldn't get on a plane or that they have to wait for a moment. There was probably 20 people standing around. I was also one of them. But I just showed them what? That I had my feet in his passport and it

spk_1:   33:22
worked out. But it was working them that we were gonna get stopped on the flake to even get here. But when we we've got to the desk, she went, went through all the documentation, so yeah, yeah, you'll be fine. So we at that part we were like, OK, it looks like we're going to get back to Vietnam. But we still unsure what was gonna happen next?

spk_0:   33:41
Yeah, it was really heartbreaking, for sure. They're watching some other families who will be the news and not being able to go home. You know, some of them they were just begging to let them go back, but they don't have to beat in his nationality anymore because they have a U. S. Passport and citizenship instead. Yeah, so

spk_1:   34:03
I'm surprised. Why? Why did you end up? How did you get put in quarantine then because even on the flight that we arrived on the day after, you were not 100% sure. But we're fairly certain that there was a lot of Vietnamese nationals on that flight. Where a load, too, to go Woman self isolate again. I'm not 100% sure on it. Why were you not given the option then? But the Vietnamese citizen to go home? Why were you directed straight to quarantine?

spk_0:   34:28
Because I came from the U. S. At. By the time I was still in the U. S. Preparing to go home, it was already on the list of places that was to be quarantine. The U. S would have been you if you work from the US. My parents have lost. Told me that I would be pointing 10 days. But by the time I got here went through the health department or health officials. Um, I was told that I had to be quarantined for the full 14 days.

spk_1:   34:58
That's right, because the difference with our flight was coming from Austria, which wasn't on the list. So that would be why those people would have gotten through and gone home. to quarantine or self. Actually, that that would have been the difference. So from their conversations online and through chat, um, we're both in the same facility. You're in the building. That's just opposite troubles. But it seems like we've had quite different experiences in Thames off food, in terms of the information we've received in terms of May? No. I don't know, living quarters are pretty similar, but do you want to explain to many of the listeners of maybe listen to already me? The description the tree and I have given in with anesthesia are very experienced in quarantine. How has that experience being for you?

spk_0:   35:41
Oh, so I think I guess what? Everyone knows that this is a university dormitory that got makeshift Julie quarantine facility. Um, we arrived fairly late, and I couldn't really tell what that would look like. I've never been out of the news university before or a dorm. Um, here. So it was interesting just trying to get in. There weren't that much of us. There's probably two or three buses. They told us to leave her luggage, go win right out from forms, had our temperatures taken, and they just sprayed the hose down luggage. In the meantime, it was really shocking. When I went to get the back, it was drenched.

spk_1:   36:22
Yeah, so right,

spk_0:   36:25
Yeah, but I got I went in and, you know, I traveled so low, there's other few people who traveled. So So I surrounded by other ladies who were were just in our own bubble. But we tried. We found each other and got to be in our own in a room, the four of us. So we've been in this room. It spend okay. Sorry. Just could you repeat the question again?

spk_1:   37:03
Yeah. So I'm getting distracted because we have people at the door right now asking questions, and I'm like, What do they want? Is the temperature Is someone tested positive for covert? Who knows what's going on? The question was, how is the quarantine being for you? And I wasn't being different for So you talk about you. We've talked about how there's the three of us here. Who are you in a room with? Because you said you were with other solo travelers?

spk_0:   37:25
Yeah, So we want a lot to go up to room until there was four people. So it's me a Vietnamese high schooler. But she was going to school with us on older lady, probably between sixties and seventies. She was visiting family for six months in the U. S. I don't know where, but she came back on then a Malaysia and Sachin, Korean national who is here for work. Slightly older. Holly in 20 years. But it's the four of us. Yeah, we got sort of looms. And no, we weren't giving anything. There's only straw mats on our bunk beds. Close the door, just passed out for the night. Honestly, you don't know how many how many people were here. There's only there's only three buses when we came, so the process was fairly fast and that's her room a little sooner. Then you're building, actually. But we thought here and I couldn't sleep that night as much because I have jet lag and I woke up and I started seeing, you know, eight buses piling around the block of your guys is building, and that had continued all the way until morning and fall into the next day. And there's so many people standing outside. So I think it was good that we didn't really have the experience, I suspect. But that's one of the things that was different was that are building filled up fairly quickly, but without too much hassle. Yeah, we woke up the next day once you were to go, but we knew that we needed to go somewhere toe, gather some information. So we went down to the lobby where we feel that reforms on dhe, uh, saw that there were people just picking up stuff, just bags of equipment and or whatever was needed. So all each of us had got in a little, you know, supermarket bag filled with slippers, One small pink towel. Kind of like a facial towel. 14 packets of shampoo, 14 packets of body wash for those of you who can't picture it, think of the little ketchup packets you get from McDonald's. But shampoo and body wash isn't us

spk_1:   39:59
all over. If you believe you're from the enamel, you live in Vietnam. You know exactly what you're talking about. But other countries we don't have them, right? No, But that's amazing that you So that's one of the big differences. Because you remember you told us you got this like package of things like shampoo, toast, slippers. We got, like, nothing on the first date, which is fine, but we got nothing. On the next day, everything we go, we luckily go through care packages. So we had people send us cleaning supplies. Luckily, we had some shampoo. Um, anesthesia had some slip of a thing because she didn't have any food. But we didn't mention this on anesthesia. His podcast coach. He was on a business trip. She literally only had really business close with her. She didn't have, like, any luck close to just hang out. And so I had to lend her a pair of shorts. She got some T shirts, and, um so that was that. That was the difference. I remember when you said that you call that stuff. We were like, what? We didn't get any of the

spk_0:   40:52
Yeah, We also had a tooth paste. Some of the bags came in toothbrush. Um, I don't know if there's anything else, but I think that was just it. And that came with breakfast. Um, and breakfast was great.

spk_1:   41:07
I imagine by the time we got here, we just run out of all of that stuff, which is which is fair enough because there was so many people coming and then from a communications on man. The food situation for your building and for our building has bean quite vastly different as well. We seem to get consistent, muse that there's never been a problem with, um, quite repetitive, but that's fine. What? What's the situation being with your muse? Because they seem it's not as good as that was from what we've been discussing.

spk_0:   41:35
Well, I feel like we Yeah, I must. You're just really surprised because it seems like our building were the people that came first. So we should have It's equal or not better. We're I don't know if something like that, but here we are. And we've had breakfast almost every day on that. A variety, Actually. It sounds like your guys this building has a lot of, you know, pork buns, bow or whatever, but we've been one day every morning. Yeah, over here, we've had rice porridge, con G or rice noodle or one of those days you had the option for a bow. But I haven't seen that option since that by me. One more names

spk_1:   42:24
and me, we've not been me one that love Grammies

spk_0:   42:28
Rife cakes? Um, yeah, actually, speaking of buying me, did you get any food when you're at the airport waiting Thio be put on the bus.

spk_1:   42:40
We did. You think they broke open a bag of crescents and milk and stuff that Yeah. I mean that in terms of that, it's just been really impressive. Have prepared There are how much stuff they have for his anything about, like repent. Repetition of food is just joking because I'm just grateful for what what we're getting. But it's just quite funny that you're the building over and you've been getting a variety of stuff. But in that same time, so you said a few times that your food has been come spoiled are inedible because for too long, where is our food comes often it's I was still warm or we've never had any spoiled food or anything like that. That's right.

spk_0:   43:20
So you have food? Yeah, so it looks like our food's air coming from all sorts of places. There is little stickers sometimes that you can find it where it's coming from. That's coming in, you know, big bags or what not, but I think it might be because of the weather and that their accommodating a larger number of people that they might have to start cooking it much earlier. And so, having that in a transport, it and these metal van, it's heating up very quickly and things are arriving spoiled. Actually, it's kind of appalling. Um, apparently, there's also like a radio system here in the building, but it's really hard to see it. Or hard to hear with the behold tones. Um, I sometimes have trouble picking up hearings on Vietnamese here and there. It's because I speak multiple, but it's just it's a lot harder with the radio, so I miss out on a few things. But for the first day, isn't you? Yes.

spk_1:   44:22
Don't you go. No, you continue.

spk_0:   44:24
Okay. So on the first day, it seemed like we just went down to pick up everything which didn't seem quite a sanitary. But, you know, we came down for breakfast, lunch and dinner to pick up our stuff. So we thought that was the norm. But then we were told that from day to that we had to stay in our rooms and that food would be delivered to us, so that was really interesting. Um, and actually, on day two, we started having a lot of items that were spoiling, Whether it was soups or vegetables, it was always one or the other, and it's kind of sour. You definitely know it's not right to eat. Um, but there's been a variety of, you know, we've had fish Sundays, cabbages or morning glory or, um, pumpkin soup and watercress soup. Poor chicken. So there's been a wide variety, so that's been nice from time to time noodles. But day two or three, we did not really get to eat until, well, we didn't have lunch. Things started coming late, or they don't really tell us that we have to go down and pick up food ourselves. And so we're just stuck here hungry. And was that it's been weird? Um,

spk_1:   45:49
never missed.

spk_0:   45:50
Yeah. No, we missed a meal. And, um, on day three, they started telling us that we couldn't go outside of our room at all because they had a high suspect. Um, there's a potential case from our flight that came of us, so they're waiting on results from them. Um, and so we couldn't even leave the room so But they at least gave us like a hotline that we can call and ask. So I've just been on my roommates, and I have just been calling to ask, Do we pick up our food or do we go? Or is it getting delivered, but literally something I do know almost everyday Before meals just check

spk_1:   46:31
you being able to speak Vietnamese, do you? Few more informed. Do you feel you get more information?

spk_0:   46:39
No, not really. I think it's difficult because I can speak detainees on the day to day. But most of my education has been in English. So, you know, advance languages like the term quarantine is something I have to learn. Being here, you know, there's a lot more advanced vocabulary, Gentlemen are things that processes and systems, and that has been a bit of a challenge. Um,

spk_1:   47:09
11 on your type of Vietnamese quarantine? Vietnamese. Yeah. And how did that few when you found out that there could have been a potential case on your flight?

spk_0:   47:21
Oh, I wasn't surprised. Just because I've been following the Ministry of Health's website on all the cases that are coming in and I saw that the same flight of mine for two days before had a case, um, had a good firm case before then. The night before that as well. So I felt that I was nervous, but I had a feeling that that would be the same for my flight to that there might be someone, but I've been following it since. I'm really there's been no response. So I think my flight may have been able to skip out on a case.

spk_1:   48:04
And you've been tested now, right? Like to you a long time to get the first test, right?

spk_0:   48:09
Finally, it was yesterday. I came in Los Saturday night, Friday night, and, yeah, 10 days and I finally got my coping passwords. You guys got it on Wednesday instead of Sunday,

spk_1:   48:25
And we've also know have about you need to have had two negative covert tests before you leave. You have this?

spk_0:   48:31
No. Yeah, well, I only heard from you guys last night.

spk_1:   48:35
Everyone here is from someone we don't. No one knows really anything for sure. But that's when we'll know. Open that we get a second covert tests soon so that we can, because apparently we get certificate when we leave to show Will negatives were going to get that framed and off people.

spk_0:   48:53
Perfect. Oh, actually, I was going to ask you guys. Did you guys get your discharge paperwork? Because we

spk_1:   49:01
have a reading. They were very jealous. You should be discharged on Friday. Right in. Today is Monday. What was the discharge people were?

spk_0:   49:11
It basically just says your name where you lived in the facility. And then if you want it to be dropped off and where you want to be dropped off or if you're having someone pick you up what date and went, But it had to be exactly 14 days. The only thing is, it says it has to be 14 days from the time you're here, and that's hard to understand because I didn't could I just It seemed like they weren't checking. So could I just have ridden, like a day earlier? They wouldn't have noticed. And they said it was afternoon, and I also I also thought, well, I could always just say Get me out of 8 a.m. But I don't know, but they came

spk_1:   49:55
around, so get up. Well, I think that and That's good. That's enough language shield. Uh, your story. Thank you for sharing that, because that's what I'm just thinking. So when dressed things, the more people you talk, everyone just got their own story, which is always the case, no matter what. But especially in this situation. Um, no. Two stories of the same on I think everyone's kind of gone through the same stages off. You know what you gonna mention almost denial than acceptance and trying to figure things out and then having competing and conflicting opinions and reading so much, I think that seems to be the same the world over. But overall, how how are you doing?

spk_0:   50:36
Oh, I think that it's a little bit more positive now, just waiting for a couple more days. I've been trying to stay optimistic, but you know it's hard to do so I think I am on my 10th TV show. Don't tell my parents,

spk_1:   50:51
which is so poor TV shows. Have you been watching? She'll share with the world. Everyone needs advice on what to watch.

spk_0:   50:59
Oh, I called up on Terrace House, which is a Japanese whaling TV show, which is nothing like a typical American TV show, American merely the TV show. Really fun. I highly suggest it's just a bunch of people living in a house together and in their day to day, it's kind of wholesome, but caught up with by I watched, um, next in fashion on DDE other. Oh, I started a little bit of travels with my father, which is a great kicker if you like to see what a potential relationship between the child and father could be when the father that I would just hope. Yes,

spk_1:   51:45
I haven't seen every year, and I know the one. And have you watched Tiger King?

spk_0:   51:49
Oh, I've heard about it, but I think I'm gonna see that to watch with my mother.

spk_1:   51:54
All right, you got Oh, we're gonna finish with some questions that I asked Adri and anesthesia yesterday. So I'm gonna finish every interview with these questions. If you're in quarantine, what's the first thing you're going to drink when you get out of quarantine?

spk_0:   52:11
Mmm, No, I just want some good Japanese green tea. I don't like drinking water for sir. Praise it. So I just don't like drinking water. I know, I know, I know. It's the tastelessness of it. So I was surprised. I was excited when I saw that you guys had milk.

spk_1:   52:39
Uh, we have lots of money to keep bringing us with every meal. And we don't know. It's sweet milks Weekend group will bring its Anouk.

spk_0:   52:46
Yeah, no milk to come with our meals at all. Just soup, rice and meat and veg. Yeah. I mean, yeah, I've had some sugar cane juice and coconut that was delivered to me by my mom, so I think those were things. I definitely really wants a drink, but drink. He's good for now,

spk_1:   53:05
before the delivery stop him moves with heavy d yet deliveries. So get green tea. What? It's gonna be the first thing you're gonna eat when you leave.

spk_0:   53:17
I don't know. I don't know. I think food has been pretty good so far. So I'm not craving anything crazy, but I think I'd like some fresh fruits. Um,

spk_1:   53:32
fresh fruits and vegetables. Um what? The first thing you're gonna do when you get home?

spk_0:   53:41
I think a shower and put away my laundry.

spk_1:   53:46
Same answer from other. You'd have to think of new questions. Everyone is going to say the same thing on then the last one is Tell me something positive about this experience.

spk_0:   53:57
Oh, yeah, Hung. I mean, I haven't really seen it as too negative. It just now I get to be I get Thio put that in my, you know, fun facts about me whenever they have those questions. Like, I won't give him a fun fact about yourself. Like when I was in a quiet government owned quarantine facility. You

spk_1:   54:26
never get old 30 years from now. You still be bringing that out when you

spk_0:   54:30
Oh, yeah, I know my grandpa grandchildren would hate it.

spk_1:   54:36
Granny would help this story before we know, you know? Yeah. And you can't really complain. Too much is like they brought me three meals a day. They brought me water, had my cell phone. It's not really like it's not really a wall story, is it?

spk_0:   54:51
No. I mean, there's been WiFi too, although it's not been great. And since you guys arrived

spk_1:   54:57
way go here. No. Well, thank you very much. I think we've been with nearly chatted for a bit. And also that is awesome. I appreciate you sharing a story. Um, Hannah, we will bring you over some new Christmas. We can't. Thank you. All right, Have a good day and good luck. You've got full days left, right? So hopefully you'll get on fraidy.

spk_0:   55:23
Yeah. So you guys,

spk_1:   55:25
and we'll see you on the outside once this is all over, we're gonna meet up for Ah, our energy.

spk_0:   55:30
Definitely quarantine buddies.