Vietnam Podcast: Culture, Community & Conversations

Life on the outside; Lawrence Young | S3 E4

Niall Mackay Season 3 Episode 4

A Saigon resident, Lawrence Young has worked in the finance industry worldwide for 30 years, currently with Holborn Assets and created the non-troll Facebook group Ho Chi Minh Expat Group Saigon. Now at nearly 10,500 members in just 14 months.

He has seen the market go up and down over the years and is confident we will come out of the current crisis stronger but different.

We talk about what life has been like in Saigon and what it's like today after the latest guidance, starting April 1st, from the Prime Minister - 2 metre distancing, only leave for your home for essentials, groups of no more than two people outside and only essential services open. He also gives us his take on the state of the financial market, why we shouldn't panic and why it matters to everyone. Whether you own stocks or not.

If you would like to reach out to Lawrence for advice you can email him at or message him on LinkedIn.

Theme music composed by Lewis Wright.
Main Cover Art designed by Niall Mackay and Le Nguyen.
Episode art designed by Niall Mackay.

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spk_0:   0:15
and thank you for joining everyone. This is this the quarantine season of seven million bikes being recorded, the direct from government quarantine where I am at the moment, if you've been listening to previous episodes and this is episode four. And so far we've interviewed myself. My wave, my roommate and we've interviewed another inmate. Another person who's here in quarantine today is the first episode from someone on the outside. Um, who's living semi freaking on is gonna shear today What that's like toe for me. I can understand what life is like on the outside. For anyone listening, you can hear a perspective on life in Vietnam what's happening in the moment Because things like most countries are changing day by day on DH today is the creator off the whole gym expat Saigon Group, which launched in February 2013. And this is one of the few groups. But this is maybe one of the biggest ones, which is no nearly 10 close in 500 members, which is a specific, non true group on DH. Anyone who lives in Saigon will know that lots of the expected routes are full of them people who are not too caned and lots of trolling goes on and it makes it really ineffective. Police to have a discussion that group has that has been really, really effective weeding those people out and making a good place to go and have a discussion. He's also worked in the financial markets and rights for Vietnam or a magazine on a monthly basis. Does lots of education in the financial markets is a big fan of stand up comedy is who we've seen Lawrence and Shoes. And so I want a welcome to this episode. Lawrence Young. Thank you for joining me today. My pleasure.

spk_1:   1:58
Thank you very much for seeing me. Do you feel that I'm probably slightly better place Having creature comforts really don't envy you being stuck in a gulag. Although I understand that your room your police state is pending.

spk_0:   2:15
Yeah, there was to be run deep 13 now. Um, So tomorrow? Yeah. We arrived two weeks ago. Yes. Tomorrow will have been two weeks that were due to be on Saturday morning. Just because of the volume of people. The testing might take a bit longer for the second tests. Well, hopefully gonna get that today, on Sunday morning, Monday morning today being does the right lose track of the days those day, right? Yeah,

spk_1:   2:44
yeah, exactly. Yeah, well, hopefully we'll see on the outside against

spk_0:   2:49
How's that going for you?

spk_1:   2:52
I'm good. I mean, obviously, the last few days since the prime minister announced guidance on a locked down, I think using the word locked down might be a little bit extreme. It's more on guidance, but we have been self isolating for a couple of weeks already. I guess I'm quite fortunate in my job that long as I have screens access to Internet, I can function quite well. I don't need to be necessarily in front of people. To function is normal, eh? So it's quite okay. I still have to go out a couple times a day to walk the dog. She still needs to do her business, you know, in the area that I mean, it's it's relatively quiet. Strangely, though, the first night that way had the guidance coming. There was a street party for the national politics, so I do sometimes wonder a little bit about yeah, the guidance and the two metre distance, and no more than two people. But I think we could all be found a little bit guilty. Everyone, perhaps, of breaking some of the rules, although it's probably not very sensible. But for us, so it's business as usual. Way did. Actually, I have to confess to a bit of panic. Buying wedding. So shop this morning in the ground floor on their activity, zero bags of pastor or rice on the shelf. So I don't seem to have been alone. We knew that this locked down, if you want to call it. That was coming about 24 hours before it happened. I guess because I run the non Travelex back. Just one thing there. You mentioned that it started in 2013. It

spk_0:   4:36
started through those names. Just I just I don't know how way have 2013 came from their Thank you for correcting me.

spk_1:   4:53
Uh, yeah. I mean, it's 10.5 1000 members in just every year. Seven years? That would be that impressive. So

spk_0:   5:01
you know, I didn't mean that it didn't have anywhere to 13 came from So in terms of beings, does baby ee Ah, those the second of you? Well, right now New Zealand's been on for a week. Osteria. I don't think there is an official meeting in a locked down for a while, so you can't mention there that it's no unofficial locked down here. Gejdenson, don't explain more. I cannot. I'm following stuff on Facebook. But don't explain to me and explain to him the listeners, What's the situation in Viet Nam right now? Well,

spk_1:   5:39
I think with any population, if you suddenly trying to tend to put them in on immediate locked out there is going to be a robot. People don't quite understand that in many cases people don't like being told what to do. So there has been a gradual change and shift in the guidance. Originally, it was any establishments, whether they be own cells where stocks with 30 or more words to close on. Then a few days later, almost a week later, that was reduced down to 20. I think certain problems arose from that because a few establishment just some chairs out on went from a 30 seats to a 20 seats, so it kind of really beat the point of the object for social distancing. Now we're at a point where everything's closed apart from essential businesses. So frontline staff, hospitals, food are obviously at what still needs to remain open. But the guidance is no more than two people. You should keep two metres distance, which I think we've all established is not a terrible idea. If you look at many countries that have been slow, perhaps to roll out some of these similar guidance, they are impacted a lot more heavily than Vietnamese. What are we now? 200 plus cases? No, this a sora this morning that you can Spain had the biggest spike in the last 24 hours. The death rate is topping ridiculous numbers now. I mean, if you look at the United States that suggesting the death rate could be sadly anywhere between 350,000 that piece of data is pretty much useless because it's so wide. Although I think you could pretty much pluck any number out of the sky. Nobody knows for sure what it's going to be. We just have to let him oh, but invent ways. Still see people torturing. You know, it's not a complete closure. People still need to exercise. They need to go get basics, essentials fromthe shocks. But you do look at the roads and they are extraordinarily quiet when you compare. You know what, Wass, as you Your podcast is called seven million on the roads right now. You know where near the traffic

spk_0:   8:08
on then. So the thing that I've noticed is that had a massive effect on the air quality. Rahim. Yeah,

spk_1:   8:15
globally. I mean, there have been some rather unusual storeys globally. Look at Venice on the waters are clear. I mean, that's obviously rubbish Album doesn't disappear because everyone stopped using the voting system invented. I've seen comments on the offence, returning to British waters, et cetera. Um, photos. There are some wonderful photo stops being seen in New York City. But then you go to other bears on the rats, a token over the city because they're obviously not using the bin system as well, eh? So there is an ugly side to that as well. In general wildlife pollution, it is gonna be greedy. But I think when as this all unfolds and progressives and we come out, the other end of the world is going to be very, very different on the way the people interact with each other. When you talk about, say, area managers or people flying the governed jurisdictions, will they need to get on that plane to go to a meeting? Will someone need to travel across the city in a car? I think you're gonna find Mohr videoconference in exception. For years, I've worked for some of the biggest financial institutions on the planet. Andare quite often found that there were too many meetings on DH. Very often it could have been written in an E mail. You get a number pointlessly, and I think sometimes, you know, it was very often just to justify the seniors position. Who asked for the meeting in the first place? I've talked to other captains of industry in Singapore in the last week or two, where they have to do stop cheques with area managers. One of them, in particular, was a wood Simba manufacturer, and he actually had the guy walking around with a video off screen, showing it in the warehouse what was going on, which means he didn't have to say playing any more. Two right there going forward, you will start to change their ways that they function, that they commit to business as usual, which is obviously comes back to the green affects there will be lesser air travel will hopefully be less people. I mean, the other one as well. With so much manufacturing shut down, we can see this in the share price of W. C. I and Brent crude oil. We've seen a 30% shave off on that. The manufacturers, they're so the oil production is not being can only help surely too reduce the missions that have been going out globally. So, yeah, you're absolutely right. It can only be better for the planet. Maybe the planet's telling us something. Stop it or I'll kill you all.

spk_0:   11:06
Yeah, I've seen a couple of means to that effect. I find it's funny as well because I watched Have you seen the movie King Zeman?

spk_1:   11:17
Uh, yes, yes, I have. I want something

spk_0:   11:21
back moving, and it's funny because the bad guy and that seems to be the bad guy in every movie lately, even from like Faneuil's in and of Angels to the bad guy in venom, every all the bad guys and I want to kill human beings to save the planet. Um, And it, uh, you can get one of these ones. Were Ugo you? You don't really think you can kind of understand where the bad guys coming from you, like, you know, like, Oh, my God, that's a terrible idea. You're like, Oh, I can see he's plying. You know, I mean, s were Maybe is the town is just camp down. So what? Apart from like last traffic, less people? What does it feel like in general? In Saigon? Is it real? Is it wheeled like, What's the feeling right now? This is what we're going to be coming out. You know what they expect you to

spk_1:   12:16
really spur? Be the perfect way. Uh, you too. What's that film would if we're going to talk about them 8.5 weeks later or something, or that the whites up in hospital comes out on the streets of London are completely empty. I mean, it's you Look att, The beautiful foot seats that comes out. It does have a very surreal I was living on district. I have before this total uptown occurred at a head to my office is in the Texaco financial tell on this. It's a ghost out. There's just simply no one around. It is quite an odd experience when you know what the normal average hustle and bustle of a busy day, a normal working day in ho team in normally looks like. But it's not just seriously, it's global. It doesn't matter where you go. Some of the biggest cities, I just now completely empty. We don't know when this is going to rain. There is always a fear of perhaps a second run on the pandemic. We wait for a Boris Weirdly, This morning I heard theeighty First American Tobacco have come up with some form or claiming that they have actually found some form of an answer, which is being grown in tobacco class. Who knew tobacco would actually help again? You can't just fasttrack fasttrack. You can't just release anything new into the human population without the trial procedure. For us, it could be faster, but we're still looking at January next year. So what happened with this girl? I don't know if it turns out that that's correct, and it's growing within glance, which does actually help it be put out quick rather than human trials, etcetera, then that would be a good thing. I hope by the time they found it, the markets, all research, everything will return to normal. This is the same company Kentucky, Kentucky, Bio production, K BP, which is part of the city. And there's the Oxford University. There's Seppi, who funds a lot of these companies around the world to try and find a solution. They are working hard, is about seven major groups around the world. Worked very, very hard on it, and they will. They will come in the Kentucky one that's come up with a partnership with Beatty. They guys who a lot of work on the Ebola in 2014. So there it's not the first rodeo. We will come out of this at the other end at some point, and things will return to normal. Hey, that we look very, very different. Hopefully, fingers crossed.

spk_0:   15:22
So we expand a bit more on that. And so obviously you worked in the financial markets for for a very long time. Um how many years is it? 20 years. 25 years after you

spk_1:   15:36
is faulty.

spk_0:   15:41
Okay, So you've been to you. See the two those any financial cases. You've seen the ups and downs, obviously, right now, people apparent making the markets are going down. Everyone's pensions are going down. Even when I was talking to friends in New Zealand, you know, not really. They probably wouldn't call themselves financially savvy. But in New Zealand you can see your pension fun to get easy access to key receiver, and they can see it going down. So what would you What? He stated people and worried, Although I'm wondering where this is going to go. Yeah, I mean,

spk_1:   16:15
you're absolutely right. I mean, in 30 years, I've seen the full cycle of care on a number of occasions, obviously, you know, 89 that was something different. That was sector heavy subprime, which brought down the banking system in 2019 to 18. We saw some market realignments be a cause of making two, and then you're back to normal. We've had a bull market for over 10 years, pretty much since then. It's been one of the longest bull markets we've seen in many, many a year. No one could have been envisaged that a virus would be what brought down the markets. This time, and it's not just one industry sector, it's all of them and it's all jurisdictions. So we've seen anywhere from the airline industry down. 75% bailout comes and stocks jumped back 26% Doesn't matter which which industry you look at all. Which which exchange booth, Dow Jones, the S and P there around 23 24 25% off the NASDAQ, which the tech area seems a bit better on about 40%. But it doesn't matter. Go. The German Dax and the French CAC 40 of the UK put Sea all around 24 25% off. So it's global. It's it's everywhere. I wouldn't just go to the holding. A loss is only a loss when it becomes a realised Lost s sorry. Excuse me. For those, though, that needs access to funds. Well, now that's a different problem. You could. You are forced to take those funds at a time when the market's eso eso down on. That's very unfortunate, but for pensions, if we do find a cure to this result to 12 17 months from now, those losses will have reversed out to such an extent that Hopefully, we'll almost become negligible. I don't know if we'll get back to some of the eyes that could take a bit longer, and it probably will. But you don't need Teo to sell everything on suddenly right now. If anything, people should actually be investing in the markets because we're in a complete fire cell moment. You only get to see this every decade or so on the last one was 089 My advice. If if there is liquid captures to look for value in completely undervalued stocks on purchased up because you know they will come back, it's almost a given. It's very hard not to find something. There are gonna be losers for sure. There's gonna be mergers and acquisitions consolidation. We've talked in some of my previous articles about where the winners might be, and it's quite obvious if you stop and apply a bit of common sense. Tow things like zoo video conferencing. Well, they are set to win, massively going for FedEx, who will now be doing a lot more deliveries rather than people actually being on site Amazon home shopping. These kind of things, they're all gonna win out. So look for value for the good stuff. No, that will win out from all of this. There are gonna be some loser's butt holes. You know, I think that's probably the best piece of advice. Talkinto. Anyone don't panic so much gold in there.

spk_0:   19:33
And why do people panic? Because I like, you know, you see going on use, and it's like, Oh, the press of gold is going up and the market's crashing And it seems like the war was keeping in. And I feel like now I'm getting to the age when I remember 2000 and eight clearly and I remember being begin to conspiracy theories and all of this and them and I have even talked your friend. I haven't spoken in years. Message me and tell me I should put any money. I haven't cash right now, which is the complete opposite to what you're seeing right now, Would you say to people who are who are panicking, who are listening to the news, who are thinking about the crew, my money into gold or cash or things like that? Yeah,

spk_1:   20:16
you're actually I mean again, it comes down to appetites of risk. If somebody wish Teo, just hold cash and stick it under the mattress. Well, you have to take into consideration that in that situation you're no actually earning anything. You're losing against inflation. So these to set down at the end of every year on there is still the risk of five that etcetera. So that's not particularly great idea. There are value in the markets. There is always a knee jerk reaction if you look. If you follow that, admittedly, you'd see that there is a mass Marcel, and usually a few days later it comes back. Why? Considering presented and that's herd mentality. You know, when one lemming jumps off a cliff, they will follow. So that's your real head mentality in the knee jerk situation. The one biggest problem is, you know, we all want to buy low sell five. That's the golden drink. But trying to find the bottoms can be quite tricky as certain. Actually, China seller at the absolute anyone chases and tries Tio do that may actually find themselves sitting on the sidelines and missing out all together because one thing I've learned over the years is that when markets recover, they also have intensity pretty quickly. So if you sit by and suddenly jumps to 3% in a day and they know that come down again and the next day jumps another two through 10 on that rise up, you're just gonna miss the boat back up. So it's better to perhaps try and buy in chips on the way down and then those positions reverse out. A zit will stop going back up. You can't beat herd mentality sentiment as a whole. When it happens, you just got to ride it out. There's there's really nothing you can do. It doesn't make sense. If you look at the pricing of some of the assets that are available at Stark's Pond, they are not price correctly on it's the wise people. You probably noticed that, see it and understand it, who then take on buying into those those type of assets that will end up in 36 months time. Lofty, quite frankly, very, very healthy bank balance.

spk_0:   22:34
There's also an expression was going to be so my next question was gonna be, and how long do you think it would take, then, to get back to normal? Or is that too difficult to see

spk_1:   22:48
Well, you know, I mean, we could say it was a piece of strength if you look at where this all started China, although, you know, let's not get involved with the conspiracy theories that it came out of the torture or I think we can safely say came from from China. Wet market, food market, um, day with it and the whole economy reduced our massively. But I was talking with the German Chamber of Promise Director this morning on DH. He's basically saying that the economy in China is showing signs of recovery. Businesses have started to reopen, especially German businesses, because it is relevant to our conversation. Yeah, it's all starting to look good again. Schools are believer. Reopening businesses are back on line, actually is reopening. I

spk_0:   23:46
think a little

spk_1:   23:47
bit portion needs to be dear to such that can we trust everything? But when I speak to people who I know, Brother Lin's perhaps a government official, I'm going to take their word is gospel rather than what I read on new site. Maybe not the completely true, and it does seem that from that perspective, if the first areas they got it and got hit badly are actually in a period of recovery, then it's a question of time for others to get over, flattened the curve of what's going on, get their systems into gear and they had to concern it. We should come out to the side. So I know you within 3 to 6 months, we should. I mean, it's going to be probably the end of the year. You're not going to see a vaccine so early next year by the sounds of it. So it's all about control. I think so, Yeah. I mean, I'm I'm get up for some of my positions to cheer, I hope within the next three months, six months, normality. I don't think we're ever going to see normality ever again compared to what we were before. It's just going to be different, but for market perspective, I think we should be within 6 to 9 months. You should see a lot better position than we've seen. So those with the pensions, you know, as you said, six sight old on, hopefully they don't need to start drawing on any time soon or in the next 6 to 12 months

spk_0:   25:18
in. So we've never spoken about finance ever on this podcast before and never spoke in so much detail. So before we move on what I want for anyone who's listening, who may be thinking, Why does this matter? Because I know, I know again, I feel a little bit all Don't know. When I was younger, I just didn't understand. No, no, I fully understand. No, but I think I get a little bit understand more of how everything the global is connected. Why? Why should people care about the market? Whether you've got shares, stocks, bonds, whatever wide is that important to the average person,

spk_1:   25:53
it affects everyone. Whether they were involved in in only stocks or bonds or not, it's relevant. Every single piece of this is the Is the economy, the driving force? Wait, look at governments and how they react to stimulus packages. Have you seen $2 trillion from out of the United States and how that will be passed out to an individual? Each American gets $1200. Child gets 500 UK looking after, not just individuals. For people who are self employed, you need this the European zone about to do the same industrialised countries have more cash flow, They pump into the economy and keep the stingers go. If you look at the various first stimulus package when Teo Airline but they're so ingratiating you might wonder why these aeroplane companies being given all this money, you know, they've got so much money, Why did they need it? But it's not just the aeroplane takes the airports that the guy works in a coffee shop in the airport or the supply chain. You know who makes the rivets that go into the plane. There are so many millions in it is it's so far extending that people don't just see the bigger picture. You just see the aeroplane company why they get money. If you take that out on destroying, allow it to go into freefall, then millions end up without a job. Without that, you can't. They don't have enough money to go buy or stock parts toilet paper anymore. Because everybody money e a bit of a joke.

spk_0:   27:31

spk_1:   27:31
whether whether people realise how important the underlying pinning oven economy is, they will only notice it when it actually starts it in water. And that won't the quick thing. It will be a slow destruction of economy, which will then be noticed in the Waller eventually. So it is important that the economy as a whole continues to thrive to keep the underpinning of everyone in a job. So, yeah, it's really whether you are stocks or no, it's almost irrelevant.

spk_0:   28:07
Awesome. Well, so let's move on. Teo Ho, Chairman, Expat group, Saigon Tell us, what was your motivation? And

spk_1:   28:24
so this wasn't our first rodeo. The company we usedto manage the Kuala Lumpur Expat Group had about 45,000 members. So when we arrived in Vietnam, I just noticed I'll keep my life, which clean? Because I'm no challah, but it was pretty awful. You ask a basic simple questions on DH. You were met with just such ferocity, Andi. Rude behaviour. So I actually went out and I tried Teo link up with admin from all of the So go on expat groups and unfortunately, no one to ask basically, if I could become an admin because I could see where the problem wass. But no one replied to me. So it became more of a well, you can't join them. Beat them on. We started it Obviously, I didn't know where this is going to go, but we did market it as thie non troll, the odour control on DH. Yeah, a year later, and 10.5 miles of members I remember that Mention any names? What do you already apart, Gus? You spoke to someone else? It started something similar. And at the end of year one, if I remember correctly, they mentioned they had 500 members. The end of our first year we had over 9000. So I guess the non troll idea concept is very well received by North. A lot of people and we do get people comment when they're joining, saying, Thank God there is one site, although no things do slip. We do have our fair share off Morty remarks and whatever. I can't monitor it 24 hours a day, but we do our best, and we really moved over 10% since launch. So that's well in excess of 1000 level. I've not been allowed in because they don't have a profile picture. When you clip, you can see it's a fake anything that's less than a year old. We usually redeemed team that has to be something a bit dodgy. So we checked, though most of those don't get in real estate or Oh, my God, greatest night. Welcome to say that Farsi minute removed most of those We do ask them to not post, but only applied things like that. Anyone who trolled someone, well, this there's no debate. Just get removed instantly. We don't even have a way that we just remove them and it works. It seems to work well. I think it works. We get enough feedback that suggests that the people are happy.

spk_0:   30:50
No, you definitely will probably want maybe one of the only few groups are that I would reach out to our use of posting because because it is that six piece, and it's funny you mention that. So, yeah, I interviewed with Susan Li that that I interviewed who created the Saigon fax Pat's Group and then the creative one that was open to everyone with the same same premise of non fool. And I remember that. I think Tim, I probably spoke to you or even had an interaction with you. You called me out because I didn't give you that. I said the numbers wrong for your group, which I think I said with you Thought I think did you had 1000 or 2000 at the time, which I know I should have I should have. Should have spoken without knowing my facts and in your case is when you look at actually 5000.

spk_1:   31:33
Yeah, way actually have a number of them now. We don't just have the achievement. We launched thie in a non troll back group on the analyst on trial. Expect group. We even launched one in Phnom Penh, Cambodia Way don't necessarily need to be in the jurisdiction. It's about monitoring and just checking in, making sure that they sweet on their will grow with their various degrees of success. Yeah, it's trying to just correct safe spaces across being now that people can come together as a community and talk and ask questions. You know, you get a lot of people who come in and they just want to know where are you going to get this or how did I do that? Visas, Whatever. I know that many questions get asked over and over and over again. But, you know, no one's been here for five years. People arrived, you know, they're here and they don't know in the whole point of an expat group is to be able to ask those questions safely. So yeah, hopefully we've created something that you saw. Although I do have the the the the plug here, but just landed feet. Now it's another long that I launched 120 or articles on everything from driver's licences visas, schools, hospitals, dentists on then something a little bit more scientist things to do in each jurisdiction where they'll be walk on weight, the name where hopefully find useful.

spk_0:   33:11
Yeah, I forgot about that website. Yeah, that would just want to talk about a month ago. Six weeks ago? Yeah,

spk_1:   33:18
a lot of the articles there, hopefully I think, really useful for people who are just arriving. We tried to make sure that you know that they know. I think any trouble. What? Where does my insurance? Where what hospitals does impatient patient services. That part of the international it was in general everything.

spk_0:   33:40
Yeah. No, that's that's That's definitely I think, helpful for the community. So we went Well, move on, Teo. I'm gonna ask you some questions In a second. I've been asking everyone what? So what's next for you guys over the next couple of weeks, like, how are you keeping busy? How you what? You're coping strategies for being essentially and locked down.

spk_1:   34:01
What were my business has come through the roof. I

spk_0:   34:06
hate to

spk_1:   34:07
say that because I I'm very aware that unfortunately, a lot of people are really, really struggling right now. I am the first to, you know, feel very, very apologetic with schools closed, people struggling to do teaching. I know that's moved online an awful lot more. I've seen Gym's closed, so people are trying to do videos online. Try and exercise in your home on They're all genius, brilliant, brilliant ideas. Fantastic. I think people are starting to be a little bit more innovative and creative in how they try and earn a living. Some people, unfortunately, it's just not possible you don't have a skill that could be taken into the digital world. The online well, for me, though, because the markets in such term or I've been absolutely inundated with requests about well, how do I get in now? Because a lot of people have worked it out. This is a really good part. What we really talked about that s o for us. At the moment, work is very, very healthy. My brother, for example, is an entertainer magician. Now he's doing online lessons on DH creating a little magic shows for the parents to show their Children. Because, quite frankly, I don't think parents about this long with their Children. They don't know what to

spk_0:   35:31

spk_1:   35:32
or about Jerry and hopefully put a little video on keeping used in different ways. Yes. So I have to say I'm very impressed with the way that people are adapting to working from home. And what can you What can you do? How How inventive can you be seen on goods? So, yeah, we're fine. We're busy, I It's our anniversary today. We're gonna plug that.

spk_0:   35:58

spk_1:   36:00
Thank you very much. Loris, In here with me. We start in our fourth year together. So thankfully, I'd been out shopping a few days back before the walk down on both the lobster. So I know what I'm doing today. I'm gonna be cooking for the rest of it. Being a good boyfriend.

spk_0:   36:20
Very nice. Very good. We're able to finish up. I'm gonna We've been asking questions about first thing you would do get out of quarantine. But obviously that doesn't apply to you. Swap. But you're But you're in lock down. So the first question would be What bar? Where would you go for your first drink once the lock down is over? Well, sorry, but

spk_1:   36:45
about Yeah, where would we go? I think we probably head back into sound. This detail we've only been able to wander around on. Yeah, it's probably getting a bit here, A bit bored, So probably the debt. Good food. It's just a beautiful views. And the deck? I'll go over the deck.

spk_0:   37:10
Yeah, sweet. All right, Dexter drinks and then War restaurant. Would you go to What's the first place you go to eat once the lock down is all?

spk_1:   37:20
I'm afraid that's the same answer. Yeah, the deck. I just love that place. It's just a nice really chill that live looking out across the water under I mean, the food's fantastic. It's It's very, very good.

spk_0:   37:35
Andi, go. Okay, We'll give you a second place that after the deck, let's give a hug to them. If someone read everything.

spk_1:   37:44
Where would you get in or would you like to do? If we were allowed out, she's She's gonna show on Mr Away. Yeah, obviously there has to be the Indian background there. So, what's known that won the support the indie to school garden Banaras. We tried that one.

spk_0:   38:06
That's only half.

spk_1:   38:08
They have won in the one Andy to Banaras

spk_0:   38:15
with out on the long list of things to do, Teo. And then one split is all. Hey, no. Um And then once this is all about, what's the first thing you would do? Where would you go? What would you do?

spk_1:   38:29
Well, I think I'd like Tio jump on the bike and actually go somewhere have been stuck in on Cooper A number of weeks. Really? Is job a bit crazy? It's almost like cabin fever way. Just need to get out the city on DH. Probably burn on my masks, Alomar possibly find have a big old

spk_0:   38:56
house. How many have you had? Many Have you gone through?

spk_1:   39:02
Well, we've got we've got a couple of boxes still knocking around the house. Yeah, they're disposable. So, you know, we would probably do wear for days on end up being more elastic. Brexit, whatever, but yeah, I get it. But we need to wear them. And I've been wearing them a date we always used to wear in the city. But it's just walking the dog. Seems that overkill, but yeah, I can't wait to get rid of normality.

spk_0:   39:31
We'll get there, we'll get them well, and thank you very much. And before we go, do you want to give a plug then For what? What's going on for you? Hoping people get in touch with you If they're interested and anything to do with expat life with the financial markets, what can they do? Yeah,

spk_1:   39:48
I mean, if they come and join is the OTB expat group Saigon? Or just look me up on Facebook. Lord Young, you can look me up on linked in a lot of my articles. There are markets. They give tips on what to buy. They're all free of charge on their date stamps. You could even go back and cheque to see out here. I'm actually good at my job or no. Yeah, actually launched young on Facebook a Lawrence Young Lawrence, stop young at Holborn assets dot com you confine me in in numerous ways? I don't mind. Spending habits are jammed with people. Individuals. If they want Teo to get involved in markets, we could We can pretty much tell everyone there's dependable nationality, their different rules. We can pretty much on

spk_0:   40:40
do their habits. Do they have to be based in Vietnam to contact you? No,

spk_1:   40:48
no, no Soul. I was seven. Scott calls with some teachers in China yesterday. I weirdly have ended up with clients in somehow in 26 different countries. But then I guess that's because expats were quite trends in army. So we moved around previously, my used in Malaysia a lot was all in gas and now forced to Kazakhstan, Texas wherever eso No, it doesn't matter where you are. We can function, do our job from anywhere in the world on. Everything we do is it could be transported with you around the world as well. Everything's liquid. It can be moved as long as we got access on Scott. And you know it can always be managed from a distance. So yeah. No, it doesn't matter. I will repeat, though, that there are different rules when it comes to becoming tax efficient. Say, for example, a United States citizen under factory rules would be differently treated to someone from the UK. But this is probably just as important as understanding what it by in the markets is what has become a tax efficient so anywhere. Well, doesn't matter to you. I can help anyone.

spk_0:   41:59
Awesome. Alright. Well, congratulations. Congratulations, Laura. Four years of the Vietnam with Warren sets. Ah, achievement. Enjoy the show. Your lobster. And I look forward to seeing you on the outside, and we will have a nice, frosty cold beer.

spk_1:   42:17
Absolutely. I've not had a drink for about three weeks. I didn't realise that the last guy. So we'll be looking forward to catch you. Maybe one of your your next comic geeks. Do you know when that might be resuming? When you get on any, you

spk_0:   42:31
know, no engine. Okay? Yeah.

spk_1:   42:35
I will keep my eyes peeled for when you were. Yeah, I hope both of you are doing okay. I know you've got a few more days to go to before you. You're released back into the wild. Well,

spk_0:   42:49

spk_1:   42:50
it is, Andy. For you both. I saw you. You might be receiving individual care packages.

spk_0:   42:57
Well, we did in the beginning, but they stopped after two days. Um, so but luckily we go enough supplies and in those 1st 2 days that's been able to see is through the mean one is coffee. We just literally like coffee is just what we were. Not really. We've not had any drinks, either a couple with a couple of years in the care package, but that for two weeks, a couple of years doesn't really count as much. So it's Morse living a coffee get through the day and some snow, but it's all good. But I know what It's fine. We weigh our preachy being back in Vietnam. We appreciate being looked after. We've no complaint about being here is just, Ah, we can vote to get backto mattress. We sleep on a hard wooden floor, um, noises who gets quite hot, and I three of us in this room, which we call her apartment, um, similar to what you said. It's just so very real.

spk_1:   43:51
Are you the one question that you just throw me a way in there that you just asked me? What's the first thing I'm gonna do? it. Well, supposing book? Did you get out?

spk_0:   44:03
Ah, cool drink is the three of us are just dying for recording. Just enter them with a senator. It's hot here. The sun comes in the room. We just have water and coffee and a Monte jinx. So anything cold is just that. That's what we want more than anything, a

spk_1:   44:22
walking and that I understand. The loveliest. Not far away.

spk_0:   44:26
Yeah, she is. All right, well, have a good day, guys. Enjoy your anniversary and speedy soon.

spk_1:   44:31
That's all very much for inviting, so appreciates,

spk_0:   44:34
You know, kids. But I