Greatness Podcast

Greatness Podcast (Ep 37) | Cathy Oddie Discusses Her Leadership and Advocacy as a Family Violence Lived Experience Consultant

Gretchen Gagel / Cathy Oddie Season 1 Episode 37

Hello everyone, this is Gretchen Gagel with Greatness. Just a warning that today's episode deals with some sensitive topics, specifically domestic violence and abuse. This is different from our usual subject matter and may be difficult for some listeners, so I wanted to put include a warning up front. With that out of the way, I think everyone can learn something from today's episode. Thank you.

Years ago I watched a speaker write “vict” on a flipchart, and then make the point that two letters change this from “victim” to “victor”. We have all overcome challenges in our lives, some more horrific than others. Cathy Oddie, Family Violence Lived Experience Consultant, embodies the journey from victim to advocate, and I’m grateful that she shared her powerful story on the Greatness Podcast.