Greatness Podcast

Greatness Podcast (Ep 49) | Zoe Daniel Discusses Her Book Greetings from Trumpland

May 24, 2021 Gretchen Gagel Season 1 Episode 49

I was listening to the radio here in Australia just after the last US presidential election, and the radio announcer asked "How do 70 million Americans think four more years of Trump is a good idea?". Regardless of your political viewpoint, Zoe Daniels' new book, Greetings from Trumpland: How an Unprecedented Presidency Changed Everything, gives incredible insight into answering this question given her time living in the US and covering the prior election and three years of the Trump administration for the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC). Zoe visited the Greatness podcast to share some of the highlights of what is a wonderful read. Her years of experience in Africa, Asia, Australia and the US traveling to remote locations and telling the stories of people's challenges give Zoe a unique perspective. While I work hard not to stray into politics, I felt her message should be heard. The inability to have civil discourse is not just a US challenge, it is a global challenge.