Greatness Podcast

Greatness Podcast (Ep 51) | Dr. Alyssa Westring Discusses Her Book Parents Who Lead

June 21, 2021 Gretchen Gagel / Dr. Alyssa Westring Season 1 Episode 51

Every once in a while we stumble across someone whose ideas are so compelling you simply must spend time with them. Dr. Alyssa Westring, co-author of Parents Who Lead is that person for me. She has studied the challenge of working parents for decades, but with a unique spin of applying leadership strategies to parenting. An example - in my book 8 Steps to Being a Great Working Mom, I talk about how we set unbelievably high expectations for ourselves as parents. Alyssa's thoughts on this - borrow from entrepreneurism and think "what's the minimal viable product" - genius. She and I also agree on the need to be vulnerable as both a leader and a parent.