Network Reliability Engineering
The Cloudcast
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The Cloudcast
Network Reliability Engineering
Apr 10, 2019
Aaron Delp & Brian Gracely

SHOW: 393

DESCRIPTION: Brian talks with Matt Oswalt (@mierdin, NRE @JuniperNetworks) and Derick Winkworth (@cloudtoad, Product Marketing Manager @JuniperNetworks) about how networking has adapted to DevOps and SRE, internally marketing the evolution to teams, and how NRE Labs are helping network engineers get up to speed. 





Topic 1 - Welcome to the show Derick and welcome back Matt. Tell us about your background and some of the things you’re working on now at Juniper.

Topic 2 -  We talked a couple weeks ago with Gustavo Franco from Google about SRE, you guys have been working on something you’re calling “NRE”. Tell us about the NRE concept and how this fits into the world of Networking and DevOps.

Topic 3 - Networking hasn’t been a very static thing in a long time (DHCP, WiFi access, VPNs), but now we also have applications joining and changing on a regular basis (CI/CD pipelines, containers, etc.). So how is that world changing the demands on “DevNetOps”? 

Topic 4 - What are you guys working on to tangibly move people forward in this space? Are there any resources or projects they should be aware of?

Topic 5 - When you’re a foundational technology, such as networking or storage, it can be tough to adapt rapid DevOps type activities or culture. How much of NRE or DevNetOps is tooling (automation, controllers) and how much is culture changes? 

Topic 6 - Change is always a journey. What are some of the steps that you’re seeing people take towards NRE or DevNetOps, and maybe what are some of the common early mistakes they make?