The Cloudcast

The Cloudcast #319 - Evolution of Prometheus Monitoring

November 02, 2017 Aaron Delp & Brian Gracely
Brian and Tyler Britten talk Julius Volz (@juliusvolz, @PrometheusIO co-founder, founder) about the evolution of Prometheus monitoring, from v1.0 to v2.0. We discuss the updated features and scalability, as well as best practices, lessons learned in production, and how Prometheus might interact with emerging projects such as Istio, Envoy and Linkerd.

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Show Notes
  • Topic 1 - Welcome back, it’s been about a year. Are you surprised at how much Prometheus has taken off since you first created it at SoundCloud?
  • Topic 2 - Prometheus 2.0 is now available (or soon shipping). What are the major things that are new in this release?
  • Topic 3 - What are some of the best practices you’ve found in deploying Prometheus in production?
  • Topic 4 - What are the biggest lessons learned, or things you wished you’d have known back then?
  • Topic 5 - Does Prometheus have a role in some of these emerging “service mesh” technologies like linkerd or Istio, that are trying to add more intelligence into application routing patterns?

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