The Cloudcast

The State of Kubernetes

Cloudcast Media

Nigel Poulton (@nigelpoulton, Docker & Kubernetes training) talks about the current and future state of Kubernetes, who is using it and why, implementation and operational challenges, and how get started and what tools he recommends

SHOW: 478



PodCTL Podcast is Back (Enterprise Kubernetes) -


Topic 1 - Welcome back to the show. Tell us about some of your most recent projects, and all the places where people can find your training? 

Topic 2 - Let’s talk about the State of Kubernetes, level of maturity of users/usage. Where do you think we are at the end of 2020? 

Topic 3 - Who do you find are trying to learn and use Kubernetes, more Infra/Ops, or AppDev, or somewhere in between (DevOps, DevSecOps, SRE, etc.)?

Topic 3a - Where do you see people succeeding, and where are they still struggling to adjust to the requirements of Kubernetes? 

Topic 4 - The ecosystem of projects around Kubernetes (immutable Linux, Operators, Service Mesh, Prometheus, OPA, Serverless/Knative, etc.) has gotten very broad. How do you find people are dealing with all these moving pieces? 

Topic 5 - There are a lot of ways to engage with Kubernetes these days - DIY (OSS), vendor distributions, Kubernetes on your laptop, web IDEs, Hosted Services (simple & complex). What do you recommend to people, or do you see trends about how people best engage with Kubernetes? 

Topic 6 - Do you think it’s OK that Kubernetes doesn’t have a “developer model”, but rather many different options? Do you think this evolves in 2021?  


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