The Cloudcast

The Cloudcast #350 - Accenture Cloud Platform

Aaron Delp & Brian Gracely
Aaron and Brian talk with Michael Liebow (@mliebow, Global Managing Director, @AccentureCloud) about evolving the Accenture culture to deliver on-demand cloud services, working across multiple cloud platforms, managing complex cloud billing models, and leveraging serverless technology to improve operations.

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Show Notes
  • Topic 1 - Welcome to the show. You’ve done some fairly significant things (Gov’t, VC/Board, CEO, International Business, Startups, etc.) prior to joining Accenture. Tell us about your background and some of your focus areas at Accenture.
  • Topic 1a - Let’s start by talking about the Accenture Cloud Platform (ACP) and how it has adapted to the Accenture culture (consulting). How do you bridge a culture of broad projects to a cloud offering with defined services?
  • Topic 1b - What do Accenture clients expect from the Accenture Cloud Platform both in terms of technology as well as culture/organizational shifts (e.g. DevOps, Digital Transformation, move into new markets, etc.)?
  • Topic 2 - In large corporations, what are realistic timelines before technology changes or cultural changes start to make a material impact on the business?
  • Topic 3 - Recently the ACP team was recognized for some new innovation around “tagging” cloud assets in multiple environments. How important is it to be able to bring basic concepts like tagging to corporations for consistency (terminology, asset management, compliance, billing, etc.)?
  • Topic 4 - We’ve heard that there is some pretty unique technology behind the scenes of the ACP - e.g. the entire platform runs as a set of serverless functions. Is this true, or what other tidbits can you share with us about building a global, multi-tenant cloud platform?

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