The Cloudcast

The Cloudcast #353 - The 2018 Mid-Year Show

Aaron Delp & Brian Gracely
Aaron and Brian talk about the first half of 2018: Acquisitions and IPOs, Rating and ranking the Public Cloud, a look at aspects of Private Cloud, Containers and Kubernetes, HCI and GDPR, as well as their perspectives on AI and IoT.

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Show Notes:

Topic 1 - It’s been a busy year for Cloudcast alumni in 2018  
  • Microsoft acquires GitHub - 7.5B
  • BonsaiAI acquired by Microsoft

  • Pivotal IPO - $555M

  • acquired by Palo Alto - $300M

  • CoreOS acquired by Red Hat - $250M

  • Splunk acquires VictorOps - $120M

  • Elastic (formerly ElasticSearch) - announced IPO plans

  • Loggly acquired by Solarwinds
Topic 2 - How would you handicap the public cloud market (leaders, laggards, emerging trends)?
  • Gartner only has 6 companies in their IaaS Magic quadrant

  • AWS keeps growing (apparently 30-35% of public cloud spending)

  • Microsoft keeps acquiring

  • Google is still TBD, but we’re going to GoogleNEXT in July

  • Alibaba is growing and starting to hear about more US companies using AliCloud

  • IBM and Oracle still seem like large Enterprise vendors
Topic 3 - Brian’s involved with containers, Aaron’s involved with Storage and HCI and some cloud integration, what’s interesting in those areas? What are the biggest trends you’re seeing in the private cloud / data center market?
Topic 4 - We’ve been trying to incorporate more AI and IoT into the shows this year. What have you learned so far, what has surprised you, where do you still have questions?

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