The Cloudcast

2018 Year in Review

December 31, 2018 Aaron Delp & Brian Gracely

Show: 378

Aaron and Brian review the biggest news, trends and topics of 2018.

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Cloudcast Housekeeping:

  • Thank you to our sponsors, both A Cloud Guru and DataDog
  • 64% of Krispy Kreme Funding -
  • 51 Shows, Avg Listens (show): 18-20k (+19%), Avg Rank iTunes Technology: 63
  • Over $50B in M&A and VC Funding for guests (all-time)
  • Acquired: Red Hat, Rightscale, CoreOS, GitHub,, Loggly, CloudHealth, VictorOps, Bonsai
  • IPO: Pivotal
  • Funding: SWIM.AI, Stryth Leviathan, Atomist, Kasten, Lightstep, Rubrik, Hashicorp, A Cloud Guru

Show Notes:

Big Trends:

  1. Gartner IaaS MQ is down to 6 companies (AWS, Azure, GCP, Alibaba, IBM, Oracle)
  2. AWS growing +40% ($25B revenues) and Azure revenues ~ $28-30B (but not explicitly broken out) - AWS claimed at re:Invent to have 51% market-share.
  3. Big acquisitions around Open Source (Red Hat, GitHub, Hortonworks)
  4. A new push by Open Source companies (Redis, Confluent) to change their licensing model to help protect them from public cloud providers taking their software and not giving back -
  5. Big funding and investments around HCI and Backup HCI
  6. Kubernetes continues to dominate containers and cloud-native (see: @PodCTL podcast)
  7. New CEO at Google Cloud (Thomas Kurian)
  8. Blockchain seems to need a new PR agency
  9. Interest rates are rising (2 more raises are projected in 2019), which changes all the VC models

Tech Stocks (2018):

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