My Perfect Failure

How to Transform Your Life with Helen Filtcroft

February 20, 2020 Paul Padmore

Discussion with with Helen Filtcroft

How to Transform Your Life with Helen Filtcroft

About Helen
Helen is a driven and creative entrepreneur who madly cherishes the spark of greatness residing in the hearts of all human beings. It's her mission to remind people who they really are.

 She has a deep understanding of what it means to be constantly moving towards an ever-more exciting and authentic expression of SELF.

An Australian who now lives in New Plymouth, New Zealand, she is a trained chef, a driven entrepreneur, MAP practitioner, committed wife and Mother to two young children.

As well as being principal coach at Stellar Humans, Helen also runs a food and life education company and is founder of a non-profit. She believes everyone should have access to the knowledge and resources which bring about a more fulfilling life experience.

Helen adores watching others taking bold strides towards their ultimate life experience and feels blessed to have a front row seat to the action.  She combines the MAP and Magnetic Mind methodologies with other success coaching strategies to bring about swift internal change and drive meaningful action. Her clients are able to focus on what matters most, make powerful decisions and operate with greater confidence, joy and influence.

Helen particularly loves to work with ambitious, heart-centred entrepreneurs and professionals by focusing on...

Authentic self-expression.

Smart strategic mindset and mindset adjustment.


Personal Influence, Accountability and Effectiveness.

 On this episode of My Perfect Failure (How to Transform Your Life) Helen explains the challenges she experienced moving from Australia to New Zealand and how she went onto Transform her life.  Helen now helps people Transform their life’s with her fabulous business “ Stellar Humans “.  Some of the areas we cover.


·         Helen explains how she transitioned from moving from Australia to New Zealand.

·         Helen explains “Stellar Humans” 

·         We learn about MAP and Magnetic Mind methodologies

·         We discuss subconscious reprogramming


Hire Helen: Stellar Humans



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