My Perfect Failure

How To Lead An Electric Life With Rob Rast

Paul Padmore

MPF Discussion with Rob Rast

How To Lead An Electric Life With Rob Rast

 About Rob 

Rob is an action sports and fitness influencer based in San Diego California. He has a Love of posting great content about skating, biking, surfing, flying airplanes...

 Rob is the "Co-founder of an electric skateboard company (Miles Board) and an electric bike company (  Do check out his amazing websites they are Electric just like his products.   Rob has a very unconventional background: dropped out of college, moved to China "learned fluent mandarin , started multiple businesses.   From these experiences Rob is ideally placed to provide People, businesses/entrepreneurs insights on life’s challenges and bouncing back with a bang from life's difficult moments.

Through life’s challenges Rob strives for a better life, to be a better person and expand his potential to bring value to the world. He believes Caring for others starts with caring for yourself. Invest in yourself Make yourself powerful and you’ll gain the power to change the world.   

 On this episode of My Perfect Failure (How to Lead an Electric Life) Rob Rast Co-founder of electric skateboard company (Miles Board) and electric bike company (  Discusses his Very unconventional background: dropped out of college, moved to China, "learned fluent mandarin , started multiple businesses. From his life journey Rob provides valuable business and life insights on how to navigate and beat the insurmountable challenges we all experience in life and still come out on top.  Tune in and sample Rob’s Insatiable appetite for life.  Some of the areas we cover:

 ·         Leaving college and booking a 1-way ticket to China

·         Raising $2 Million dollars in 60 days

·         Hitch hiking 2000 miles for a business meeting in Beijing 

·         Take back control of your life

 Follow Rob on Instagram


 Check out the launch of the Babymaker and see how you can reserve your very own Babymaker Bike.


 Link to Rob’s Instagram bio to see if you can be the lucky winner of Rob’s give away of either an Electric Skateboard or Electric Bike.  Good luck. 🤞 🤞


 Electric Bike Company


 Miles Board: Electric Skateboarding Company 


 Rob’s YouTube


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