My Perfect Failure

The Journey To Becoming My Own Best Friend with Karen Chaston

May 15, 2020 Paul Padmore

MPF Discussion with  Karen Chaston

The Journey to Becoming My Own Best Friend with Karen Chaston


About Karen 

Karen brings a unique perspective; extensive business experience and hard-earned wisdom that she wished were available to her when she needed them. 

As a C.P.A. and former corporate Chief Financial Officer, Karen ran on the corporate treadmill until the day her world came tumbling down. The constant effort of juggling everything was taking its toll even before tragedy struck when her son, Dan died at 27 in July 2011. 

Karen’s suffering and disappointments became the catalyst for her to STOP, take a Conscious Loving Breath and realise she’d been living in a “Groundhog Day Daze” and did not recognise who she had become.  

She then went on a personal and spiritual growth journey, that she likes to call “The Journey to Becoming My Own Best Friend.”  

Along the way, Karen was guided to realise that “Death” comes to us all, in many forms as we journey through life. Be it a death of a loved one, marriage, partnership, job, pet, health, wealth and many more.  

Karen is passionate about supporting you on your Beyond Loss journey of discovering and unwrapping the gift that any loss brings.


On this episode of My Perfect Failure (The Journey to Becoming My Own Best Friend) Keren talks candidly how she has overcome 2 major losses in her life and used her experiences to become her own best friend.  We discuss Karen’s beyond loss webinar where she informs attendees how we can  move beyond any kind of loss (loved one, divorce, job, health, wealth and many more) We also discuss Karen’s beyond loss retreat where attendees leave with the tools to cope with any kind of future loss they may encounter.  Some of the areas we cover.


·         Karen discusses her 2 major life losses

·         We learn there are 4o different loss events we can encounter

·         Karen breaks down the lesson to becoming your own best friend

·         The quality of our life comes down to the quality of questions we ask ourselves

 This provides a pathway for anyone across the globe to learn keen to Join Karen’s Retreat

·         How to move beyond death, divorce, job loss and many other losses

·         Ways that will assist you to stop the grieving and suffering.

·         In-depth insights into yourself and what this loss means for you moving forward

·         A step by step process that will assist you to move beyond any kind of loss (now and in the future.)

·         A detailed ‘all areas of your life’ action plan, that will assist you to close the gap from where you are now to where you would like to be.

For more information please visit: 

Or join Karen’s Beyond Loss monthly webinar at: 

Or email Karen at