My Perfect Failure

How to Develop your own Mastermind with Aaron Walker

Paul Padmore

MPF Discussion with Aaron Walker

How to Develop your own Mastermind with Aaron Walker 

 About Aaron

Aaron is a Businessman and Life Coach, he has inspired many through his leadership, mentorship, and consistent pursuit of excellence. He enjoys helping others and believes experience is a great teacher. 40 years of entrepreneurship and marriage have given him a wealth of experience. He continues to reach new heights and broaden his perspective of the terrain by examining his experiences and growing from them.

 He is the  President and Founder of  View from the Top and Iron Sharpens Iron Mastermind Group. He is also the creator of The Mastermind Playbook, an incredible resource that allows you to start, grow, and scale masterminds.

 On this episode of My Perfect Failure (How to Develop your own Mastermind)  Aaron reveals the secrets, the tips and tricks that have been integral to his mastermind mindset that have helped him achieve incredible success in his 40 year career as an entrepreneur.  Today Aaron is on a mission to help others skyrocket their careers and develop their own mastermind:  Some of the areas we cover.


·         Aaron discusses being an entrepreneur for 40 years

·         Selling his business to a fortune 500 company at 27

·         Mastermind your career 

·         The Mastermind Playbook (helping his clients skyrocket their careers)

·         Where there is no risk there is no gain

 Sign up to The Mastermind Playbook


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 Iron Sharpens Iron
