My Perfect Failure

It’s Awesome when you have Imposter Syndrome with Dominique Mas

Paul Padmore


MPF discussion with Dominique Mas

It’s awesome when you have Imposter Syndrome with Dominique Mas

 Dominique is the Director of Coaching at Medley and she runs her own coaching practice for high performers on the move.

 Starting out in life in a small village in the South of France, she defied her circumstances. She moved to London aged 18, alone, to learn English and she never stopped challenging herself since. A life-long learner, she is fueled by her extensive experience in educational leadership, living and working in Europe, Asia and the U.S. In 2017, she took a leap and transitioned to coaching full time, starting from scratch in a new country. Since then, she has helped countless outstanding high performers shift from a life that had been written for them to creating their legacy. 

 She is a surfer and adventurer, and she lives a peaceful life in Brooklyn, NY with her partner, the artist Swissipino and Professor the awesome dog.

 On this episode of My Perfect Failure (It’s awesome when you have Imposter Syndrome) Dominique reveals Imposter syndrome which very often stops many of us in our tracks, preventing us from realising our dreams and goals.  Dominique has a unique spin on Imposter Syndrome, believing that when we feel our Imposter Syndrome kicking in, if we reframe, we will realise the growth, new learnings, and opportunities it affords us.  Some of the areas we cover.

 ·         The benefits of dreaming and exploring 

·         The importance of courage when looking to peruse our goals and dreams

·         The process of Transformation and Stepping into your knew identity

·         It’s awesome when you have Imposter Syndrome

·         Reframe your Imposter Syndrome

·         Learn to recognise your Imposter Syndrome

·         Dominique discusses her Road Framework 


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Information about group coaching program for high performers on the move: please contact Dominique directly to discuss suitability

· It starts mid-January. 


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