My Perfect Failure

How To Use Failure As Your Guide with Stephanie Benedetto Padovani

February 18, 2021 Paul Padmore



MPF discussion with Stephanie Benedetto Padovani

How to Use Failure as Your Guide with Stephanie Benedetto Padovani


Stephanie Bio

Stephanie Benedetto Padovani of The Awakened Business helps coaches, healers and spiritual entrepreneurs craft an irresistible message to attract soulmate clients online without “marketing.” She's a Wild Creation Coach, Soul Storyteller and un-marketerer who uses curious questions, guided visualization, stories, and play to alchemize joyful creation in all its forms.

 On this episode of My Perfect Failure (How to Use Failure as Your Guide) Stephanie reveals how she was able to change her life in the pursuit of her desires.  Stephanie also explains how she uses her Inner Knowing to guide her to make decisions, deep down we invariably know what decisions we should make, we just have to trust ourselves.  Some of the areas we cover.

 ·         Trust our Inner Knowing.

·         How Stephanie changed her life in the pursuit of her desires

·         Timeline Therapy with her coach, being a pivotal moment in Stephanie’s life. 

·         How to beat our feelings of failure, by changing into stories.

·         Writing 50,000 words in 1 month.

 Stephanie Website:


 Contact Stephanie via email: 


 Stephanie’s Facebook


 (If you think this is a helpful piece.)

·         What Glorious Failure Can You Be? 

 Stephanie’s Podcast - Wild Creation Stories

·         Wild Creation Stories | Listen to Podcasts On Demand Free | TuneIn

 Stephanie’s Podcast – Wildspire 

·         Wildspire Podcast (