My Perfect Failure

A Mission To Prevent Teen Suicide with Jackie Simmons

September 18, 2021 Paul Padmore

My Perfect Failure -  Discussion with Jackie Simmons

A Mission to Prevent Teen Suicide with Jackie Simmons

TEDx speaker, Radio Show Host, International Best-selling Author, Mindset Magician, co-founder and Director of the Teen Suicide Prevention Society, Jackie Simmons is best known for her mission to “Stop Teen Suicide.” 

 Blindsided by her 14-year-old daughter’s suicide attempt in 1995, Jackie entered a world of depression, addiction, medical mysteries, and deadly silences. 

 The journey into the world of mental health services and cultural taboos left Jackie feeling lost and alone. 

 I’m fine” on the outside, Jackie hid her deep, psychic wounds behind a façade of frantic entrepreneurial activity.

Then on August 3, 2019, Jackie’s now 37-year-old daughter, broke the silence. Jackie calls August 3, the day her “purpose tapped her on the shoulder.” 

Please join me as I interview Jackie and about the journey that launched the movement to make teen suicide a thing of the past.

 On this episode of My Perfect Failure (A Mission to Prevent Teen Suicide) Jackie sheds light on teen suicide, a subject that clearly needs urgent attention.  Jackie reveals the very real consequences of not talking about this subject.  Some of the areas we cover.

 ·                Why we should have the talk that saves lives.

·                The importance of being honest with who we are,

·                Teen suicide Prevention.

·                Jackie breaks down the teen suicide WAAR.

·                Jackie breaks down the teen suicide society.

Watch “The Talk” on TEDx – please comment on it, like it, and most importantly, SHARE IT. You never know whose life you’ll save.  Visit:

Know the risks: What’s the truth behind the staggering number of teen suicide attempts? Find out your family’s level of suicide risk. Take the free assessment at:

 Learn “The Talk to Stop Teen Suicide,” practice the script, build emotional resiliency inside your family and beyond. Join the next class at:

Join the Teen Suicide Prevention Society and sponsor your teens in the program where they learn to help “suicide-proof” their friends. Learn more at:

Support the mission to make teen suicide a thing of the past: donate to the Teen Suicide Prevention Society - 501c3 non-profit. Any amount will help. Go to:

Build up your personal Know, Like, and Trust Factor. Take the assessment for free at:

 Book: “Make it a Great Day: The Choice is Yours -

 Book: “Your Path From Secret To Success” -